The Remora System proposed by the Bell Aerosystems Company is representative of this vehicle class, and in addition includes more available system data as a consequence, this vehicle was the basic system incorporated into the contract. The capsule is approximately six feet long, four feet in diameter and has an empty weight of 507 pounds. It has a four-hour mission capability with 100 percent reserve in life support and propellant supplies. A double-wall structural concept employing an inner magnesium shell, insulation core, and an aluminum alloy laminate outer wall is present. A meteorite bumper shield is suggested as a protective device for the worker and critical items of equipment. In order to accomplish the tasks allocated to this shuttle, provisions are incorporated for remote manipulators, pressurized gauntlets and grappler arms. The capsule life support system provides 100 percent oxygen at 5 psia with supplies sufficient for the four hour mission plus 100 percent backup. Safety features include provision for acceptance of a worker in a full pressure suit with its own life support system which would be activated upon failure of the capsule system. A thermal control system is also provided which maintains capsule temperature at 70 0F. Other significant features include a reaction control and propulsion system, a control and stabilization system, a fuel cellpower supply, two-way communications, and status information display panel.