Projects Su-28 and Su-29


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30 July 2008
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Generally are known
- Su-28: 1987, civilian version of the Su-25UT, just one prototype
- Su-29: 1991, single-seat aerobatic aircraft, series 1992 - 2007, 52 airplanes.

Not so well is known that 1973 already entirely different projects Su-28 and Su-29 on the basis of the original design of the T-10 existed. For the aircraft carrier project 1160 (development in period 1968 - 1976, not built) in 1973, have been recommended following 3 projects:
- Su-27K: 1973, first carrier-based fighter aircraft project of the original Su-27 (T-10), later in the T-10K (Su-33) developed
- Su-28K: 1973, two-seat attack aircraft (“shturmovik”) with sub-version Su-28KRTs (reconnaissance and target illuminator)
- Su-29K: 1973, interceptor with long-range missiles K-33 (for MiG-31 developed)

It is interesting that the number of aircraft on the carrier project 1160 was already determined:
- 12 Su-27K or Su-29K
- 12 Su-28K
- 4 Su-28KRTs

In addition to the “Su” should still be used on the carrier project 1160:
- 6 Beriev P-42
- 4 Beriev P-42 (RLDN)
- 8 Kamov Ka-252 (later Ka-27)

Source: Fomin, A. "Wing on board", Aviatsiya i Kosmonavtika 2008/09
Thanks for posting this info. Do you (or anyone) have an idea, whether the Su-28K would have featured tandem or side-by-side seating?
tandem, of course

Su-28 scale drawings by Nikolay Gordyukov available here
paralay said:
Su-27K "Buran" and P-42

Thank you for the pictures of the Su-27K by 1972. You can specify the source? There are similar pictures of the Su-28K and Su-29K?
mechan said:
1. Thank you for the pictures of the Su-27K by 1972. You can specify the source?
2. There are similar pictures of the Su-28K and Su-29K?


  • 27.jpg
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Stephan, please check you mail.

Publisher's price for an ENGLISH LANGUAGE Vol. 1, including S&H anywhere, was USD $100 - this is a price Ildar gave me last year when I have forwarded some forum members request for a book. It's bites, but it worth it.

Payment in US dollars via bank transfer.

PM me for details if you are interested.

P.S. Vol.2 in Russian was scheduled for MAKS-2009, English version date is unclear, but due to current situation schedule can slip.
I can vouch for this book. If you love to read about the technical development of an aircraft, both the technical story and also the personal story of the people who made it, this is a rare treat. It is an authoritative account of the development of the Su-27 with practically every stage of the design process illustrated.

Thanks for posting the pics, paralay. I wonder what the missiles under the Su-27K are supposed to represent? The smaller one could be K-25 I suppose, but the bigger one...any ideas?
I've attached a bit cleaned-up Babelfish of the article for the benefit of us all. So the Su-28K was to have tandem seating, and the Su-29K was also to be a twin-seater. I had read of the "Molniya-1" and "Molniya-2" carrier aircraft projects from somewhere before, but only now I know they were the Su-27K and Su-29K.

