Russia space agency promises to check whether US moon landings really happened

He was answering idiot journo question 'Did they really flew' and kinda was joking.
Basically being quite adequate in real life, he is bevaving as clown on public more often and often...:/

DYK: 57% of Russians don't believe that US went to the Moon according to recent public opinion poll.
Not surprising as Moon hoax theory being carefully planted by state media for years.

The most sorrow, some cosmonauts go into that shit as well
yep he was mocking the journalist

but in 2019 The Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module (ALINA) will land near the Apollo 17 landing site and deploy two Audi Lunar Quattro rovers.
in other words the Germans will check whether US moon landings really happened...

It would be nice if the people critical of 'established' history would exercise their critical faculties on their own sources.
Arjen said:
It would be nice if the people critical of 'established' history would exercise their critical faculties on their own sources.

Self-proclaimed sceptics of the "mainstream" are often the most gullible.
At this point moon-landing-hoaxers are right up there with flat-earthers given the landing sites have actually been photographed by the LRO.
I was going to say all you have to do is zoom in on the landing sites with a good telescope and you can see them yourself -- seeing as all of the sites are on the visible side of the moon :mad:

And I'm sure the Soviets would have called it out a loooong time ago if they weren't there
No telescope on Earth today is large enough to do that (you need about 25 m of aperture to have enough resolution to see the landers).
flateric said:
The most sorrow, some cosmonauts go into that shit as well

A 'result' of his car crash in 2010 :eek: ?
It seems like the Russians would have been able to know if it was faked or not.
Still the people who claim it was all a hoax make some interesting points. Stanley Kubrick being
Involved in staging and filming a fake, the van Allen belts, the need for much larger amounts of
Oxygen to be lifted into orbit, the flimsy design of the LEM being safe enough to camp for days on
The lunar surface, temperature extremes, hatch too small for suit to fit thru, not enough computing power at the time of 1960s...and many others...
And strange behavior of the astronauts, especially Neil Armstrong after Apollo 11.

That said, I believe the official story, but the debunkers bring up some interesting things.
None of those so-called discrepancies are real; they all stem from incomplete and superficial understanding of highly complex systems.
Debunkers are delivering the same BS for ages.
Good litmus test to see an idiot.
Michel Van said:
yep he was mocking the journalist

but in 2019 The Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module (ALINA) will land near the Apollo 17 landing site and deploy two Audi Lunar Quattro rovers.
in other words the Germans will check whether US moon landings really happened...


Ahhhhhhh !!!!!

All that "proves" is that the NASA film company hasn't thrown the old moon set away - that picture merely shows that they are setting up the fake set up again.


SERIOUSLY, Jodrell Bank and other radio telescopes tracked the Apollo missions to, at and back from the moon NO ONE should have any doubts.

If one has a sense of humour (you'll need one) this article is fascinating for the comparative percentages of people who have a tendency to believe in conspiracies ;

Hobbes said:
No telescope on Earth today is large enough to do that (you need about 25 m of aperture to have enough resolution to see the landers).

Sorry Harro, what I meant was anyone who has one in orbit. I'm sure the Soviets would have pointed it out a very long time ago with the proof, anything to embarrass NASA ----
kcran567 said:
It seems like the Russians would have been able to know if it was faked or not.
Still the people who claim it was all a hoax make some interesting points. Stanley Kubrick being
Involved in staging and filming a fake

Are you referring to this:

That's quite obviously a fake story in itself. I don't have the patience to systematically refute all your other "interesting points" with actual facts when the very first one is already a textbook example of systematically fabricated misinformation that misleads and confuses only the gullible - please do your own research using credible, verifyable sources and critical thinking before you post easily rebutted drivel in the future.

The LRO high resolution imager is a 200mm diameter telescope orbiting 31 miles over the lunar surface. An equivalent Earth or Earth orbital telescope would need to scale around 7500:1 to match its resolution. The European VLT once claimed it would be able to see the Apollo landing sites using interferometric combining of their four 8 meter telescopes but they were over optimistic and coherent optical image combining of multiple telescopes has proven to be a real pain (trying to keep optical path lengths matched and stable over hundreds of meters).

I assume anyone planning to land a rover near an Apollo landing site will maintain a keep out distance to prevent contaminating a historic landmark.


  • Apollo 17 Imaged by LRO.jpg
    Apollo 17 Imaged by LRO.jpg
    239.3 KB · Views: 197
Sadly, no amount of evidence, irrespective of provenience, will in my experience ever convince the true loons - they'll simply claim that it was manufactured "just like the original landing"...

Stanley Kubrick was an absolute perfectionist and he insisted on filming on location... ;D
AndrewN said:
Stanley Kubrick was an absolute perfectionist and he insisted on filming on location... ;D

A myth. Kubrick, as is well known, hated travel. He sent his assistants to comprehensively map and document the moon and built a full-size replica of the entire moon in the studio. Likewise Florida.
To be more precise, he hated air travel.

martinbayer said:
I wonder whether the mention of an air disaster with over 2300 victims might have been motivated by Kubrick's documented fear/aversion of flying, especially since it purportedly occurred en route between his two places of residence of New York and London...

I always ignore this thread because the moon landings occurred and I consider the Apollo astronauts, namely the late Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, true American heroes. Would anyone like to move this thread from "Space Projects" to "The Bar".

Apollo 11 (taken from an altitude of 15 miles)

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FYI interesting video:

Unfortunatly it looks like beliving in the Moon landing's being a hoax and that the Earth is flat both appear to be on the rise:

This despite large efforts on both the parts of the FlatEarther's (who's public experiments tend to disprove them rather than support them) and debunkers

Welcome to the dark ages 2.0.

Science is certainly taking a beating. Insanity such as, "other ways of knowing" being promoted (basically witchcraft, voodoo, and other assorted superstitions), denial of biology, etc.
Here is the same channel looking at the origins of Flat Earthism. Their poll results do offer some relief that perhaps people aren’t as gullible as you might fear.


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