Rocket Aircraft projects by Tsander / Zander


ACCESS: Top Secret
25 April 2008
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Hi Everyone;

Fridrikh Arturovich Tsander (1887-1933) is a well-known pioneer of cosmonautics. He designed the first ever liquid-fueled rocket to be launched in the Soviet Union, GIRD-X, and even worked with Korolev on a rocket aircraft project, as previously highlighted in this well-documented thread:

redstar72 said:

Tsander's english wiki page here for reference:

In 1924, Tsander published a landmark article on space travel in "Technics & Life" "Tekhnika i Zhizn". (BTW, the design of this magazine was handled by a legendary avant-garde artist / photographer, A. Rodschenko):

Ф. А. Цандер, "Перелеты на другие планеты", Tехника и жизнь, 1924, issue 13, pp.15-16.

This article, which presents blueprints of a space-rocket aircraft (aka "space shuttle"), can be downloaded in full from here:,_1924).pdf/2

The drawing is captioned as "Конструкция далеко летающей ракеты." / "The design of the far flying rocket"

In 1932, one year before he died, Tsander published an iconic book (reprinted many times):

Цандер, Проблема полета при помощи реактивных аппаратов, 1932

which can be downloaded from here:

This document showcases another "shuttle" design, p.46



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Hi everyone,

Building upon the previous post, I have some questions because I have not been able to find an easily accessible, historically consistent account of Tsander's early space shuttle concept / achievements.

- When exactly did Tsander invent his space/aircraft design?
- Did anything published predate the 1924 publication?

For the record / context:
  • Tsander is known to have been working on the subject of human spaceflight as early as 1908.
  • I once read, and it confused me, that Tsander patented his rocketplane design in 1919, as a side project while he worked at Aircraft Factory No. 4 ("Motor"), but I was unable to find any trace of any such "patent na atkritie" reference, unless my readings or memory confuse invention with patenting…
  • Some other websources refer to 1922 as the starting point of the shuttle project.
  • To the best of my knowldege at the time of this posting, the earliest record of a Tsander rocket plane "blueprint" I found is the landmark 1924 article (see my previous post).

So, again
- Was there anything (published or not) originating by Tsander (and him only) on a rocket plane space shuttle, predating the 1924 presentation?


I wonder how well (or bad) he would have done in place of Korolev. Notably with Glushko.
Archibald said:
I wonder how well (or bad) he would have done in place of Korolev. Notably with Glushko.

Bad (my guesswork). But he had once met with Lenin from whom he got support… So it gave him some form of aura / influence / prestige, etc.

Nice Info my dear Antigravite,

Some early answers...

18.09.1908 - 18.09.1912: "Die Weltschiffe (Afherschiffe) die den Verhehr zwischen Sternen ermoglichen sollen. Die Bewegung im Weltenraume" - "Космические корабли эфирные корабли), которые обеспечат сообщение между звездами. Движение в мировом пространстве" (article - Tsander's diaries)

06/11/1912 - 1913 : "Aeronautics and space flights" (Tsander's diaries)

10/22/1913 - 05/21/1919 : Calculations, graphs, sketches FA. Tsander ("Miscellaneous from the field of aeronautics, aeronautics and space flights, on the design of a high-flying, hermetically sealed airplane, which must fly like an arrow"). "Разное из области воздухоплавания. Воздухоплавание и космические полеты. О конструкции высоколетающего, герметически закрытого аэроплана, который должен летать как стрела"

source: Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Hi everyone,

This message (not the thread) is intended to serve a repository resource about Tsander's early space shuttle concept.
It will be enriched / edited / actuated as times goes by, as I always did will all of my previous posts (fixing typos too).
The structure of this post might be revised to reorganize information if it needs to be.

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SECTION 1 : material authored by Tsander
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Articles authored by Tsander
  • Tsander, FA, "Autobiography of Fridrikh Arturovich Tsander, Production Engineer" (in Russian), March 12, 1927.

Books authored by Tsander
  • Цандер, Ф. А. Проблемы межпланетных полетов / Ф. А. Цандер. – М. : Наука, 1988. – 232 с.

Archive material from Tsander
  • Рукописные материалы Ф. А. Цандера в Архиве АН СССР : научное описание – М. : Наука, 1980. - 127 с.
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SECTION 2 : other reference material
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Articles about Tsander

Books about Tsander
  • ИДЕИ Ф.А. ЦАНДЕРА и развитие ракетно-космической науки и техники 1983 космос космонавтика СССР
  • Салахутдинов, Г. М. Фридрих Артурович Цандер (К 100-летию со дня рождения). – Москва : Знание, 1987. – 64 с, ил. – (Серия «Новое в жизни, науке, технике.» : Серия «Космонавтика, астрономия» ; № 3).
  • Ф.М. Цандер и современная космонавтика /АН СССР. - М. : Наука, 1976.- 205с.
  • Golovanov, Yaroslav (1985). The Martian:Tsander (in Russian). Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya.

Book chapters about Tsander
  • VN Sokolsky, ОСНОВНЫЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ РАЗВИТИЯ РАКЕТНО-КОСМИЧЕСКОЙ НАУКИ И ТЕХНИКИ (до середины 40-х годов XX в.), in: "Исследования по истории и теории развития авиационной и ракетно-космической науки и техники", М.: Наука, 1983. Вып. 2: ИСТОРИЯ И ПРОБЛЕМЫ РАЗВИТИЯ РАКЕТНО-КОСМИЧЕСКОЙ НАУКИ И ТЕХНИКИ
  • Из истории авиации и космонавтики. М., 1963. Вып. 6; М., 1973. Вып. 20: М., 1975. Вып. 26, а также в кн.: First Steps Toward Stars. Wash., 1974; Essays on the History of Rocketry and Astronautics. Wash., 1977, Vol. 1, 2.
  • Shchetinkov Yevgueny S., "DEVELOPMENT OF WINGED ROCKETS IN THE U.S.S.R., 1930-1939", IAF/IAA, 1967, vol 1 - AAS vol. 6 - pp. 247-257
  • Rauschenbach Boris V. - Sokolsky, V.N., "THE FIRST SOVIET SPACE FLIGHT ORGANISATIONS", 1998 - IAA 2.1.01 - vol 18

Key biographies available online
Key websites (official, archives, etc.) of interest

Key web blog articles

Renatar, "Фридриху Цандеру посвящается,", 20120209
article posted on maksim_kot's blog Feb. 9th, 2012 at 10:04 PM

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SECTION 3 : Ephemera, iconography, etc.
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Tsander's house in Riga opened as a museum in 1987.

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links to be checked
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F.Zander rocket ship model pictures of the first aircraft exhibitions in Riga of the Nonoting orvila Foundation at the Science and Technology History Museum of Riga.


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