Simon Kinberg in Talks to Produce ‘Star Trek’ Movie Franchise for Paramount

"The project is said to be set decades before the events of the 2009 movie that was directed J.J. Abrams, likely around modern times. It is said to involve the creation of the Starfleet and humankind’s first contact with alien life."

Remember when Star Trek used to go *forwards*? I sure do.
Will Captain Archer from Star Trek: Enterprise be there? Gosh, I hope not...
"The project is said to be set decades before the events of the 2009 movie that was directed J.J. Abrams, likely around modern times. It is said to involve the creation of the Starfleet and humankind’s first contact with alien life."

Remember when Star Trek used to go *forwards*? I sure do.
Enterprise was 23 years ago.......
Will Captain Archer from Star Trek: Enterprise be there? Gosh, I hope not...
The guy was pretty stupid in the series, but his science officer had very attractive ears.


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The guy was pretty stupid in the series, but his science officer had very attractive ears.

During their time travel period, Archer found out about the Federation. In one scene he was shown at some Federation event in the future. That's why I mentioned him.
During their time travel period, Archer found out about the Federation. In one scene he was shown at some Federation event in the future. That's why I mentioned him.
I hope he doesn't come back, the last I heard from him was that he was doing a cop series in New Orleans.
Enterprise was 23 years ago.......
Yes. And since then we've got:
three JJPrise movies (all prequels)
STD (prequel)
SNW (prequel)
Picard (carries forward)
Prodigy (carries forward)
Lower Decks (semi-prequel... set between nemesis and Prodigy/Picard)

And coming up we have:
Proposed theatrical movie (prequel)
Section 31 movie (prequel)

Out of ten movies/series, a grand total of two carry fully forward, while seven are set *firmly* in the "past." Hell, one season of Picard was set in the past (in 2024).

You set stories in the future to carry the plot forward and to honor the stories that have already been told. You make prequels in order to erase the existing work. STD, SNW and S31 are all done in order to erase TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY from the timeline, to tell the fans "ignore those series, that stuff doesn't count anymore."
To be fair, STD ended up going very, very far forward.
Yes. And since then we've got:
three JJPrise movies (all prequels)
STD (prequel)
SNW (prequel)
Picard (carries forward)
Prodigy (carries forward)
Lower Decks (semi-prequel... set between nemesis and Prodigy/Picard)

And coming up we have:
Proposed theatrical movie (prequel)
Section 31 movie (prequel)

Out of ten movies/series, a grand total of two carry fully forward, while seven are set *firmly* in the "past." Hell, one season of Picard was set in the past (in 2024).

You set stories in the future to carry the plot forward and to honor the stories that have already been told. You make prequels in order to erase the existing work. STD, SNW and S31 are all done in order to erase TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY from the timeline, to tell the fans "ignore those series, that stuff doesn't count anymore."

I think they took their cue from comic books and retroactive continuity. Never liked that idea. I don't buy modern comics.
I think they took their cue from comic books and retroactive continuity.

"They" took their cue from a desire to use the intellectual property without being restricted by existing canon. The end result has been a muddled dimwitted mess, and it could have hardly been otherwise.
Strange New Worlds actually are quite faithful to old TOS canon, mostly trying to circumvent tight spots, not outright contradict them.
The Gorn would like a word.
In TOS, ten years after SNW, the Gorn were unknown to the Federation. In SNW, ten years before TOS, the Gorn and the Federation are basically at war. There have been many well documented contacts between the UFP and the Gorn.

Canonically, the Klingons in this era should look like swarthy humans. The forehead ridges do not exist just then. "Enterprise" rather magnificently explained the issue, and DS9 confirmed it.

The SNW Enterprise is not only a different configuration than the TOS Enterprise, it's also something like 33% bigger (385 m long vs 289).

In TOS, Spock is an iconic character. In SNW, Spock is... not Spock.

In TOS, the Eugenics Wars happened in the 1990s. In SNW, thanks to Romulan time travel chicanery, they don't happen until the 2030's, earliest.

In TOS, Starfleet looks like a reasonably progressive military outfit. In SNW, somehow the gender roles common to humans for all of recorded history have been reversed and there seem to be more women in the armed forces than men.

And then there are the vast visual differences. As both DS9 and ENT showed, the original bridge design works just fine as a modern set, with just some minimal updates to displays and such.
"They" took their cue from a desire to use the intellectual property without being restricted by existing canon. The end result has been a muddled dimwitted mess, and it could have hardly been otherwise.

To quote an unnamed Hollywood exec: "But, but we have to make money. Lots of money. We can't put our money into anything new. Don't you understand? New is scary. We don't understand new. We're afraid of new. We want THE SURE THING (TM)."

Hollywood executives know what money is but being creative is like a dim light in the distance. Most don't get it. They will do what they've historically done: COPY WHAT SOLD (TM). They can take that to the other money men (Producers) and sell it. Something new? To be avoided like Kryptonite.
"The project is said to be set decades before the events of the 2009 movie that was directed J.J. Abrams, likely around modern times.

First Contact should have been on New Vulcan...what we call "Mars."

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