Soviet ABM systems

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Anybody have specs such as motor performance, missile velocity, acceleration, and range, and so forth for Gazelle? ("Anybody" meaning you SOC ;) )
sferrin said:
Anybody have specs such as motor performance, missile velocity, acceleration, and range, and so forth for Gazelle? ("Anybody" meaning you SOC ;) )

Gimme a while to get it organized. My next three projects are finishing the Falcon missile history, War of the Weird Part 1, and then a huge update to the Soviet/Russian ABM feature.
Right now? My computer, as a PDF file! I'm looking at Scott's MagCloud idea for the Falcon thing. Right now it looks like it'll come in at about 80 pages. The other two:

-War of the Weird: not gonna be too long, that one will show up on my website.

-Soviet/Russian ABM systems: gonna be long, but can't be published for profit someplace like MagCloud. Why? Lots of Google Earth imagery. So it'll either show up as a really damn long feature on my website, or more likely will be available there as a free PDF download.
This is what I have so far from a huge google trawl of the internet using Google Translate and cyrillic for the heavy long range interceptors of the various A-35/35M/135 systems:

А-350Ж / A-350Zh (ABM-1 GALOSH)

GRAU: 5В61 (5V61)

Interceptor Sustainer Motor: 5Д22 (5D22): 29,540 lbf single chamber liquid fuel motor using UDMH-NT.
Interceptor Steering Motor: 5Д18 (5D18) four chamber liquid fuel motor using UDMH-NT

Interceptor Length: 11.9 meters (calculated)
Interceptor Launch Mass: 15 tonnes

Booster Motor: Four clustered solid rocket boosters using ballistite; GRAU index 5С47 (5S47)
Booster Length: 7.9 meters
Booster Diameter: 2.57 meters
Booster Launch Mass: 15,000 kg

Overall Length: 19.8 meters
Overall Launch Mass: 32,700 kg

Maximum Range: 350 kilometers
Engagement Altitude: 120 kilometers

Transportation: Transported via MAZ-537s in sealed firing containers.

Notes: The 5D22 and 5D18 engines are actually the 15D13 and 15D14 engines on the UR-100 ICBM, but repackaged for use in the A-350 due to political reasons.

А-350Р / A-350R (ABM-1B GALOSH)

GRAU: 5В61Р (5V61R)

Interceptor Sustainer Motor: 5Д22 (5D22): 29,540 lbf single chamber liquid fuel motor using UDMH-NT.
Interceptor Steering Motor: 5Д18 (5D18) four chamber liquid fuel motor using UDMH-NT
Interceptor Length: 11.9 meters (calculated)

Interceptor Launch Mass: 15 tonnes

Booster Motor: Four clustered solid rocket boosters using ballistite; GRAU index 5С47 (5S47)
Booster Length: 7.9 meters
Booster Diameter: 2.57 meters
Booster Launch Mass: 15,000 kg

Overall Length: 19.8 meters
Overall Launch Mass: 32,700 kg

Minimum Range: 80 kilometers
Maximum Range: 520-640 kilometers

Minimum Engagement Altitude: 50 kilometers
Maximum Engagement Altitude: 350 kilometers

Transportation: Transported via MAZ-537s in sealed firing containers.

Notes: Modernized version of A-350Zh.

Emphasis placed on:

Redesigning guidance and navigation system to operate in wider regimes of exo/endo-atmospheric flight.

Developing radiation hardened autopilot and electronics to enable offensive sorting and to “juggle” multiple engagements at one time.

Greater 'useability' allowing faster reloads via significantly reducing the amount of time it took to fuel a missile, load the warhead and then emplace it on a launcher.

А-925 Азов / A-925 Azov (ABM-4 GORGON)

OKB: Факел / Fakel

GRAU: 51T6

IOC: December 1995
EOC: 2008

Interceptor Sustainer Motor: 5Д22 (5D22): 29,540 lbf single chamber liquid fuel motor using UDMH-NT.
Interceptor Steering Motor: 5Д18 (5D18) four chamber liquid fuel motor using UDMH-NT

Interceptor Length: 11.9 meters (calculated)

Interceptor Launch Mass: 15,000 kg

Booster Motor: Solid Rocket Booster

Booster Diameter: 2.57 meters

Booster Launch Mass: 30,000 kg

Total Launch Mass: 45,000 kg

Transportation: Transported via MAZ-547s in sealed firing containers.

