Something (UAV) probably shot down in Iran


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26 October 2010
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I wonder what this was ....
July 20, 2011 Lawmaker: Iran Shot Down Unmanned US Spy Plane
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- A state-owned news site says Iran has shot down an unmanned U.S. spy plane over the Fordo uranium enrichment site in central Iran.
The state TV-run Youth Journalists Club quoted lawmaker Ali Aghazadeh Dafsari as saying Iran's Revolutionary Guard shot down the plane.
Wednesday's report did not say when the incident happened.
Iran is locked in a dispute with the U.S. and its allies over Tehran's disputed program, which the West believes aims to develop nuclear weapons. Iran denies the accusations.
Fordo is built next to a military complex to protect it in case of an attack. Iran only acknowledged its existence after Western intelligence agencies identified it in September 2009.
Haven't they claimed to have shot down some UAV a while ago?
Grey Havoc said:
sferrin said:
Why is this in the RQ-170 thread?

It's thought that it was a Sentinel that was shot down.

Are you referring to the Danger Room piece? He may as well have said they shot down a flying saucer.
They've made such claims in the past. Pics or it didn't happen definitely applies here.
From the Wired Danger Room: (not saying anything was or wasn't shot down - just passing it on)

July 20, 2011 |
12:11 pm
Did Iran Just Shoot Down a U.S. Stealth Drone? By David Axe

For the third time this year, Iran is claiming it shot down an American robot warplane trying to snoop on Tehran’s nuclear facilities. “An unmanned U.S. spy plane flying over the holy city of Qom near the uranium enrichment Fordu site was shot down by the Revolutionary Guards’ air-defense units,” lawmaker Ali Aghazadeh Dafsari told Iranian state television.
As with all “news” reports coming from Tehran’s official media apparatus, it’s wise to take Dafsari’s claim with a grain of salt. Notably, no one is showing off any fresh wreckage of an American robot — a popular pastime in other countries where drones have gone down.
That said, there’s reason to believe Dafsari — and reason to believe the drone in question is one of a small fleet of radar-evading ‘bots the Pentagon saves for the most important, and difficult, missions. That would make the latest U.S. drone casualty the first stealth robot to be shot down, that we know of.
That’s a lot of “ifs,” to be sure. But in the world of secret aircraft, a little conjecture is sometimes all you’ve got.

Again if true, Dafsari’s tale of a downed U.S. drone is further evidence of America’s escalating global drone campaign. While lethal strikes by U.S. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Afghanistan and Pakistan grab the most headlines, American drones are also busy tracking Somali insurgents and pirates, Yemeni terrorists, Latin American drug runners and the forces of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, among others, in addition to allegedly spying on Iran.
The Pentagon has been planning for years to eventually replace many, if not most, of its human-piloted planes with flying robots. But the mounting evidence of worldwide U.S. drone operations means our unmanned future is here, today.
Iran claims its nuke program is strictly for peaceful purposes. Most foreign observers believe it’s aimed at producing nuclear weapons. While the Pentagon readies special nuke-busting weapons, satellites and human spies are surely hard at work gathering data on Iranian enrichment sites and other nuke facilities. There’s little reason to doubt U.S. — and possibly Israeli — UAVs are on the job, too.
Indeed, that’s one possible role for the U.S. Air Force’s secretive RQ-170 (pictured), a stealthy, flying-wing UAV first spotted in Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2007. The Air Force copped to the RQ-170’s existence in 2009, making it the first acknowledged, operational stealth drone.
The “Beast of Kandahar,” as Bill Sweetman dubbed it, reportedly helped guide U.S. Special Forces towards Osama Bin Laden’s Pakistan compound back in May. The radar-evading ‘bot has also been sighted in South Korea, from where it possibly spied on North Korea’s nukes. Phil Finnegan, a UAV analyst at the Teal Group, told Air Force Times the RQ-170 could be doing the same thing over Iran, too.
So if it was a stealthy Beast that Iran shot down, why hasn’t Tehran proudly showed off photos of the smoldering wreckage? It’s possible that the RQ-170 comes equipped with a self-destruct mechanism specifically intended to prevent just such a propaganda coup. We know some drones have these kill-switches, because occasionally robot operators accidentally flip them.
SOC said:
They've made such claims in the past. Pics or it didn't happen definitely applies here.

No pics of Osama have been seen ...... (NOT saying that it (drone or Osama) didn't happen - but...)
InvisibleDefender said:
SOC said:
They've made such claims in the past. Pics or it didn't happen definitely applies here.

No pics of Osama have been seen ...... (NOT saying that it (drone or Osama) didn't happen - but...)

All the author of the piece "knows" is that Iran claimed they shot something down. That's it. Everything else, EVERYTHING else is 100% pure watercooler speculation as there is zero evidence to support it.
sferrin said:
InvisibleDefender said:
SOC said:
They've made such claims in the past. Pics or it didn't happen definitely applies here.

No pics of Osama have been seen ...... (NOT saying that it (drone or Osama) didn't happen - but...)

All the author of the piece "knows" is that Iran claimed they shot something down. That's it. Everything else, EVERYTHING else is 100% pure watercooler speculation as there is zero evidence to support it.

InvisibleDefender said:
SOC said:
They've made such claims in the past. Pics or it didn't happen definitely applies here.

No pics of Osama have been seen ...... (NOT saying that it (drone or Osama) didn't happen - but...)
But Al qaeda confirmed his death at Americans' hands as well as his wives. That makes the difference between Iranian's claims and Osama's dealth claim.

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