Su-30, Su-33, Su-34 and Su-35 News thread, pictures and discussion

R-37, not R-73!

6x 300km-class AAMs + 4x typical MRAAM + 2 SRAAM does put the beast in (A/A) "beast mode". Makes you wonder about that recent headline regarding the USAF achieving the longest "known" A/A missile shot. Did they really get a 160kg AMRAAM out to more than 304km or does that R-37 intercept come under the caveat and thus expose their ignorance?
R-37, not R-73!

6x 300km-class AAMs + 4x typical MRAAM + 2 SRAAM does put the beast in (A/A) "beast mode". Makes you wonder about that recent headline regarding the USAF achieving the longest "known" A/A missile shot. Did they really get a 160kg AMRAAM out to more than 304km or does that R-37 intercept come under the caveat and thus expose their ignorance?
R-37 is catapult-launched, so again, engine stall is not an issue.
Imagine... 6x R-37 and still space for 4x R-77-1.
Are R73s able to launch from such a position?

It is my understanding that due to the fact that R73s launch straight off the rail, the ingestion of rocket exhaust would preclude such a load out.
Oh good lord, I am rereading this in the morning. I am illiterate!!

How can I read R-37 and mentally see R-73?

No words can express my disappointment in myself...
R-37, not R-73!

6x 300km-class AAMs + 4x typical MRAAM + 2 SRAAM does put the beast in (A/A) "beast mode". Makes you wonder about that recent headline regarding the USAF achieving the longest "known" A/A missile shot. Did they really get a 160kg AMRAAM out to more than 304km or does that R-37 intercept come under the caveat and thus expose their ignorance?
What was the weight of the latest R-37 missile again?
Are there any pictures showing it mounted on inner wing stations? My guess would be on the Airduct stations.
Another nice pic of the dual rails:


"The test of a new small hypersonic hypersonic missile "Sharp" for bombers is due to begin next year, Izvestia reported. The new missiles will help our country to maintain its leading position in this high-tech type of weapons, with their help it is possible to launch irresistible strikes on the most protected objects, experts noted.

The new missile will be used by long-range Tu-22M3 bombers and operational-tactical Su-34, sources in the defense ministry told Izvestia. The development is carried out within the framework of experimental design work under the cipher "Sharpia" in the engineering KB "Rainbow" by A.Y. Bereznyak.

A direct air-jet engine, known as "product 71", has been developed especially for the new super-high-speed rocket. Its creation is entrusted to the Turaevsky Engineering KB Soyuz (part of the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation).

On Thursday, May 20, Vladimir Putin announced that Russia has a new type of strategic weapon - a hypersonic planning unit "Avangard" with intercontinental range. The President noted that no one but Russia has such weapons, and they continue to develop.

In February of this year, the head of the Defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu said that it is hypersonic complexes of various bases will be the basis of Russian non-nuclear deterrence forces. The Minister held a meeting on additional purchases of such weapons, as well as long-range precision missiles.

As previously reported by Izvestia,
a long-range hypersonic missile Gremlin is being developed for Tu-22M3 bombers, the tests of which are due to be completed in 2023. The "sharpness" will have a shorter range than it has."
Might be of interest; During MAKS 2019 i asked the techs (or were they pilots? not sure) that were hanging around Su-35S about the double pylons. Wondered if they were just a prototype thing and not in service. Surprisingly they answered that that they are in service and "have been for a while". It did take a while to be spotted though. Another fun fact, when i shared this piece of information and information i got asking about R-37M (i have been waiting for that bby for so so long now) at MAKS 2019 i got banned on Paralay for "spreading misinformation". This is the forum that is regularly xenophobic and spreads absolute horsesh!t about Elon Musk/Tesla/SpaceX, but what do i know.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

EDIT; Slight correction, i did not write about the double AKU-170's on paralay, just info i got about R-37M when i asked around at MAKS. The rest is correct.
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It did take a while to be spotted though. Another fun fact, when i shared this piece of information and information i got asking about R-37M (i have been waiting for that bby for so so long now) at MAKS 2019 i got banned on Paralay for "spreading misinformation". This is the forum that is regularly xenophobic and spreads absolute horsesh!t about Elon Musk/Tesla/SpaceX, but what do i know.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Your going to love Russia defense net ;)
Hey they are breddy gud. Dont make fun of frens pls.
oh well not really insulting them just wondering how much difference there is on paralayboard and that forum. just like how one admin over there happens to be admin and from New Zealand just like the admin we found here which I found amazing, what a small world. I am sure there are similarities to other forums such as being very favorable to right wing politics and space battle forum being very favorable to left wing politics and the only way to stop users from both sides killing each other is the love of Space X.
Haha I know brother I like your posts. I was being silly. Btw concerning spacebattles and arfcom they be great forums but what you said is indeed true!
There was some ground crew that got ingured as well, they must have been close, they had burn inguries.
Interesting nozzle feathers there, reminds me more of those on the F-15EX then anything else.
So, yeah. Su-30SM-2.

