Russian National Reusable Space Rocket program

Grey Havoc

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9 October 2009
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Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center's offering seems to be in the lead at the moment, development wise at least.

Russia's Khrunichev Center Develops Concept of Reusable Rocket (Spacedaily)

This is not the first project in the field of reusable rockets being developed in Russia. On June 4, Deputy General Director for Project Management of Ilyushin Aviation Complex Dmitry Gerasimov said that Russian manufacturers have developed several configurations for the first national reusable space rocket.

Moscow-based Foundation for Advanced Research Projects (FPI) then said that tests of the rocket are scheduled for 2022. The rocket will be capable of carrying up to 600 kilograms (over 1,300 pounds) of payload on the sun-synchronous orbit. According to preliminary calculations, the cost of bringing payload on orbit will be one and a half or two times cheaper than using ordinary rockets of such a class.
They have to

In preceding years Russia Launch companies lost there market shares dramatic !
from 55% in 2010 downwards to 8% in 2018
Thanks to SpaceX who in 2018 got 65% of market shares in Commercial Rocket launch.

Also is Russian Rocket Industry in Trouble
Next obligatory intrigue to get there Projects financed by Roscosmos and Russian Military
They face several fatal problems

- Lack of financed by government and lost of market shares in Commercial Rocket launches
- Lack of skilled employees
- Technical and missteps by not so skilled employees
- Thanks of Embargos they missing key components for there Rocket and have to Improvise.

best example is Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center
They had a series of Technical Desasters like series of Proton Rocket Failure, MLM multi-purpose module problems.
and the never ending story on the Angara rocket development
what is understandable because Khrunichev is specialist in hypergolic fuels and switch to Cryogenic Kerolox .
also was issue with the Vostochny Cosmodrome.

Because of this Khrunichev is in financial problems.
they lost 23 billion rubles or $367 Million US Dollar in 2017.
and asking Russian Government for infusion of cash of 30 Billion rubles or 478 Million US Dollar for 2018
This partly to do with the there Angara problems,
like the issues with new Angara factories in Omsk, while the A5 second test launch is delay and delayed again since 4 Years !
They even talk about to shut down the Proton Production.

That new Reusable Launcher is just Baikal proposal under new name
is good step in right direction, but if that save Khrunichev is another Question
(Sources on Khrunichev

MOSCOW, Apr 14 - RIA Novosti. Developed in Russia The reusable winged stage of the Wing-SV light-class launch vehicle will be able to land both on wheels and on skis, depending on the type of landing strips. This was stated by the head of the pilot design bureau named Bartini CNIIMAS Boris Satovsky in a video posted on the YouTube-channel of the Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Research of MIPT.

"In the extreme case, we assume the possibility of landing even on a dirt airfield, so the chassis will have interchangeable equipment: if landing on a concrete strip and a cool airfield, it will be wheels, and if it is landing on the ground, it will be skis," Satovsky said.

Work on the Wing-SV rocket project began several years ago, and in February 2020 the Scientific and Technical Council Advanced Research Foundation decided to start developing a flight demonstrator.

The Wing-SV is a reusable cruise stage of a light-class missile. It will be six metres long and 0.8 metres in diameter. The rocket's demonstrator is planned to be one-third the size of the original. The Wing-SV will travel at hypersonic speeds of up to six Mach numbers. A new rocket engine, called the Whirlwind, is being developed specifically for the rocket.

It is planned that after the separation of the second stage, which will continue the flight, the first reusable stage will return to the spaceport on the wings and using the aircraft engine.
Proton-M was a pretty old expandable design back in 2001 and nothing much has changed of its design since than, other than some new variants which I don't even think were used for contract launches other than just the original version AFAIK. They only have got the down payment for its launches to 65 million while Space X had a 50 million + profit to 62 million dollars for falcon-9 but that was after the block 5 falcon 9 was completed somewhere in 2018 to finally get NASA to purchase it thus embarrassing trampoline man Rogozin that the trampoline is working in 2020 after they wont some contracts with NASA. So they focused on giving the Angara-5M a 57 million launch payment for 27,000kg which I think 2024 is the introduction according to these sources regarding payloads and costs as well.

and of course the Amur rockets which they are charging 22 million dollars for a 10.5 payload that if you launch it 2 or 3 times you will still get lower costs and more payloads than either the falcon 9 or falcon heavy. That is if these launch prices do not go up like the SLS, and I currently don't know if they are expecting a high profit margin for 22 or 57 million for either rockets such as are they going 12 million above the expected launch cost like the falcon 9 or are they going low with being 1-5 million dollars above the expected cost launch of what they originally built and launching it for.

