Silent Typhoon - a stealthy Eurofighter


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2 January 2006
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Just found at the Whif-Forum .... :eek: :-* ... sorry, no sources.



  • Silent Typhoon.jpg
    Silent Typhoon.jpg
    56.4 KB · Views: 1,321
  • Silent Typhoon 3 side.jpg
    Silent Typhoon 3 side.jpg
    124.5 KB · Views: 1,344
The style of the artist impression looks very much, as if Avpro is back in business again ..
That artist impression in a larger format (3000x1303).

Seems to be from an anime artist for computer games like Ace Combat
I would rather think, there's not much stealth in it. Angles of canards, wing and fins aren't
aligned and in the artist imprassions there's even still this big fin. The only stealthy detail I
can see there, is the internal carriage of missiles and the canted wing tip containers.
Deino said:
Just found at the Whif-Forum .... :eek: :-* ... sorry, no sources.

My 3-view ended up here before I did :)
That one is definitely a result of me wondering what could be done to stealthify a Eurofighter. No real-world connection --- or claim to drawing skill...
I think the artis Pertime is logged here too...I mean registered.


Cool AFTI design competition entry.
It probably wouldn't be hard to align the canards with the wings. I don't know if it would seriously hurt the canard-wing interactions and what effects it would have.
topspeed3 said:
I think the artis Pertime is logged here too...I mean registered.
Who are you calling an "artist" :eek: B) ;D

... recently joined.
Ooohhh, interesting, I've actually speculated about this very idea myself. Its not so much of a fully stealth Eurofighter and as a friend has already pointed out, there is no place for S-ducting the intakes so the fans would still be clearly visible from the front. Perhaps I should try a X-32 style intake??


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