Here one should briefly mention about one more important direction of the works on the thematics Su-27, which were carried out in OKB in the period of 1971-1972. Since 1969, in the ministry of ship-building industry of the USSR officially was conducted the development for the Navies of the USSR the aircraft carrier of project 1160 (cipher “Orel”). The chief implementing agency of works from MSP was the association of Neva drawing and designing bureau (NPKB). It provided that the new ship will become in the composition the Navy of the USSR the first “valuable” aircraft carrier, which ensures the possibility of the basing of aircraft with “normal”, i.e., horizontal takeoff with the aid of the catapult and landing “on-aircraft”, with the braking with the aid of the arresting gear. It is natural that the development of the specialized, carrier-based aircraft was necessary for the aircraft carrier. In the initial stage of works the composition of the air armament of aircraft carrier the rest by 1160 management MAP was determined as follows: fighters of the type MiG-23, attack aircraft of the type Su-24, the specialized antisubmarine aircraft P-42 (OKB Beriev) and helicopters of the type Ka-252 with total number approximately 60-70 LA. In accordance with the indications MAP, in OKB Sukhoi, naturally, conducted preliminary design studies according to the ship-based derivative Su-24, but the proposed method of the solution of problem did not satisfy developer. Problem consisted in the fact that the level of mass-dimensional characteristics Su-24 by that time no longer ensured acceptable takeoff and landing characteristics of aircraft under the conditions of ship basing. Therefore in 1971, as a result preliminary consultations with the designer-ship-builders, OKB P.O. Sukhoi proposed to replace aircraft of the type Su-24 on board the aircraft carrier by the multipurpose carrier-based aircraft on the base PFI, work on which up to this moment exactly was turned havoc at the firm. This proposal was coordinated with the customer, and, as a result, were correspondingly corrected the positions of the prepared solution.
The solution of VPK, according to which to the number of OKB MAP was given task for the preparation of the designs of the aircraft of deck basing, was accepted on June 5, 1971. In accordance with this document, OKB P.O. Sukhoi was prescribed to develop preliminary design of ship version PFI, and VVS - to give out OKB corresponding TTT to the aircraft. The solution of VPK was doubled corresponding departmental order MAP dated June 24, 1971, according to which for OKB was established the period of the presentation of the materials of preliminary design in 1 quarter of 1972. But VVS, after the corresponding consultations with the fleet aviation in the period from June 1971 to January 1972, gave out not one, but 4 TTZ: separately for the fighter, the heavy fighter, the attack aircraft and the intelligence officer-target indicator. Thus, OKB was in prospect to develop not one, but the entire family of ship aircraft. Simultaneously, as was noted above, precisely at this moment occurred the correction of the position VVS apropos of the structure of the park of fighter aircraft; therefore lives on the preliminary design of ship version Su-27 also it was necessary to substantially shift.
Work on the theme of carrier-based fighter obtained designation “Buran”, and in OKB they conducted under the ciphers T-12, T-11 and T-10K. The chief designer of OKB for this thematics assigned the representative of the division of projects coll. Smirnov, whom into the joke they began to call “snow-storm by Borisovich”. It is interesting to note that the unique competition was again carried out in the initial stage of design works in 100 divisions. For this, besides V.I. Antonov's group, to the design of ship aircraft they connected brigade 100-3, headed by L.I. Bondarenko. Its representatives of Yu.V. Davydov SV Of [elistratov] in the period from April to October 1972 developed and let out several versions of the alternative layouts of the aircraft of ship basing. Among them there were very exotic, but the detailed examination of this direction of works exceeds the scope of this book and it will be executed separately. Here we will only note that the total materials of preliminary design were developed on the base of integral airplane design, as base version served the layout Of T10/3, most well studied by August 1972. In this case, all 4 modifications, assigned according to TTZ, were distinguished only by the layout of the forward fuselage. General for all versions were the design peculiarity associated wities the need for basing and operation from the deck of aircraft carrier, such, as:
- strengthening the landing gear struts for guaranteeing the takeoff with the aid of the catapult and landing without the levelling off, application on the front landing gear strut of the dual-control aircraft of wheels, telescopic diagram of support and places of fastening for the shuttle of steam-powered catapult;
- installation in the aft fuselage section of the lowered landing hook, intended for the engagement for the rope of arresting gear;
- the storing of the outer planes of wing for guaranteeing the minimal sizes LA during the storage on the hangar deck;
In other respects, the ship-based derivative of fighter, which received designation Su-27K (cipher “Molniya-1”), practically differed in no way from base “land” Su-27. The carrier-based ground attack aircraft Su-28K (cipher “Groza”) was the 2-local modification of ship aircraft, was equipped with cab with the tandem arrangement of the crew members and, in contrast to the fighter, specialized system for control of armament (SUV), with another content of equipment, which ensures the application of wide nomenclature of the controlled weapons of destruction on the sea and ground targets. On the base Su-28K was developed the specialized modification of aircraft Su-28KRTs (cipher “Vimpel”), intended for conducting the aerial reconnaissance in the interests of the striking forces of fleet and delivery of aim designation to the main rocket armament of aircraft carrier - to antiship missile complex of the type “Granit” of the development of the central design bureau of machine building (TSKBM, the design project leader of V.N. Chelomey). The latter in this model number was the version of heavy two-seat fighter Su-29K (cipher “Molniya-2”), equipped, as the basic armament, UR of class “air-to-air” of a long range of the type K-33, developed for the interceptor E-155MP. The preliminary results of the study of ship versions Su-27, in the number of other questions, were examined on united NTS MAP and MSP, carried out together with the representatives MO (VVS and the Navies) at the beginning June 1972 and dedicated to the examination of the preliminary design of aircraft carrier the rest 1160. In the final form the materials of preliminary design on the theme “Buran” were designed in OKB toward the end 1972, after which they were directed for the examination in MAP. But, in connection with the uncertainty of the state of works on the aircraft carrier of project 1160, further development this direction of studies in the period in question time did not obtain.
The underwing missile looks to me like a badly drawn K-25, while the underfuselage missile looks like a Martel analogue- a TV guided AShM.
There's no mention of a carrier-based Su-28 or Su-29 in the book Unflown Wings. Any idea?
I have those two Russian books about Su-27,and I will check.
There's no mention of a carrier-based Su-28 or Su-29 in the book Unflown Wings.
For the role of a naval Su-27, there is already the Su-25UTG.
And just what would be the point of a carrier-based Su-29? Aerobatics displays at sea?
There's no mention of a carrier-based Su-28 or Su-29 in the book Unflown Wings.
For the role of a naval Su-27, there is already the Su-25UTG.
And just what would be the point of a carrier-based Su-29? Aerobatics displays at sea?
Su-28 (1st of that designation) was a naval strike version of the T-10. Su-29 (1st of that designation) was a naval interceptor version aimed with the R-33 AAM.
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1. Photo of the project of the Su-27K "Buran" deck aircraft. Sukhoi Design Bureau
2. Photo project of the T-10/4 deck aircraft. This is a modification of the T-10 (Su-27) project. Sukhoi
Design Bureau
3 . Photo of the project of the Beriev Design Bureau's P-42 deck anti-submarine aircraft.
And please use a translator.

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