As far as i heard this one have the Su-35 engine and Radar's. This might be the "prime" flanker variant especially that KNAAPO plant might switch full swing to Su-57 production. The SM-2 will compete with F-15EX in export market, both fighter in my view is nearly identical in capability. Both have phased array radars, 2 crews, compatibility with wide range of munitions and being multirole.

The advantage i see at least for now is SM-2 may have option for very long range AAM's the RVV-BD and Indian Brahmos supersonic anti ship missile.


Talks underway about extending Su-30MKI licence production by 50 units.
Interesting. I wonder if they might also include some techs and "lesson learned" from SM-2. That would I think help India in their "Super Sukhoi" program.

Следующий шаг – это ремоторизация Су-34 на этот же двигатель.

Consideration again to up-thrusting the Su-34 with 117S apparently.
hello yall.
i plan to combine the Su-27 threads into here and make it an ultimate Flanker Family thread (excluding the Chinese variants).
it probably won't make much of a difference as there's hardly that much Su-27 related posts. (a bit surprised there's only 2 pages)
Yeah it's sad. Great news about su-34 tho. Wondering if they are thinking about extra power for the new pods on the M model.
On December 13, 3 new fighters arrived in Lipetsk.

And the news from December 7th. Perhaps 4 new bombers were added to the troops:

Well it's already fake even before Babak Taghavee made that assertion.

as for the Egyptian Su-35 delivery.. it's to be delivered in 2023.

It's kind of weird tho as the aircraft already built means the contract is effective. If US wish to impose CAATSA it already have all the excuses it needs without needing the fighter to even set afoot on Egyptian soil.

Следующий шаг – это ремоторизация Су-34 на этот же двигатель.

Consideration again to up-thrusting the Su-34 with 117S apparently.
Back in the day their were plans to fit it with the AL-41f, the original one built for the MFI. I wonder what ever happened with that.
Well it's already fake even before Babak Taghavee made that assertion.

as for the Egyptian Su-35 delivery.. it's to be delivered in 2023.

It's kind of weird tho as the aircraft already built means the contract is effective. If US wish to impose CAATSA it already have all the excuses it needs without needing the fighter to even set afoot on Egyptian soil.
It's not clear...

If they are to be delivered to Iran, they will not be delivered to Egypt, even in 2023 ...

Probably to be continued to see the explanation.
Back in the day their were plans to fit it with the AL-41f, the original one built for the MFI. I wonder what ever happened with that.
41F never was developed :confused:
Plus it being so much bigger than original 31F would require much more substantial airframe rework than from T-10KM-2 to T-10V.

According to an ever-increasing number of reports, Iran and Russia will sign a 20-year USD 10 billion defence agreement somewhere this month. Under that agreement, Moscow would supply the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) with 24 Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E, two S-400 air defence missile systems and a military satellite.

Although Russia’s main arms exporter Rosoboronexport surprisingly declined to comment on this agreement, Iran’s Mehr News Agency reported that Russia is ready to sell the Su-35 Flanker-E to Iran. If the billion dollar deal will materialise, remains to be seen, but it is not unlikely.

In recent Google Earth footage of the KnAAPO Aircraft Plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, where the Su-35 is produced, fifteen airframes can be seen. These are all part of an order placed by Egypt. The al-Quwwat al-Jawwiya Il Misriya (EAF, Egyptian Air Force) had originally 24 to 30 Su-35s on order, seven of which have been noted by Scramble Magazine so far and these are ready to be delivered.

However, Egypt was put under tremendous pressure by the US government and the threat of sanctions against Cairo under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) seems to have persuaded the Egyptians to abandon the acquisition altogether.

Russia announced earlier that it had signed deals with Indonesia and Algeria on the delivery of the Su-35. In February 2018, Russia and Indonesia finalised a contract for eleven aircraft, valued at USD 1,14 billion. In December 2021, Indonesia officially confirmed that it abandoned the Su-35 acquisition plans and is pursuing the procurement of the French-build Dassault Rafale, the switch again instigated by looming US sanctions. The al-Quwwat al-Jawwiya al-Jaza'eriya (Algerian Air Force), in turn, decided to upgrade its existing fleet of Su-30MKA already supplied by Russia from 2007 onwards. This leaves China the only export customer so far of this 4.5 generation multi-role fighter.

The availability of the aircraft for Iran does not guarantee their delivery to Iran, however. It remains unclear how Iran will pay for these advanced fighters and even of a greater importance is if the Iranian Republican Guard Corps (IRGC) will allow the IRIAF to operate such a powerful weapon. Internal rivalry between the IRIAF and the IRGC is not uncommon.

US put pressure on Algeria with CAATSA because Su-35 doesn't make sense for me. AFAIK, Algeria air force equipment mostly based on Russia stuff with few west stuff. Algeria get CAATSA because they want Su-35 is like giving Vietnam CAATSA treatment because they buy Su-35. It will only help China find military export customer.

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