The REAL moon Hoax ?

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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I need some help here:

German Spaceflight expert Bernd Leitenberger was ask by a German translator to check 26 page about Moon Hoax
in 2015 the former KGB officer Sergej Bukowski publish his memories in Russia.
in 700 page book are 26 page about the Moon Race and his program to discredit it !
A German edition of Sergej Bukowski memories will be publish in several months.

Leitenberger had to look on Translation errors on space hardware. Leitenberger publish a german essay about in his Blog

According Bukowski, Breschnew abandon the Soviet moon race after disastrous N-1 second flight that destroy it's launch pad.
Bukowski presented a propaganda project that discredit the US effort of Moon landing, what Breschnew approved.

after KGB collect all available data about the Apollo project, they start there move.
with help of KGB Operative in USA, founded in USA the „Society of Moon Sceptics“
A organization that claim the Apollo moon landing never happened !
Then the KGB Operative help Bill Kaysing a member of „Society of Moon Sceptics“
To write the Book "We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle"
But to Bukowski disappointment had „Society of Moon Sceptics“ and the Kayoing book not effect he wanted.
So he look for Media like TV and Movies
after unsuccessful attempt of KGB Operative to persuade the Big Tv-station that something was wrong with Apollo program,
only some local Tv Station made reportage about faked moon landing, but not big success Bukowski hope for.

The Movie project run good, they found a Talented Scrip writer,
KGB created a hollywood production company who finance the movie and a American director to make it
Peter Hayms, the script Capricorn One
With Movie Success came finally the effect Bukowski hope for, people start to question the Space program
and start to buy Bill Kaysing book.

my questions

Exist a former KGB officer named Sergej Bukowski or Bukowsky in russia ?
Has he publish his memories in 2015 ?
And contain this really the KGB origin of Moon Hoax ?
B- B- B- B- Bulshit. Peter Hyams worked as a producer at CBS during the Apollo missions. He knew quite well they were not a hoax. His inspiration for Capricorn One arose from his disillusion with the media after Watergate and other scandals combined with his time at CBS.
While perhaps untrue, the idea of the KGB helping to kick off moon-hoaxers in the west isn't an unlikely possibility. The Soviets, after all, benefited (however briefly) from their fellow travellers in the West working to dismantle the Wests nuclear industry by way of the "nuclear power is bad" scams. It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that the anti-vaxxers are a long-delayed KGB operation coming to fruition.
UFOs. and the oath the Apollo astronauts kept. Would explain Armstrong being a demoralized reclusive alcoholic until he died. Would explain Buzz Aldrin's strange behavior and constant flirts with the subject.

The story is Apollo 11 had strange things happening the entire mission and that there was a "parking lot" of craft already on the moon watching the astronauts.

Strange references to "Santa Claus", and missing transmissions.

And why is Gordon Cooper ignored? He was saying he was seeing them constantly over Europe and film footage at Holloman AFB. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell also has made claims.

There are also employees who claimed NASA airbrushed the real moon photos.
Got a few chuckles from this thread.
Even if there was a KGB officer Sergej Bukowski it sounds like his KGB pension isn't paying much so he wants a subject to ensure good sales and prop up his income. After all what would we rather read, a real memoir of his dreary days as some minor official in a minor post doing mundane stuff or his hearsay about a moan-hoax theory to discredit the scientific and technological superiority of the backward capitalist West?
i got first info out russia

According there is no Russia author named Sergej Bukowski, either were a book publish in 2015.
although there is a Ukraine author named Sergej Bukowski who publish a book in 2009.
my Russian source believe the story absolute fake
Sergey _Bukovskiy_ is a former KGB Spetsnaz officer so you shouldn't mix Russian and Ukrainian here.
According to his self-bio he took part in special ops in Afghanistan in 80s which is confirmed by multiply photos etc
Manner of writings though makes you assured that this is mix of truth and (mostly) spinning of yarns.
It's like former CIA SAD ex-field officer was telling you that he has planned the crash of Soviet economy

You though can make your own conclusions from the book preface


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i got mail by Bernd Leitenberger

the entire story was Prank
boredom during summer, now he wonder that story take it live of own...

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