"On June 4, 2018, the Fund for Prospective Research, FPI, within Roskosmos and the United Aviation Development Corporation, announced that it had selected a concept for the preliminary design of a returnable booster stage intended for a super-light reusable launcher. The proposed system was expected to deliver 600 kilograms of payload to the Sun-synchronous orbit. The FPI statement said that the design of the future rocket system was based on the technical heritage of the Baikal booster, while the accompanying rendering showed a two-stage vehicle equipped with a folding wing, practically identical to the architecture formulated almost two decades earlier.

The announcement also quoted the head of the design group at FPI, Boris Satovsky, as saying that in the course of the pre-preliminary studies, engineers compared several alternative aerodynamic architectures and conducted calculations of gas dynamics and thermal conditions for the vehicle on the return trajectory. These studies proved the availability of the necessary technical expertise for the development of a demonstrator, Satovsky said.

According to preliminary estimates, the reusable system will cut the cost of payload delivery by 1.5 or 2 times compared to traditional rockets. Every self-guided booster will be designed to fly 50 missions without replacement of its main engines burning a mix of cryogenic liquid oxygen and liquid methane. The system was expected to be based on mobile launchers and its maiden flight was scheduled for 2022, the FPI press release said."

By traditional I do not know if they are talking about the expendable or new re-usable rockets like the Amur or new Angara rocket by reducing costs of payload by 1.5 to 2 times. "
According to the Roscosmos head’s decree, an experimental design bureau named after [Italian-born Soviet aircraft designer Robert] Bartini is being created. Its first task will be to design light-class reusable rockets," the source said.

He added that the project would be based on the preliminary design of the Krylo-SV (Wing) project to create a recoverable rocket stage, earlier prepared by the Prospective Research Fund (FPI).

The bureau will employ young Roscosmos specialists and engineers who resigned from the Ilyushin Aviation Complex."

Current US, Russian, European or Asian space companies are creating re-usable rockets, but the current traditional method of these recovery methods they use like half the amount of fuel to launch a payload and half the amount of fuel to land back. While foldable wings give the option to just glide back down. The problem right now for other space agencies excluding Russia is when will they start creating design bureaus for foldable glide wing rockets? Since krylo-SV is stated as their 1st task they might be given more tasks and by more tasks I mean heavier payload fly wing designs. And lets say that these projects do become successful and that those launch costs of those new designs are way lower than traditional re-usable methods. All those space companies that have not made any Baikal, krylo-SV or a design bureau for fly wing rockets will all go, "oh shit" and for all we know the Russians will probably wait a longer while than when their Proton-M was 1st introduced until a competitor comes along.

The other criticism I have for Space X other than not starting a fly wing design bureau is lets say *knock on wood* they do land on Mars 1st. The thing is will they still be sending chemical rocket designs to get to Jupiter or Saturn's moons? Or will they have a nuclear design bureau to work with reactors and MPD thrusters. The current method bothers me that besides Roscosmos, NASA and DARPA all of a sudden are making contracts for nuclear spacecraft designs than wanting to stay chemical. Now Russia might get a better economical boost after nord stream 2 and their arctic project proposals which might encourage their government for more ambitious contracts regarding deep space travel. This is also assuming if the Chinese get any interests for joint projects besides the lunar station as well.
I was really surprised to read that. Russian aerospace department is in the poor condition and makes less launches per year than Space X . Also, as far as I know this country doesn`t have private space companies. So, the piece of news that russians can make a reusable rocket makes me impressed.
I was really surprised to read that. Russian aerospace department is in the poor condition and makes less launches per year than Space X . Also, as far as I know this country doesn`t have private space companies. So, the piece of news that russians can make a reusable rocket makes me impressed.
Yeah I congratulate Space X that they got the trampoline working again with a Falcon 9 block 5 to finally outsell the Proton-M. Based on current government even if Amur, Angara-5M, Yenisei and Don rockets did end up cheaper it would still be difficult to purchase it later from Russia so they will mostly be competing internationally. The only threat any other space company would be to Russia in terms of sales later is if they design fly wing rockets.

