Some questions for Yakovlev Ya-series


Fight for yor Right!
14 January 2007
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Hi all,

I have some questions for the Yakovlev Ya-series.
1) No.13/Ya.13 - not assigned? (but in the Yak-series is a Yak-13!)
2) Ya.23 and Ya.24 absolut no information
3) Ya.25 a racer project?
4) End this series with the Ya.30 or exist a Ya.31....?
5) Ya.27 = UTI.26?

Servus Maveric
Hi to all!
Dear Maveric!
last Ya was Ya-25. Number 26 was I-26.
Ya from 26 to 31 never exist.
There were also some projects during AIR period. See attch. pix.
For more info contact directly.
Regards, Ucon


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I read in "air enthusiast" serie "fighters a to z :
"Originally proposed in parallel with the ya 26 (i26)
the ya 28 (i28) was a dedicated high altitude interceptor fighter
developed in competition with the MIG i200...."
I read also that YA 33 was in the same serie a plane
with VK 106 engine 1350hp....
My dear Ucon,

can you tell us about those Yak six projects,civil or military aircraft ?.
If I look my documents the third aircraft (Air 23)
seems to be the YAKOLEV ya 21 (ut 21)
Am I wrong ?
Dear Hesham and dear Toura!
Ya-25 was trainer-fighter (so called UTI), other were trainers.
Ya-23,24,25 were further development of Ya-21. Dear Toura is very attentive.
BTW, there was another non-built project of Ya-21. Please see attch.
During AIR-period there were some more projects, f.e. AIR-12 had several variants.
Best regards, Ucon


  • Air-21 project.jpg
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Thank you my dear Ucon,

but I think the project 3 was a fighter.
I also see that plant n°81 worked on a converted BB 22
into a dive bomber with new M 105 engines
it was BPB 22 ( Izdelie 31)
Dear Hesham!
Project 3 was defintely recon.

Dear Toura!
The number of "izdelie" does not mean the number od designations. F.e. Izdelie 66 is MiG-21U.
But according to DB documents Ya-25 was last official designation.
The personal list of designs of A. S. Yakovlev existed from 1924 to 1941. It included the numbers 1-31. The list is complete and fully documented.

From 1924 to 1937 were the types of designations from 1 to 16 with letters AIR, tribute to the leading politician A. I. Rykov. Rykov was arrested 1937 and was 1938 in the third Moscow Show Trial convicted and executed. The use of the designation AIR was inadmissible.

Thereafter, the sport and training aircraft in the personal list of A. S. Yakovlev designated with Ya (a single letter in the Cyrillic alphabet) and the military aircraft with a number alone or with letters of a military category designation and a number.

The last numbers of the personal list Yakovlev’s are:

26: 1940, I-26, from 09.11.1940 state designation Yak-1
27: 1940, UTI-26, from 09.11.1940 state designation Yak-7
28: 1940, I-28, I-26W, I-26N, from 09.11.1940 state designation Yak-5 (first use of this designation)
29: 1941, I-29, BB-29IS, prototype based on the bomber BB-22 as (escort) fighter
30: 1941, I-30 I-26U, from 09.11.1940 state designation Yak-3 (first use of this designation)
31: 1940, BPB-22, BB-22PB, prototype based on the bomber BB-22 as dive-bomber.

This site is in Russian, but it is as complete a history of the Yak aircraft as I have seen. I hope it is new and helpful to all. ;)

Doug B)
Hi to all.
Started info about Yakovlev AIR.
See AIR-1 to AIR-8 in
More info and drawings of unknown project will follow.
For dear Mechan
Most of AIR aircraft had 2-3 or even 7-10 variants and modifications.
For example - BB-22. First was preproject bomber, second - recon. Very look like He-111.


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Hi all!
Info for Mechan
I have found very old blue-prints with "samolet No24" (not Ya-24, not Air-24). This number was crossed by Yakovlev (see his signature in left corner) and he has put number YAk-23!! The date on the stamp is 25 february 1939.
Looks like two-seater fighter.


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here is the Yakovlev VVA-5 and YT-23 projects.


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ucon said:
Hi all!
Info for Mechan
I have found very old blue-prints with "samolet No24" (not Ya-24, not Air-24). This number was crossed by Yakovlev (see his signature in left corner) and he has put number YAk-23!! The date on the stamp is 25 february 1939.
Looks like two-seater fighter.

My dear Ucon,

here is a clearer view to Yak UT-24 project.