Notes: Development of the A-925 began in December 1971, with the first launch occurring in March 1979. Full Scale Production seems to have occurred from 1990-1993. In February/March 2006 it was decided to remove these missiles from service; which was completed by 2008.
This is what I have for SPRINTski:

53Т6 Амур / 53T6 Cupid (ABM-3 GAZELLE)

OKB: Новатор / Novator

Total Length: 10 meters
Total Diameter: 1 meter
Total Weight: 10,000 kg

Minimum Altitude: 5,000m
Maximum Altitude: 30,000m

Maximum Range: 80 kilometers

Warhead A: АА-84 ten kiloton warhead?
Warhead B: Самолет-М / Plane-M High Explosive

Transportation: Transported via MAZ-543s in sealed firing containers.

Description: Two-stage solid fueled missile.

Notes: Development began in 1967 for System C-225 with the first test missile manufactured in 1973. In 1978, the first prototype series missiles were launched. By 1979 the second series prototype missiles were being launched. The first launch of a semi-operational missile was in July 1981. It successfully intercepted a ballistic target in April 1982. During that test, the miss distance was 50~ meters. Upon this successful test, the C-225 system was terminated and the 53T6 was transferred over to the A-135 “Amur” system.

In the late 1990s the nuclear warheads were downloaded and replaced with HE-FRAG warheads.
Some more A-350 photos:


  • A-350_Launcher.JPG
    45.3 KB · Views: 81
  • A-350_Launcher_Load.JPG
    41.7 KB · Views: 74
  • A-350_Truck_1.JPG
    34.9 KB · Views: 73
  • A-350_Truck_3.JPG
    57.8 KB · Views: 75
  • A-350_Truck_2.JPG
    62.3 KB · Views: 81
A-925 / T1T6 Photos:


  • 51T6.JPG
    50.7 KB · Views: 49
  • 51T6_Interceptor.jpg
    77.8 KB · Views: 55
  • 51T6_Truck_1.jpg
    97.6 KB · Views: 56
  • 51T6_Truck_2.jpg
    32.2 KB · Views: 62
RyanCrierie said:
This is what I have for SPRINTski:

Total Length: 10 meters / close +
Total Diameter: 1 meter /fail +
Total Weight: 10,000 kg /close -

Minimum Altitude: 5,000m /bingo 0
Maximum Altitude: 30,000m /fail +

Maximum Range: 80 kilometers /fail -
sorry to include pics directly...didn't read the forum rules until now - pls forgive - if I would know how I would delete complete post - may be done at any time by mods - THX
sorry to include pics directly...didn't read the forum rules until now - pls forgive - if I would know how I would delete complete post - may be done at any time by mods - THX
rambo54 said:
The only known picture of lower part of 53T6 shows some fins

Except that's not a 53T6 at all, but a 11K65M (Kosmos-3M) SLV ;)

rambo54 said:
S-225 System was tested at site 35, too.
Early tests (for example throw test with 20 degree erection on launch rails sitting over a ditch) happend here

Later on 5Ya26 or PRS-1 were tested in different type of silo constructions. This happend here (later on destroyed in order to comply with ABM Treaty -> max. of 12 launch facilities at each test polygon). Note one of the two (empty) Radar pads for 5K17 Type.

5Ya27 were tested on launch tables and erected by auxilliary equipment. Tables still present in the first picture and here (there were a total of three launch facilities for S-225 at site 35 before a new silo site was created for 53T6 which is still in service)

Are these from Google Earth or similar? Do you have the coordinates for the S-225 test sites? I tried searching for them some time ago but didn't succeed. I think they were in a low-res area of GE when I last looked.
sorry to include pics directly...didn't read the forum rules until now - pls forgive - if I would know how I would delete complete post - may be done at any time by mods - THX
sorry to include pics directly...didn't read the forum rules until now - pls forgive - if I would know how I would delete complete post - may be done at any time by mods - THX
yes... I wrote article about S-225 - I think that now it's most full about this system
in google translate you can see and may be it will be interesting for you...