Or to be a threat in interplanetary travel based on development in MPD thrusters and nuclear reactors is a must, because as far as chemical rockets are a must for just one company to get to mars but for further celestial bodies like other planets moons I don't think the option of using chemical still would manage that. Might as well start controlling the speeds and atmosphere re-entry of using MPD thrusters. I think they preferred to go launch the nuklon on its final destination to one of Jupiter's moons than Mars to not get the west in a panic on where they are at so they can just pay attention more to the Chinese. Currently as things are there is no rush to get to Mars so focusing on economic boosting projects for later more ambitious projects than Nuklon is a must.
Does Russian works on the reusable rocket? How long have I been asleep? Is it their own concept, or they just stole it again. Some time ago, I heard that they want to build their own Starship, but as I see, it's another project.
Does Russian works on the reusable rocket? How long have I been asleep? Is it their own concept, or they just stole it again.

I heard there were re-usable rockets along time ago its just that they had majority of expendable design launches and seem to already have recoverable version types planned for 2024 to 2026. My major concern is the matter of when other space agencies will start the idea of fly-wing rockets

Some time ago, I heard that they want to build their own Starship, but as I see, it's another project.

They are playing with nuclear reactors and MPD thrusters for a mission to 3 celestial bodies so their version of starship I guess might be similar to this.
Does Russian works on the reusable rocket? How long have I been asleep? Is it their own concept, or they just stole it again. Some time ago, I heard that they want to build their own Starship, but as I see, it's another project.
I`ve read that they still use soviet projects to build rockets for their launches. The number of which is smaller than Space X makes per year. It`s ridiculous to hear that they are building their own Starship
Does Russian works on the reusable rocket? How long have I been asleep? Is it their own concept, or they just stole it again. Some time ago, I heard that they want to build their own Starship, but as I see, it's another project.
I`ve read that they still use soviet projects to build rockets for their launches. The number of which is smaller than Space X makes per year. It`s ridiculous to hear that they are building their own Starship
No, they aren't building it. I suppose this idea was quickly forgotten, but I remember that I saw such a headline long ago, but can't find any information about it now. Russia may not try to build a rocket at all, they must realize they aren't in the Soviet Union that managed to be a decent participant in that space race. Now the times have changed.
`ve read that they still use soviet projects to build rockets for their launches. The number of which is smaller than Space X makes per year. It`s ridiculous to hear that they are building their own Starship
Space X roscosmos.png

I think all we did was just go wake their space agency up on launches(early 2000 to now they didn't change their design) and there is still CAATSA and being tough on Russia stance to consider that is effecting their launch sales in comparison to Space X. So they are getting re-usable rockets in the mid-2020s that might go boost their launch sales back up, but the worst crippling blow in the future that I am seeing is if Space X will pursue fly wing rocket designs.. Rather if they don't have their own chemical rocket starship I can say for sure how other countries compare in nuclear spacecraft using MPD thrusters and nuclear reactors, Russia seems to be excelling in which I think this field is as important as getting photonic radars and detonation engines to be mastered before deciding on a next gen aircraft.
`ve read that they still use soviet projects to build rockets for their launches. The number of which is smaller than Space X makes per year. It`s ridiculous to hear that they are building their own Starship
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I think all we did was just go wake their space agency up on launches(early 2000 to now they didn't change their design) and there is still CAATSA and being tough on Russia stance to consider that is effecting their launch sales in comparison to Space X. So they are getting re-usable rockets in the mid-2020s that might go boost their launch sales back up, but the worst crippling blow in the future that I am seeing is if Space X will pursue fly wing rocket designs.. Rather if they don't have their own chemical rocket starship I can say for sure how other countries compare in nuclear spacecraft using MPD thrusters and nuclear reactors, Russia seems to be excelling in which I think this field is as important as getting photonic radars and detonation engines to be mastered before deciding on a next gen aircraft.
I don`t think that Russia will ever be able to build a ship that can be compared with Starship. I guess russians will never be able to compared with China in space exploration area.
Starship is built in a field with water tank workers out of sheet steel. There is no real technical advances with the design of Starship apart from the Raptor engine. The big wow of Starship is that it is the first fully reusable launcher design that someone has actually built and flown.

The Russian space industry (and the Americans, and Europeans) are all full of very clever and resourceful people who could design a two-stage reusable rocket. The problem is that, for whatever reason, nobody has done it yet apart from Elon. Once Starship has flown a few times and proves itself, you'll suddenly see a lot of reusable rockets flying.
I don`t think that Russia will ever be able to build a ship that can be compared with Starship. I guess russians will never be able to compared with China in space exploration area.