Kryl'ya Rodine 9-10/2014


  • UT-24.png
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It is strange because I have a completely different Ya-24 (a tandem seat Ya-23). So which is correct??


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Hi Skyblazer,

both are correct,that's a variant for trainer,here is the paragraph.


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there is a Project,called Air-6 (first allocated),it was six-seat high-wing monoplane
as I guess,powered by one 300 hp M-26 radial engine,is there any drawing to it ?.
hesham said:
there is a Project,called Air-6 (first allocated),it was six-seat high-wing monoplane
as I guess,powered by one 300 hp M-26 radial engine,is there any drawing to it ?.

You already have such a drawing :) . At,5648.msg239045.html#msg239045 you posted it by youself. AIR-6 from 1930 was just another designation of the VVA-5 project. It was also known as "P" or P-5.

Technical data (estimated):
Wingspan: 14.0 m
Length: 8.8 m
Wing area: 25.5 m2
Crew: 2
Passengers: 4
Engine: M-26, 7-cylinder radial, 300 hp
Empty weight: 1000 kg
Takeoff weight: 1810 kg
Maximum speed: 230 km/h
Cruise speed: 195 km/h
Landing speed: 82.5 km/h


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Thank you my dear Redstar72,I don't know the last Info (Project "P"),

also I heard that,the Project "P" was re-design to a four-seat aircraft project with
a 165 hp engine.

has anyone a drawing to Yakovlev Air-10 (first allocated) to a high-wing light transport
aircraft project,improved version from Air-5,and powered by one 220 hp M-48 engine ?.

in 1933,Yakovlev designed a two-seat sporting monoplane project,featured with a monowheel
undercarriage and no tailwheel or tailskid,their role being played by a reinforced bulge beneath
the rudder axle,has anyone a drawing to it ?.
hesham said:
in 1933,Yakovlev designed a two-seat sporting monoplane project,featured with a monowheel
undercarriage and no tailwheel or tailskid,their role being played by a reinforced bulge beneath
the rudder axle,has anyone a drawing to it ?.

Here it is:


  • Project N°1 top.jpg
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And here's the equally unbuilt N°2 version. However, you'll see that both did have a tailwheel underneath the bulge (all images from Avico Press of course):


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hesham said:
has anyone a drawing to Yakovlev Air-10 (first allocated) to a high-wing light transport
aircraft project,improved version from Air-5,and powered by one 220 hp M-48 engine ?.

Perhaps this, which I have as the VVA-5?


  • vva-5.jpg
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Thank you my friend Skyblazer,

and for Air-10 first allocated,it was not VVA-5 at all,and for VVA-5,please see;

in 1940,Yakovlev worked on a project of two seat (side-by-side) trainer,low-wing monoplane
powered by one 72 hp M-16 engine,has anyone a drawing for it ?.

the Yakovlev Air-9 was a two seat low-wing sporting aircraft project of 1933,powered
by one M-11 engine,later developed into anther aircraft with the same designation,
and enclosed cockpits,actually built.

here is a number of drawing for prototypes and projects;

1- two seat pursuit fighter based on Yak BB-22 project
2- ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, in details
3- I-29 single seat fighter project
4- early concept for BB-22,project
5- R-12 recce aircraft prototype
6- UT-3 Project
7- UT-3 Project with MG-31
8- a suggesting from Air Force Institute for scout version of BB-22

Як-2/Як-4 и другие ближние бомбардировщики Яковлева


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hesham, thanks for these. I DO appreciate these pictures immensely, don't get me wrong.

But I also remember the pain it was to split all these generic topics that had different types in each post, back when I was a moderator.
And so I don't think it's a very good idea to do it again. Give our mods a break!

So what I suggest is a separate post for each type. This way, when a split needs to be done, it's easy to separate the pictures and also to keep the corresponding text and name of poster. Think of it!!
You are right Skyblazer,

I would like to open anther new topic for Yak BB-22 and its derivative,but when I saw
my dear Ucon sent a drawings about it in reply # 15 and no one objected,so I put
them here.

the Yakovlev Air-15 was a single seat fighter-trainer aircraft project,powered
by one 230 hp engine,appeared in Reply # 1.


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the Ya.19 had an ambulance version project,but was not built.

the Yak UTPB was a Project derivative from UT-3,a dive bomber/trainer aircraft of 1940.
hesham said:
the Ya.19 had an ambulance version project,but was not built.

Ya-19 ambulance project:


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