But today or tomorrow I will remake this article
I have some new information about this system

shortly - S-225 had some modification by radar
- layout system S-225 - radar mod.S-200
- First model of S-225 - RSN-225 with one type of computers
- Second model of S-225 - RSN-225 with other type of computers

and 5K17 - for missiles searching at Kamchatka

sorry for my English
rambo54 said:
->Trident: Thanks for the info - that was new to me

Wow! Thanks a lot! It will take some time for me to digest.

yes... I wrote article about S-225 - I think that now it's most full about this system
in google translate you can see and may be it will be interesting for you...

But today or tomorrow I will remake this article
I have some new information about this system

Thank you, will have to read through it. It's been a few years since I last really looked at Soviet ABM systems, nice to see some more information has appeared since then.

Do you happen to have anything on the S-550 system? It should be a mobile ABM system based on the S-225 designed around 1981.
-> Dimmi: Sorry that I didn't realized it immediately...Dimmi...of course I knew and appreciate that article on military tomsk! It was a vital step to collect the rather rare information about S-225. Sadly enough that even the russian net offers just a few pictures of that stuff. Thanks a lot for sharing your informations!
->Meteorit: my pleasure. You can find some more interesting stuff on that Terraserver pictures. Here are some coordinates (just forward them - but without the "degree" sign - right into the Terraserver search modus):
Hen Nest / Hen Egg sites (clear picture of the three sites in support for V-1000):
Site 1: 45.631759° 72.600197° (next to the SAM Training site: 45.624575° 72.567061° obviously in use for 234-й учебный центр ПВО / 234th Educational centre of air defence)
Site 2: 46.238631° 70.916193° (BTW: you can play with some kind of "History Layer" on Terraserver pictures too (i think it's with the indicator "imagery" seen on the pictures - I know it's boring to wait until the picture comes up - the SW is worse than GE but the pictures are better)
Site 3: 46.948228° 72.521741°.
Moreover Terraserver show even some of the Theodolith Observer-Stations:
e.g. Site 17: 46.876065° 71.874746°.
BTW: you sure will now the High Res GE picture of Naro-Fominsk-10 (55.347138° 36.483078°) which show one (of two) 51T6 sites.
The sites at Nudol and Klin did not got that update and stood with 5V61R. If you look to Terraserver
or to you can see Klin in High Res. Easy to figure out that there were no silos.
Have fun.
DIMMI said:
yes... I wrote article about S-225 - I think that now it's most full about this system
in google translate you can see and may be it will be interesting for you...

Good sir, thank you very much for the link and for also writing that article. It helps clarify a lot of Soviet ABM development, particularly WHAT ABM-X-3 was, along with what radars were associated with it.

sorry for my English

No, you don't need to be sorry; you're better at english than I am Russian!
DIMMI said:
Thank you for good opinion about articles
Of course, we have article about many ABM systems - full list at right part of page -

S-550 - so little information, sorry -

Thanks, actually I noticed that after I had posted my question here :-[. Great site overall, by the way, browsed around a bit and there seems to be loads of interesting information, in particular on the surface-to-surface missiles (now when am I going to have time to read through it all!?)