For Russia there is no rush or even a reason to go make a starship design(only if it involves nuclear reactors and MPD thrusters without going chemical), from the looks of things I am being very nice by saying it will take more than 20 years that we would send a person to Mars. I will probably start taking Space X more serious if they make a deal with Boston Dynamics on getting robots to refuel a rocket to fly off from Mars. Russia has made breakthroughs such as materials having better absorption properties than lead while being thinner and with better material that deals with heat greatly. The only thing that makes me very sad is the people that I have family relations with wont live long enough to share the same excitement and joy I would have when a person is set on Mars:(
Starship is built in a field with water tank workers out of sheet steel. There is no real technical advances with the design of Starship apart from the Raptor engine. The big wow of Starship is that it is the first fully reusable launcher design that someone has actually built and flown.

The Russian space industry (and the Americans, and Europeans) are all full of very clever and resourceful people who could design a two-stage reusable rocket. The problem is that, for whatever reason, nobody has done it yet apart from Elon. Once Starship has flown a few times and proves itself, you'll suddenly see a lot of reusable rockets flying.

An-22 and XC-132; Boeing 747, C-5 Galaxy, An-124, A380... sooner or later if BFR-Starship proves to be THE answer to "cheap access to space" then you will see look-alikes pop all over the world.

It is just like "the Bleriot XI template", "the Fokker Dr.1 template" "the triplane template" "the Spitfire template" "the DC-3 template" "the 707 template"
"The F-86 template "
"The C-130 template"
"The Concorde template"
"The Shuttle orbiter template"

...and on and on...

At some point when a "formula" works, it sets a broad template everybodies copies, not because of a lack of imagination, but because it works.

"the Falcon 9 template" it has started (New Glenn, New Armstrong, Rocketlab Neutron...)
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Starship is built in a field with water tank workers out of sheet steel. There is no real technical advances with the design of Starship apart from the Raptor engine. The big wow of Starship is that it is the first fully reusable launcher design that someone has actually built and flown.

The Russian space industry (and the Americans, and Europeans) are all full of very clever and resourceful people who could design a two-stage reusable rocket. The problem is that, for whatever reason, nobody has done it yet apart from Elon. Once Starship has flown a few times and proves itself, you'll suddenly see a lot of reusable rockets flying.

An-22 and XC-132; Boeing 747, C-5 Galaxy, An-124, A380... sooner or later if BFR-Starship proves to be THE answer to "cheap access to space" then you will see look-alikes pop all over the world.

It is just like "the Bleriot XI template", "the Fokker Dr.1 template" "the triplane template" "the Spitfire template" "the DC-3 template" "the 707 template"
"The F-86 template "
"The C-130 template"
"The Concorde template"
"The Shuttle orbiter template"

...and on and on...

At some point when a "formula" works, it sets a broad template everybodies copies, not because of a lack of imagination, but because it works.

"the Falcon 9 template" it has started (New Glenn, New Armstrong, Rocketlab Neutron...)
And how many countries made the Concorde or Space Shuttle work?
Starship isn't anywhere even close to the technical challenge of a winged space shuttle. As I said earlier, nothing apart from the engine is in any way technically challenging. The big 'challenge' is what format they will use for the second stage. You can use a ballistic lifting body like Starship, or do something more like a spaceplane. People have designed SSTO spacecraft with off-the-shelf engines.
Starship isn't anywhere even close to the technical challenge of a winged space shuttle. As I said earlier, nothing apart from the engine is in any way technically challenging. The big 'challenge' is what format they will use for the second stage. You can use a ballistic lifting body like Starship, or do something more like a spaceplane. People have designed SSTO spacecraft with off-the-shelf engines.
I assume the edition of Starship that is going to be sent to Mars might be the most challenging version of spacecraft ever been built. I guess the Starship versions we see now are really far from the version that will be sent to the red planet.

MOSCOW, May 30. /TASS/. The new rocket engine was able to operate on tests for more than 3,000 seconds, which is a record. This was announced by the chief designer of "KB Chemistry" Viktor Gorokhov on the air of the program "Military Acceptance" on the TV channel "Star".

"We carried out such a duration of testing, and the engine worked not only 750 seconds in one launch, but worked for more than 3,000 seconds," Gorokhov said.

