some thought about ultrasonic Cannon

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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with ultrasonic Cannon i mean not "non-lethal weapons" like infrasonic emitters.
but a weapons that destroy with sound !

the internet is full about ultrasonic Cannon, here a short overview:
it seem we Germans always build that thing first ::)
if it now World War One & Two or in Cold war, its idea by the German Military
then the U.S. allways take the design after the Wars and experiment with.
build a Prototype and then to be left undone
most urbanlegend tell about US test ultrasonic Cannon on tanks in 1970s
but there all fell apart in piece during test ;D

So if this sooo a 'fantastic' weapon, why is not in service !?
is this because only 1% of energy pump in ultrasonic Cannon hit the Target ?
Orionblamblam said:
It is. The Japanese whaling fleet, for instance, mounts numerous LRAD devices on their ships to drive off hippies. With apparentl;y only limited success.

was that LRAD used to sink there flowerpower boats or just bring the hippies to vomiting ?
"Ultrasonic canon" that cause physical destruction of targets aren't in service because they do not exist. I'm very curious what basis you have for the suggestion that Germany possessed such weapons in WW2. Actually, I'm not, because the evidence will surely be in the same class as the evidence for German flying disks and such like.
The Germans *did* have a "sound cannon" that apparently actually worked. It worked by combusting oxygen and hydrogen as a power source (apparently in something resembling a pulse detonation engine), and then using parabolic dishes to direct the sound waves. it was reportedly loud enough that it could actually kill a person. A person ridiculously close, and dumb enough not to move between the time they fired up the machine and thirty seconds later when he'd actually die.

Like a lot of "wunderwaffe," this one is based on fact. But the fact is, the weapon was a useless piece of crap that should never have been funded.
Having been subjected to LRAD I can tell you it’s pretty damn terrible. But it’s not instinctive behaviour or physiological modifying. That is you can endure it. Ear plugs are not enough to counter the noise unless you are at the outer edges of its audio range. Because it is focused and high volume you ‘hear’ it through your skull not just your ear canals. Sealed helmets however do work.

LRAD is very effective for getting people’s attention and clearing away people who don’t want to be there. That is why it is considered an intent determination system. That is if you have a crowd of people and you LRAD them all the innocent bystanders or lightly committed fellow travellers quickly disappear leaving you with the hard core. Those people who are left usually mean you some harm.

If you want to influence their behaviour in a non lethal manner you need to apply force to them they cannot resist. This is why ADS raises the temperature of the water in your skin cells or Taser charges your nervous system with electricity. No matter what your determination is your central nervous system cannot deal with these kinds of things and you involuntarily respond.
Michel Van said:
with ultrasonic Cannon i mean not "non-lethal weapons" like infrasonic emitters.
but a weapons that destroy with sound !

Would be a lot more effective in an atmosphere made up of light gases. The biggest problem sound cannons face is the law of diminishing returns. Any kind of distance between the emitter and the target is going to reduce the effect. So great for blowing up hamsters in a sound stage but useless in any kind of battlespace.
Abraham Gubler said:
Having been subjected to LRAD I can tell you it’s pretty damn terrible. But it’s not instinctive behaviour or physiological modifying. That is you can endure it. Ear plugs are not enough to counter the noise unless you are at the outer edges of its audio range. Because it is focused and high volume you ‘hear’ it through your skull not just your ear canals. Sealed helmets however do work.

Maybe that's what the sea hippies are using. The Japanese LRAD doesn't seem to be overly effective at making them keep their distance - at least, that's how it looks after the video is editted.
I think that the first battle attempt were the horns of Jericho, didn't they? :) The sound cannon that destroys the objects on the effective distance and with the desired effectivity cant exist. You cant manage the transformation of the sound "shell" during its travel through the Earth's atmosphere. You can use only the natural resonance frequency, but it is very difficult to find the right settings for every material and of course it works only on some specific frangible structures, such as standard glass.

Regarding the LRAD, I don't know the principle that it is working on, but isn't the main idea of the nonlethal cannons to create the vibrations of your internal organs rather than affect your ears?



  • Tintin_cover_-_The_Calculus_Affair.jpg
    68.8 KB · Views: 7
aah yes "the Calculus Affair" one of Best work of Hergé
were Dr Calculus rebuild Dr. Richard Wallauschek "sound cannon"
and arrest attention by Syldavia and Borduria secret services

i dint know that the Book mention in comicstrip is for real
There's also the war/adventure/sci-fi film "Biggles: Adentures in Time", loosely based on the Biggles books by Captain W.E. Johns. Not only does the German villains have a ultra-sonic cannon, either of the two protagonists time travel (without time machines or the like) when the other is in grave danger. Well, I liked it. :)

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