Question about UK space program.


ACCESS: Secret
11 March 2009
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On 8 May 2018, as part of the 2018-19 Budget, the Australian Government announced the establishment of an Australian Space Agency.

My question is:
Why UK,Canada,Australia and New Zealand never have thought to constitute one Space Agency ( on the ESA model)?
This could have more sense that proceed divided,and they could have shared budget and targets.
More the four aerospace industries they could work together.

It has never been evaluated this opportunity?

Great Britain proposed it varied times, notably in 1960 as an alternative to what become ESRO / ELDO. Not much interest unfortunately. (source: A vertical empire)
carmelo said:
On 8 May 2018, as part of the 2018-19 Budget, the Australian Government announced the establishment of an Australian Space Agency.

My question is:
Why UK,Canada,Australia and New Zealand never have thought to constitute one Space Agency ( on the ESA model)?
This could have more sense that proceed divided,and they could have shared budget and targets.
More the four aerospace industries they could work together.

It has never been evaluated this opportunity?

There were several opportunity
way back in begin of Blue streak program Canada and Australia show interest in Program until Britain abandon the IRBM
also they were only one interested as Britain proposed a Commonwealth Space Program to use the Black Streak as Satellite Launcher
sadly in Canada came John Diefenbaker to power and cancelled allot program like Avro Arrow and Canada space efforts

Australia remain in Space Program as Member of ELDO
until ELDO took French Guiana Space Centre for Europa 2 rocket
at that moment Australia say bye bye...
Finally Australia cooperated with Britain with Black Arrow program until, you guest it they cancelled it.

Had Time went different, like Diefenbaker had deadly aircraft crash his during election campaign.
or ELDO/ESRO was International Organisation like CERN
Today we could have Britain, Canada and Australia in "European" space Effort...
carmelo said:

As there is lots of talk about gong it alone with out own Satellite Navigation program post Brexit, I wonder what would all users of this thread think would make a good name for such a system? My own two proposals would be either Newton or Hawking.
Harrison would be better -- what better than a navigation system named after the fellow who actually solved a navigation problem.
TomS said:
Harrison would be better -- what better than a navigation system named after the fellow who actually solved a navigation problem.

A good choice TomS, I had actually forgot about Harrison and his links to navigation.
An excellent name.

After the Boaty McBoatface farce, HMG won't be allowing the punters to name anything never mind 'our' satnav system. However...(strokes white Persian)...somebody could start a petition, rope in the 17M to sign it and hey presto! A debate in parliament about it.

Curiously SAAB has put together some proposal for a intigrated satellite network that meshes with airborne, sea and ground based sensors.
Has people wondering who the customer for such might be. .....
FighterJock said:
carmelo said:

As there is lots of talk about gong it alone with out own Satellite Navigation program post Brexit, I wonder what would all users of this thread think would make a good name for such a system? My own two proposals would be either Newton or Hawking.

The basics are now very do-able and in theory could be based around cube satellites of the sort Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd can produce.
'Palantir' perhaps?
zen said:
FighterJock said:
carmelo said:

As there is lots of talk about gong it alone with out own Satellite Navigation program post Brexit, I wonder what would all users of this thread think would make a good name for such a system? My own two proposals would be either Newton or Hawking.

The basics are now very do-able and in theory could be based around cube satellites of the sort Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd can produce.
'Palantir' perhaps?

An interesting idea zen, I never thought about the system being based on CubeSats before, I wonder just how much money such a system would cost? Would it possibly undercut Galileo?
Surrey Satellites built the first test satellite for Galileo. Their bid undercut everyone else to a frightening degree. They were given mounds of paperwork by ESA, but just ignored it and went ahead with the satellite.
CNH said:
Surrey Satellites built the first test satellite for Galileo. Their bid undercut everyone else to a frightening degree. They were given mounds of paperwork by ESA, but just ignored it and went ahead with the satellite.

Well done Surrey Satellites, now all they need to do is build a better and far superior system for Britain and Australia, then get them launched via our own rockets or better still Skylon.
An interesting idea zen, I never thought about the system being based on CubeSats before, I wonder just how much money such a system would cost? Would it possibly undercut Galileo?

It seems unlikely you can fit a couple of atomic clocks plus a powerful transmitter and its power supply into a cubesat format.


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