According to him, the new product is arranged in a closed scheme, which makes it the most economical in the world among all oxygen-kerosene engines.

At the moment, at the first stages of rockets when launching into space engines work about 140 seconds, and resource tests of engines of third stages of rockets as a rule do not last more than 280 seconds.

The Design Bureau of Chemistry is located in Voronezh and is the developer of rocket engines for the second and third stages of most domestic space launch vehicles, including the KB is developing the ENGINE RD0124 MS for the second stage of the promising Soyuz-5 rocket.

And some people here wonder why people like me exist that think certain downsized missile projects seem feasible. That's like 10 times the amount of burn time of previous versions of these engines that were used for Soyuz flights to the ISS, jesus christ.
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That's happen if they not take a Business man not serious and mock him in

It would have been justified if Space X , after some weeks or few months since Rogozin's remarks in April 2014 ,would have put Crew Dragon and Falcon 9 Block 5 on the launch pad ready for bring an US crew on the ISS.

Reality instead is that since that perfectly justified remark by trampoline man in April 2014 has passed for about 6 in half years. For the first launch of an US vector and capsule toward ISS ,that in space related technology terms is an eternity.

Anyway in the last 4 years not six in a half, Roscosmos managed to complete the work of a new rocket engine with a duration more than 10 times greater than the most advanced existing today.

talking of competence and research and development efficiency in comparison with who celebrate as a victory to have reproduced after more than 10 years what the competitors had done 20 years before.

1. Elon was mocked by Russian scientists I believe when they rejected him trying to purchase their rocket designs if I recall correctly. I guess it is sort of justified because it would be like the U.S. Government asking for the engine design of Zircon or Avangard, among other missile projects, which money sometimes just cant buy.

2. Rogozin mocked the U.S. rocket industries as a whole in April 2014 on getting crews to the ISS with a trampoline, If I remember the whole fiasco correctly Elon took it as a challenge to get a US crew to the ISS. And not to be a total dick but sadly I cant argue against Rogozin's condescending insult to our country since something non-soyuz related has managed to get to the ISS and now there is news's reports of that god damn engine that has a 3000 second time frame with more news of it to follow later in the next few months or years.
The US willingly and calmly gave up their ability to get their own people to orbit - TWICE. Once in the 70's before the shuttle flew and again when the shuttle was retired. Multiple projects that could have filled the gap were all shelved. It shouldn't have taken a billionaire to get his hackles up to get the US back into the space business. The US Government has always seen space as something to win elections and not as a national interest that needs to be maintained and progressed. Just look at the sad and shameful ongoing saga of the Constellation program and how it morphed into the SLS. Money was repeatedly taken from the Commercial crew program, to fund that boondoggle, and it's still at least a year or two away from flying.

Say what you like about the Soviet space program, but at least they keep flying.
Say what you like about the Soviet space program, but at least they keep flying.
Same reason as the US, it is a jobs program. There was crappy science out of the Salyut/Mir program. The US was hoping to learn from it during Shuttle Mir and found out there was little. The cosmonauts didn't like following the protocols.

The reconnaissance commission began work at the Oriental Cosmodrome to determine the launch site for the Amur methane rocket with a reusable return stage. This was announced on Tuesday by Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin.

"A reconnaissance commission has begun work in the area of the Orient Cosmodrome to determine the location of the launch complex for the reusable Amur LNG launch vehicle," Rogozin wrote on his Facebookpage.

Roscosmos and Progress RSC signed a contract last October to develop a sketch project for a space rocket complex with Russia's first reusable Amur methane rocket. The rocket will receive the return of the first stage and will be launched from the Oriental Cosmodrome in the Amur region.

In February, Dmitry Baranov, director general of the Progress RSC, told reporters that work on the sketch design of the Amur methane launch vehicle is scheduled to be completed in the third quarter of 2021. In his turn, Roscosmos' Executive Director for Advanced Programs and Science Alexander Bloshenko noted that the sketch design will be completed in September.

