Sukhoi's S-3 - an Su-7 based fighter

overscan (PaulMM)

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27 December 2005
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A rough machine translation, it gives the essentials of the story. Taken from Aviatsiya i Kosmonautika December 2017.

Basically S-3 was an interceptor version of the S-1 (Sukhoi Su-7) with Almaz radar and gun armament. A mockup was converted from the S-1 mockup. It was discontinued, with the T-3 (which became Su-9) preferred.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers USSR of August 5, 1953 to the Chief designer OKB-1 (since January 1954 - OKB-51) P.O. Sukhoi was asked to design and build a single high-speed fighter with a swept wing and with the engine AL-7F in two versions: front-line fighter (factory code S-1) and the fighter-interceptor (factory code S-3).

The outline design of such a fighter with a swept wing x = 60 ° was ready in late October 1953, and the conclusion on approved by the Air Force Commander on December 11 1953, OKB-1 started production working documentation with simultaneous building a layout. With the release of workers drawings were made significant changes in layout and design aircraft, the estimated flight data.

The model of the aircraft in the version of the front fighter aircraft were shown to the consideration in February 19 54, and the protocol dummy commission The Air Force Commander-in-Chief approved March 19, 1954

The design of the aircraft in version interceptor was slightly different from the design of the front-line fighter and was reduced, basically, to changes equipment and weapons TTT Air Force. The generality of the construction and both variants of the aircraft allowed confine themselves to conversion to the S-3 model S-1.

In late July, P.O. SUkhoi reported to management MAP on the readiness of the layout of the aircraft S-3 and in early August he was brought Air Force for consideration. Since 4 of August 8, the Dummy Commission was held, and on September 9 the Air Force Commander-in-Chief approved protocol of the Modeling Committee.

In the conclusion of the protocol of the Modeling Committee
it was noted that:

"1. Layout ... endorse if provided mandatory fulfillment of requirements, stated in the protocol of the Modeling Committee and agreed with the Chief Designer.
2. Considering that the Council Regulation Ministers of the USSR. .. of 5.08.53 Flying data for an interceptor fighter "S-3" are not specified and having in view of increase in flight weight and change aerodynamics of the forward part of the fuselage, associated with the installation of a radar station "Almaz", consider possible to agree with the declared The main designer of flight data for this aircraft ....
4. To consider it necessary to ask the Ministry aircraft industry The USSR has the following activities:
... - to oblige NII-17 to develop jointly with the plant NO 589 MOP single the aiming head of the radar station Almaz, which combines the axle block of the station "Almaz" and the sighting head of the sight ASP-5N .... "

To the design work P-3 started in May and September 1, 1954, we graduated from working drawings. In July the same year a fuselage staple, was manufactured in parallel accessories, templates and mandrels. By the end of the year were completely manufactured copper parts, mechanical details of the fuselage and feathers, the main parts of the chassis.

Technical readiness of the S-3 aircraft for January 1, 1955 was 45.3%.

In March 1955 he was deputy. · М и н истра авиап Roma shlemnosti M. Lukin in his report Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR M. V. Khrunichev on the state of affairs with construction and the creation of a series of experienced and experienced fronts of the fighters and exterminators- interceptors, noted that:
«... in the OKB Sukhoi in addition to the four tasks on exterminators (S 3 was not mentioned, ppu / rf, asm.) Should be executed works on the construction of the station dsuh yuemnroRro, new sserh., sykovykh front, fighter with a swept wing wing one front, the one of the destroyer with triangular wing. Timing the completion of all these tasks is determined by 1955-1957, 2.2.

Practice works even the most OKB and experienced MAP factories shows, that the specified amount very important tasks at such a time. OKB and plant number 51 in the system experimental and construction organizations on aircraft construction are the least powerful. The collective of this design bureau and factory, in fact, does not have sufficient experience in creating and the development of new supersonic aircraft Without rendering this OKB a very serious assistance in completing elo frames, equipment and pro-jural area (and it also has to be shortened Tenatiki) the fulfillment of the above tasks is unrealistic .... "

This was followed by a resolution: "Denentevu P.V., Zhigarev P.F. Please familiarize yourself with the note by Comrade Lukin and prepare proposals for consideration This question is on my advice. on March 28, 55 at 10 o'clock ".

In early April 1955 work on the aircraft P-3 was discontinued.

The main data of the interceptor S·3 (declared by the chief designer)

The maximum speed at an altitude of 1000 m at the same force, km/h ···········1750
Maximum altitude.....................18500m
Maximum speed at 15000m........Mach 2.1
Practical range at an altitude of 15,000 m without forcing, km:
· Without hanging tanks ...........1400-1500
· With a hanging tank ...............2200-2300
Normal take-off weight, kg ........8600
Empty weight, kg .....................6506
Weight of fuel, kg .....................1850
, Wing span, mm ......................9300
Length of aircraft, mm ..............16400
Height in parking, mm ..............4480
Armament ..................................... two 30mm cannons OKB-16 MOS with ammunition 65 cartridges per each gun.
In the overload under the wing consoles one eight-barreled block ORO-57 for APC-57. The variants of installation under consoles are worked out wing bombs weighing 50-250 kg and rockets ARS-70, TRS-190 and ARS-212.
Ah. So that's kind of missing link between the two Sukhoi families - the ground pounders and the interceptors.
Ah. So that's kind of missing link between the two Sukhoi families - the ground pounders and the interceptors.
The Su-7 initially was not a 'ground pounder'. It was a tactical (front-line) day fighter. Its fighter-bomber version was designated the Su-7B and appeared later on, when it turned out that the Su-7 was a disappointment as a fighter.

The text in the opening post is quite clear on that:

Resolution of the Council of Ministers USSR of August 5, 1953 to the Chief designer OKB-1 (since January 1954 - OKB-51) P.O. Sukhoi was asked to design and build a single high-speed fighter with a swept wing and with the engine AL-7F in two versions: front-line fighter (factory code S-1) and the fighter-interceptor (factory code S-3).


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