Hey what's up fellas. I'm the guy behind the MV-35 and 36.
I'm glad ya'll like 'em
and I'm flattered that these ended up on Secret Projects. I did these a few years ago as a personal concept project for a presentation on vehicle concepting. I'm a concept artist for the 'entertainment industry' but mostly for video games, so most of what I do is pretty fictitious. For this I wanted to do something realistic.. That and it was an excuse to research how aircraft really works which is something I should know...
So since I'm always having these conversations about plausibility in concepts with my friend in the air-force I thought I'd try and design something the military probably wants but can't afford (and is just out of reach of modern technology). The Osprey's range makes it valuable despite it's shortcomings and a stealth transport that could drop special forces or a light vehicle deep behind enemy lines undetected, is, as we all know, something the air-force wouldn't mind having.
So there ya have it.
More info on the MV's can be found on the conceptart.org forums that I'm a part of if you're interested.
I thought you guys might enjoy this pages of sketches I did for these. As you can see some of these were designed before I did my homework.
Deino: thanks for posting
fightingirish: me too!
gery: those pictures are great, thanks for putting them up
yasotay: You're indeed right about this craft having tons of issues. As you can see I'm not an engineer but as the technology advances...
Avimimus: lol yea you're right. It should probably have a larger wingspan.. but I did design them with lift-fans. Both versions have two in the front with the aft lift being supplied by the angled exhaust nozzles. The crew would have to exit under burning jet engines though which could be a problem...
Sentinel Chicken: lol yea
Triton: I tried for ever to come up with a good name. That one's great. Names should always have meaning.