"Amur" with a reusable return stage will be able to carry into low Earth orbit up to 10.5 tons of payload against 8.5 tons of Soyuz-2 rockets.
The development will be able to reduce the cost and availability of Russian launches. Roscosmos State Corporation has placed a preliminary order for the development of technical requirements for the parachute system of the return stage of space rockets. The development of the system, which in the future will help to compete with reusable rockets Rocket Lab and SpaceX, will be engaged in the holding "Thermodynamics" (part of the state corporation "Rostec"). Return of the rocket stage Rocket Lab Electron by parachute. Photo: Rocket Lab. According to the general director of "Thermodynamics" Igor Nasenkov, a pre-order from Roscosmos was received last month. This year they plan to start research work. At the same time, the timing of the creation of the system is still unknown, Nasenkov emphasized. "Eagle" and "Amur" The parameters of the parachute system for rockets are unknown, but their scale can be assumed using a similar system for a spacecraft. So, Igor Nasenkov told about the features of the parachute system for the promising spacecraft "Eagle". The system will receive three domes with an area of 1200 square meters. m each. This will allow the system to ensure the descent of cargo weighing up to 9535 kg. Now Technodinamika is working on prototypes of parachutes, and complex tests are planned for 2023. Testing will continue by dropping a full-size capsule from space, Igor Nasenkov added. Parachute system PBS-950. Such landing systems can become a reserve for the creation of return stages of missiles. Photo: Russian Defense Ministry Recall that in Russia since 2013, a reusable carrier rocket "Amur" has been developed. It is planned that in a reusable version, a rocket with a launch weight of 360 tons will be able to carry up to 10.5 tons to low Earth orbit (LEO). For comparison, the Soyuz-2.1b rocket can take only 8.2 tons for LEO. Amur will also receive an automated launch preparation system. All this will make launches cheaper. The estimated cost of launching a reusable Amur rocket (excluding the upper stage) will be $ 22 million - against about $ 45 million in which the launch of Soyuz-2.1b costs. The development of a reusable rocket will allow Roscosmos to reduce the cost of launch, which can attract new customers, and strengthen its position before private companies developing reusable rockets. Theory and example There are several systems that provide a soft landing of the first stage. So, on Falcon rockets, a complex complex is used, including three brake engines, rudders, a navigation system, and an orientation system. This provides an accurate landing, but significantly reduces the mass of the rocket's payload. Another example is the hard-wing return system (Energia-2), developed in the late 1980s by Soviet engineers. On the one hand, this would allow the stage to land at any airfield, and on the other hand, such a system also gives the rocket an excess share of additional weight. In 2001, a mock-up of the reusable accelerator of the first stage of the Angara rocket was shown. Model of the apparatus "Baikal" on which alternative ways of returning the stage were worked out But there are solutions that do not take the expensive mass of the rocket. These are air pick-up systems, and parachute landing. In the first case, you also need a parachute of a small area. Its goal is to reduce the speed for picking up the device by helicopter. Last year, the rocket Lab Electron rocket stage was returned in this way. In turn, a full-fledged parachute landing requires large-area systems to absorb the impact from landing. The development of synthetic fabrics made it possible to reduce the mass of large parachutes, which made it possible to create heavy-duty systems. For example, the military system PS-950 can "land" up to 13 tons of cargo, while the share of the system itself will be only about 12%. This allows you to take more cargo into orbit, while maintaining the possibility of reuse. However, this method requires an extensive platform of alienation, because such a landing system is uncontrollable.

Источник контента:
Heres your starship bros.

MOSCOW, 18 Sep - RIA Novosti. The use of methane instead of kerosene as fuel in the new Russian super-heavy class rocket will allow to implement modern technologies of reusability and multiple inclusion of engines in flight, said vladimir Rachuk, general designer of the oxygen-hydrogen engine for the Soviet super-heavy Energia rocket, general director and general designer of the Chemical Automation Design Bureau (1993-2015).
Earlier, RIA Novosti became aware of the termination of the technical design of the Yenisei super-heavy rocket, which was supposed to be based on oxygen-kerosene technologies. Soyuz-5 missiles and Soyuz-6. In turn, the Soyuz-5 is an updated Russian version of the Zenit missile created in the USSR and assembled in Ukraine from Russian components. Instead of a super-heavy rocket on kerosene, as the head of Roscosmos told reporters earlier. Dmitry Rogozin, the new carrier will use methane. Carriers of the super-heavy class are designed to bring out very large structures, for example, a manned flight complex to the moon.