I made a Google Earth location file of the Site 35 structures rambo54 posted. While the resolution is lower than on Terraserver, I think this makes it easier to visualize the relative locations of the various places. I have to admit I got kinda lost on Terraserver :). I also added some descriptions from the CIA document SOVIET STRATEGIC DEFENSES (NIE 11-3-71 M/H) ( pages 9 to 14, which includes a map of what the CIA thought of what they called the Launch complex F in 1971. Any feedback is appreciated.
Hm, reading your description of the 53T6, did I understand correctly that this is a single-stage, dual-pulse rocket? I. e. two separate propellant charges for boost and cruise but exhausting through a common nozzle, unlike Sprint with its separate stages where the booster is dropped after burn out.
sorry to include pics directly...didn't read the forum rules until now - pls forgive - if I would know how I would delete complete post - may be done at any time by mods - THX
May be I don't write some information in article about 53T6... now I remake S-225 (I have some upgrade of information about this system)... later I will remake 53T6 article

in some words - 53T6 single stage solid drive missile with guided detachable warhead
type of guidance - radio command
type of guidance drive:
- first stage - gas injection into the flow of main drive
- warhead stage - gas-dinamical microdrives perpendicular to the axis of the missile

work or not microdrives on first stage I don't know... I think that they don't work on first stage

p.s. one more - what about my pic with 53T6 - we have some speculation here - I paint this summer when I don't know some details.... and some details I can't paint because that can be danger (danger for me of course)))))

p.p.s. and what about maps - do you saw objects in
Thank you, DIMMI! So it has, in essence, a kill vehicle (which is unpowered, but has reaction controls) with a nuclear warhead? Very interesting, seems the 53T6 doesn't have that much in common with Sprint after all, other than its mission and external shape.
Trident said:
So it has, in essence, a kill vehicle (which is unpowered, but has reaction controls) with a nuclear warhead?

Ordinary 53T6 must have nuclear warhead with much rentgen radiation...
But has any information about test with non-nuclear warheads last time... but no more - I havn't any details...
Well...really a kill vehicle? With a 40 to 50m accuracy after 40km?
BTW: the CIA stuff from 1971 is interesting. They mentioned a Galosh type thesis for "site 1" with two launchers (probably here 46.448840° 72.856182° and here 46.449264° 72.857086°).
They see site 2 (46.444994° 72.853857°) not as a silo site but as the site for "vertical launching tables" (that could be 5Ya27) - see CIA pdf page 9 §17. They guess that "site 4" (here 46.440215° 72.850114° and here 46.441378° 72.848136°) has a silo (I can figure no one at this site but at site 2 at 46.444651° 72.853296° -> Terraserver).
Generally their analysis is impressive regarding that it was 1971.
rambo54 said:
Well...really a kill vehicle? With a 40 to 50m accuracy after 40km?

Yes, obviously it's not a *kinetic* kill vehicle as seen on modern US missiles, but to call 53T6 a two-stage rocket would be just as inaccurate IMHO. I put it like that to stress that the "guided warhead" has no propulsion of its own once separated (just divert thrusters), analogous to modern kill vehicles.
sorry to include pics directly...didn't read the forum rules until now - pls forgive - if I would know how I would delete complete post - may be done at any time by mods - THX
rambo54 said:
Well...really a kill vehicle? With a 40 to 50m accuracy after 40km?
BTW: the CIA stuff from 1971 is interesting. They mentioned a Galosh type thesis for "site 1" with two launchers (probably here 46.448840° 72.856182° and here 46.449264° 72.857086°).
They see site 2 (46.444994° 72.853857°) not as a silo site but as the site for "vertical launching tables" (that could be 5Ya27) - see CIA pdf page 9 §17. They guess that "site 4" (here 46.440215° 72.850114° and here 46.441378° 72.848136°) has a silo (I can figure no one at this site but at site 2 at 46.444651° 72.853296° -> Terraserver).
Generally their analysis is impressive regarding that it was 1971.

Thanks for the additional info. I updated the .kml file at the above address. I agree it would be nice to have a definitive Site 35/S-225 history and in particular pictures of the various launchers and radars. Maybe some day...
sorry to include pics directly...didn't read the forum rules until now - pls forgive - if I would know how I would delete complete post - may be done at any time by mods - THX
Having read Ryan's write up on HIBEX:

... and some related documents I had downloaded from dtic a while a go, it occurred to me that 53T6 in many ways has more conceptual similarity to a longer range, more conventional HIBEX/UPSTAGE combination than to Sprint.

Just wanted to put that thought out there.

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