SpaceX (general discussion)

The secretary-general of the United Nations lumped space tourism alongside corruption and loss of freedoms as part of a “malady of mistrust” facing the world, another sign of the backlash in some quarters to private human spaceflight.

In an address to the United Nations General Assembly Sept. 21, Secretary-General António Guterres singled out “billionaires joyriding to space” as one of the symptoms of growing mistrust the world’s population has toward governments and other institutions.

Some pretty ill informed comments here.

Rotten FAA

Reading there PDF i found a Limitation on Number of launches during a Year
20 Suborbital Launches with Starship
FIVE Launches with Starship/Superheavy into Orbit
That's the number that SpaceX applied for; they're setting the number relatively low for now so that they can get the approval quicker; later they can try to have it revised to a larger number. In addition, SpaceX does plan to conduct Starship launches from the Cape and sea-based platforms which aren't covered under this environmental assessment.
Rotten FAA

Reading there PDF i found a Limitation on Number of launches during a Year
20 Suborbital Launches with Starship
FIVE Launches with Starship/Superheavy into Orbit

Well...perhaps that will change when

1. SpaceX proves they can do it safely
2. It becomes a boon to the S Texas economy
3. It becomes a national strategic asset

Time will tell
The secretary-general of the United Nations lumped space tourism alongside corruption and loss of freedoms as part of a “malady of mistrust” facing the world, another sign of the backlash in some quarters to private human spaceflight.

In an address to the United Nations General Assembly Sept. 21, Secretary-General António Guterres singled out “billionaires joyriding to space” as one of the symptoms of growing mistrust the world’s population has toward governments and other institutions.

Some pretty ill informed comments here.

Or some strategically placed lobbying.

I can think of a number of countries that are not pleased about the US and SpaceX owning the launch market. Space tourism will only solidify that lead and create an unimaginable new economy in which the US will dominate.
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I think my conversations with SpaceX and Elon [Musk] and that if there's a mission that can make a real meaningful contribution to humanity and all of our collective interests in human space exploration, and sure I would be interested in talking this over, but I won't ever go on a joy ride and I would want to make sure it was, like I said, very impactful and have a profound impact on the world. So, I don't know what that is at this point or if there ever will be. And the bar is pretty high, I think, after Inspiration4.
Shuttle might have used snap-on ablative per Portree. Super Heavy has potential: this de facto Shuttle II? We will see...
Everyday Astronaut
How’re the titles gonna stay on during ascent? I’m still a little surprised nature didn’t have the right idea and do the tiles more like scales. On ascent there’d be less room for aerodynamic forces to rip them off and it’d allow for expansion and contraction of the steel

Elon MuskThat said, I’m not entirely convinced that this couldn’t be done with several overlapping scales of metal sheet with an insulator between scale armor & primary structure.


Elon says tile failure was caused by header tank vent:

Denticles...Starship as whale shark. The join tesselation of one pattern...but a vertical flow pattern on raised surface textures form another layer. PBS had a nice program on his life last night. Not a hit piece...Michael Sheets twitter against Bezos' lawsuit was that...along with the Verge's other article on Blue Origin's gamble. Musk has been unfairly linked with the other two billionaires by greens...while Townhall on the right did a hit piece against Musk. I suggest a bipartisan defense. For my friends here on this international site who lean left: Half of Musk's taxes go to entitlements and the American defense industry, in that order...which limits what he can spend on Green causes-like those of two recent Space Review articles. I therefore suggest the following: a 95 percent tax on Bezos, Gates and Buffet only-as a one time lump sum to a Space Based Solar Powersat program for Starship and SLS. Bezos legal team will go back to chasing ambulances...and his wealth now used to help-not hinder-Old Space and new space alike. In exchange...neither Musk nor SpaceX ever pay taxes again. I think everybody Left Right and Center would support this one-time bill. It would be a true infrastructure bill that would not raise taxes on most citizens...SLS would give it wide support-and Musk...the FDR of the twenty-first century...would use every cent on hardware.I hear the incredibles who made the 747...I hear the WPA men of old...
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Excellent final episode of the Inspiration4 documentary and the whole series was great. It also acts as an effective rebuttal to those complaining about private spaceflight. I mean the fact that even seeing the views of the Earth they took from cupola on a TV screen is still impactful says something. The mission in my view very much lived up to its name.