"As for the suspension of the design of the Yenisei super-heavy launch vehicle, the following can be noted. The concept of the Yenisei missile is based on technologies from 40 years ago. Given the fact that the service life of the launch vehicle is 40 years, the rocket will fly with technologies from 80 years ago, which will dramatically reduce its commercial attractiveness. You can imagine where foreign technologies will go during this time, "- said in a letter Rachuk, received by RIA Novosti.
According to the expert, the concept of a rocket on kerosene technologies does not provide for reusable use and inclusion of engines in flight. At the same time, all this can be realized by using methane as rocket fuel. The same way went American missiles of this class Starship and New Glenn involve the use of carriers up to 100 times.

In addition to outdated technologies, the Yenisei missile did not have a clear program of long-term operation, Rachuk said. Similarly, without a program, complains the developer of the Energia rocket, Soviet N-1 rockets and the same Energia were created. "That is, huge finances were wasted," Rachuk wrote.

"Therefore, I believe that a very correct decision was made by Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin to suspend the design of the Yenisei super-heavy launch vehicle and redesign the launch vehicle using innovative developments, including in terms of engines, which was later approved by the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation," Rachuk said.

The methane engine for the Amur-LNG reusable space rocket is scheduled to be tested in 2023, said Vladimir Rachuk, general designer of an oxygen-hydrogen engine for the Soviet super-heavy rocket Energia, general director and general designer of the Chemical Automation Design Bureau (1993-2015).

KB Chemical Automatics has a rich history of creating methane-fueled rocket engines. The first tests were carried out by the enterprise in the 1990s. In 2007, the RD-0146 oxygen-hydrogen engine was successfully launched on methane, and in 2014 a methane demonstrator engine for the Vega rocket was developed for the Italian company Avio.

"Since 2016, the Chemical Automation Design Bureau under a contract with the state corporation" Roscosmos "has been developing the RD-0177 / RD-0169 engine with a thrust of 100 tons for the Amur-LNG launch vehicle. It is planned to start firing tests of the engine in mid-2023, "Rachuk's letter to RIA Novosti says.

The enthusiast proposes to solve the problem of planting through the use of various fibers, Kevlar, carbon, flexabit, UHWPE, ONNEX. The best option the author considers the use of heavy-duty and high-modul fibers (threads) of high-molecular polyethylene. Of course, ropes made of polyethylene should be protected by a special heat-resistant shell so as not to burn from the torch of the engines.

The insulation shell made of ceramic wool will serve as an additional buffer in contact with the rocket body. According to the author, he doubts that musk's mechanical arm will be able to more delicately grasp the rocket without damage. The mechanical arm of MECHAZILLA in the idea of SpaceX should make the girth of the rocket with greater accuracy of landing than the proposed technology semenov.

When working hands, the permissible deviations do not exceed 1 meter! The hand drive is powered by a single engine, and a mistake of a few meters can be fatal. And there is a problem with the great inertia of the entire structure, the ship will not be able to stand on its own supports and slowly reduce the speed to zero on them, most likely functionally this is not a trap, but an active platform at a height. They do not catch it, but give the ship the only chance that he himself could land on it.

All these shortcomings gave reason to think the author about a simpler solution...

An alternative option is an area of 500x500 meters, allowing the rocket to deflect up to 10 degrees! The trap actively accepts the missile without relying on the maneuvering of the missile itself. According to the author of the idea, the system will cost no more than one missile, but will last for decades. The system is essentially a huge station with the kinematics of a parallel robot, which was patented. This gives a gain in reliability, carrying capacity and allows you to use the system in different weather conditions. As the engineer Dahir Semenov specified, "Firstly, our ropes are able to actively escape from the torch of the engines during the passage of the ship through the trap window, and secondly, there are heat-resistant ceramic fabrics that hold high temperatures well and are not so easy to burn. I'm calm about this. In the carrying capacity of ropes, we are not limited at all, now there are fibers stronger than steel 15 times, it costs nothing to create special ropes for 1000 tons with a heat-resistant shell. "

One of the side advantages of using the system, according to the author, will be the absence of the need for retractable supports on the rocket, which will reduce the overall weight of the missiles. Braking of the missile trapped will be carried out hydraulically. Dampers of special design will provide the minimum reverse acceleration that is possible mathematically at a given speed and braking distance.

The new trap system is replaceable, it has a dozen different tools for different occasions, can change them ten times a day and take ten different ships. It is potentially possible to launch from the same stations of "soft landing".

Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #4 - Page 19 Myagko10

Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #4 - Page 19 Myagko11

Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #4 - Page 19 Myagko12


MOSCOW, Oct. 9 — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of Defense presented the technical characteristics of the new Russian ultralight carrier rocket "Irkut". The material is published in the new issue of the journal "Space engineering and technology", which produces rocket and space Corporation "Energia".
The fact that Russia is developing a universal mobile space rocket complex called "Irkut", it became known at the end of September from the annual report "Roscosmos". Specialists of "Energia" note that the project is engaged in JSC "TsNIIMash".

The new rocket is planned to be launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. It is assumed that it will be of two types: disposable and reusable, with a return on the wings.
The launch weight of the disposable rocket will be 23.6 tons. It will be able to put 584 kilograms of cargo into low Earth orbit (200 kilometers), and 84 kilograms into geostationary orbit. A reusable missile will be heavier - 25 tons. It will be able to deliver 398 kilograms of cargo to Earth orbit, 60 kilograms to geostationary orbit.

As a fuel, it is planned to use a pair of oxygen - methane in the rocket and heptyl with amyl in the upper stage (it was called the "apogee module").
The first launch of both types of carriers is scheduled for 2024.
It is known that TsNIIMash is developing a cruise missile as part of the Krylo-SV development work. However, earlier it was reported that this rocket will be launched from the Kapustin Yar cosmodromes and Oriental. Work on the project began several years ago, and in February 2020, the Scientific and Technical Council Foundation for Advanced Studies decided to start developing a flight demonstrator.
"Wing-SV" is a reusable cruise stage of a light class missile. Its dimensions are six meters in length and 0.8 meters in diameter. The missile will be able to reach hypersonic speeds - up to six Mach numbers. Especially for her, a new engine called "Whirlwind" is being developed. It is planned that after the separation of the second stage, the first will be able to return to the cosmodrome on the wings and using an aircraft engine.

Excluding interplanetary nuclear engine travel, midget rockets are going to offer an interesting market potential. Its very amusing how one company goes small on methane and the other goes big.
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The enthusiast proposes to solve the problem of planting through the use of various fibers, Kevlar, carbon, flexabit, UHWPE, ONNEX. The best option the author considers the use of heavy-duty and high-modul fibers (threads) of high-molecular polyethylene. Of course, ropes made of polyethylene should be protected by a special heat-resistant shell so as not to burn from the torch of the engines.

The insulation shell made of ceramic wool will serve as an additional buffer in contact with the rocket body. According to the author, he doubts that musk's mechanical arm will be able to more delicately grasp the rocket without damage. The mechanical arm of MECHAZILLA in the idea of SpaceX should make the girth of the rocket with greater accuracy of landing than the proposed technology semenov.

When working hands, the permissible deviations do not exceed 1 meter! The hand drive is powered by a single engine, and a mistake of a few meters can be fatal. And there is a problem with the great inertia of the entire structure, the ship will not be able to stand on its own supports and slowly reduce the speed to zero on them, most likely functionally this is not a trap, but an active platform at a height. They do not catch it, but give the ship the only chance that he himself could land on it.

All these shortcomings gave reason to think the author about a simpler solution...

An alternative option is an area of 500x500 meters, allowing the rocket to deflect up to 10 degrees! The trap actively accepts the missile without relying on the maneuvering of the missile itself. According to the author of the idea, the system will cost no more than one missile, but will last for decades. The system is essentially a huge station with the kinematics of a parallel robot, which was patented. This gives a gain in reliability, carrying capacity and allows you to use the system in different weather conditions. As the engineer Dahir Semenov specified, "Firstly, our ropes are able to actively escape from the torch of the engines during the passage of the ship through the trap window, and secondly, there are heat-resistant ceramic fabrics that hold high temperatures well and are not so easy to burn. I'm calm about this. In the carrying capacity of ropes, we are not limited at all, now there are fibers stronger than steel 15 times, it costs nothing to create special ropes for 1000 tons with a heat-resistant shell. "

One of the side advantages of using the system, according to the author, will be the absence of the need for retractable supports on the rocket, which will reduce the overall weight of the missiles. Braking of the missile trapped will be carried out hydraulically. Dampers of special design will provide the minimum reverse acceleration that is possible mathematically at a given speed and braking distance.

The new trap system is replaceable, it has a dozen different tools for different occasions, can change them ten times a day and take ten different ships. It is potentially possible to launch from the same stations of "soft landing".

Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #4 - Page 19 Myagko10

Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #4 - Page 19 Myagko11

Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #4 - Page 19 Myagko12


Looks like a trampoline ;-)

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