Truly an exciting moment for the CP team. I felt a huge sense of responsibility placing remote cameras ahead of I4. They had to work & the shots had to come out great so we could share them with the world. Little did we know it would end up in the #Inspiration4 documentary


The @inspiration4x docu-series on Netflix shared some of the most beautiful @SpaceX launch cinematography we've seen. Many great shots... including one by our team!! This slow-mo captured by @johnpisaniphoto. Did you catch it?

Watch in 4k here:
The #Crew3 launch date has been brought forward by one day. @astro_matthias and his crew mates are now expected to start their journey to the @Space_Station on Saturday 30 October at 08:43 CEST (06:43 GMT, 2:43 a.m EDT).


The latest from @SpaceX McGregor:

A new Falcon Second Stage (including Merlin Vacuum engine) has been installed!

But THIS one has some very special markings…
*N A S A*, including both the NASA Worm and the Meatball!

@NASASpaceflight @SpaceXTests
Regarding the Inspiration4 crew Hayley and the same goes for Jared and Sian seemed like ducks to water. I could well imagine all three flying again. Chris I think will probably more likely follow up on his statement of visiting all the places he could see from space. I could well imagine Jared investing in the Starship program.

The @inspiration4x crew returned to SpaceX this week to share their experiences from training through their multi-day flight around Earth

Dragons flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good -Nina Simone

Thanks @SpaceX! Officially a Dragon Pilot! @inspiration4x
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Off Topic
TESLA shareholder meeting Musk talks about:

TESLA will license their AI drive Software to other car manufactures.
Also development of true AI "in a positive way" so Musk

TESAL will build in future a mini Bus like VW Bully (and other types of vehicles)

Also Expand in Power production with Solar Roof
and Storage therefore there cooperation with other Battery producers, special for Storage Power-pacs.
And TESLA start campaign for new home owner "you want to be independent from Power grid ? get a Solar Roof !"

TESLA Assurance division: on there cars, power supply and other things

You notice that TESLA is transforming from to be just a Car manufacture to a conglomerate

TESLA HQ will move to Austin, Texas,
I wonder wen SpaceX HQ in Hawthorne move to Starbase ?

Their solar service is slow AF. I put in my deposit months ago. They did an initial assessment and configuration and it's been crickets. My brother did the same a month or two before me with the same result. To be fair almost anything with a computer chip is probably in a similar boat. Ordered a Jeep for the Mrs back in April and we're still waiting to hear if they've even started building it.

Stich also says the agency got great data from the private Inspiration4 mission. NASA was especially interested to get information about reentry performance of the vehicle and its parachutes coming back from a higher altitude.


NASA’s Steve Stich says in media call that SpaceX is sharing data with NASA from the Inspiration4 flight, including TPS, parachutes, life support.


Stich also congratulates SpaceX on the success of the Inspiration4 mission. NASA collected data from the flight, and will notably take a close look at the thermal protection system tiles after re-entering from a higher altitude.
Stich says NASA flew its WB-57 aircraft during Inspiration4's reentry "to collect some data on parachutes," which the agency is also examining alongside SpaceX.

One of my favorite photos with the half moon off to the side and all the different shades of white. What do you see in the clouds?

People have asked about seeing the stars while in space. Here is my best photo with Orion and I actually saw many satellites as streaks of light moving below us and caught this one in the 2nd photo. The blue smudge to the right is just light reflection off the glass.

Sarah Walker, director of Dragon Mission Management for SpaceX, says the company will debut a third Crew Dragon vehicle for the Crew-3 mission, and has a fourth one in production that will be completed next spring.


This will give SpaceX a fleet of four:

Crew Dragon Endeavour (on orbit)
Crew Dragon Resilience (modified with cupola)
Crew Dragon for Crew-3
Crew Dragon under construction

Will be interesting to see if a second one of these is modified w/ cupola for private free-flyer missions.

Steve Stich of NASA says, for the upcoming Crew 3 mission, this is the first time Crew Dragon is flying with a reused nose cone.

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