Projects by V. Shavrov


ACCESS: Top Secret
5 May 2007
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Projects V. Shavrov
In order to reduce the economic costs and accelerate production, Shavrov used design elements from other series aircraft, so for example :
MDR-8 (Marine long-range reconnaissance) and MTB (Marine Heavy Bomber)was based on Pe-8 (TB-7),
MDR-7 on Il-4 (DB-3)
GS project used the wing SB.
Such a unification process, the mass bombers and the projected seaplanes significantly reduced the duration of the issuance of serial production.


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All drawings by I.Sultanov


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  • Shavrov 'DI' (M-34 RFNT).jpg
    Shavrov 'DI' (M-34 RFNT).jpg
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Re: Projects by V. Sharov

very nice projects I must say especially the 4 engine Sharov MDR-8 although it strongly resembled the Short Sunderland! But the Russians haven't such a flyboat in service at the war,its a pity that this type stayed on the drawing board.
They could use that kind of flying boats for their pacific fleet for instance
Re: Projects by V. Sharov

T-50 said:
the Russians haven't such a flyboat in service at the war,its a pity that this type stayed on the drawing board.

Actually we have one type of such an aircraft which actually flew. But it also existed only in two prototypes, one of which crashed during tests. It was Tupolev MTB-2 (ANT-44): This aircraft was even recommended for series, but this decision was cancelled in January 1940. Some experts in the high command thought that such an aircraft isn't necessary, because its missions could be carried out by DB-3F (Il-4) and TB-7 (Pe-8) land-based long-range bombers... Only later it became clear that it was a mistake, and we had to compensate the deficiency of large seaplanes with American Catalinas...

But the sole ANT-44 (second prototype) participated in war as a part of Black Sea Fleet aviation, as a strategic bomber, making night raids on Ploiesti and other targets. It served until early 1943 when it was destroyed during storm landing.


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Re: Projects by V. Sharov

MDR-8 seems influenced by Sunderland and Boeing 314, MDR-7 or Sh-6 by Catalina !
nice Hydroplanes ! ;D
Re: Projects by V. Sharov

Hi borovik,

thanks for these great pictures. We all know the Sh-1/Sh-2 and Sh-5, Sh-7 as real aircraft. You give us the Sh-6. Do you have more informations about the Sh-3 and Sh-4? Was the Sh-7 the last Sh-construction?

Servus Maveric
1-3) A few iterations Sh-3, for various departments concerned.
4) The aircraft for aerial photography Sh-4
5) Transport Amphibian Sh-8
As far as I know the Sh-8 was the last of wearing numbered consecutively.
Also I know a dozen projects with different alphabetic designation.


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Re: Projects by V. Sharov


Well, this topic covers some projects of Vadim Borisovitch Shavrov...
For Soviet (and now - Russian) aviation history this person isn't just another designer of flying boats, but - the first man, who really describe the history itself. In 1968 the first volume of the "Histoty of Soviet aircraft' designs till 1938" has been published, then in 1978 seocnd volume appears (covers 1939-1950).

This two volumes until now remains the most complete and structured book on the Russian aviation. Despite many (as we now knew) shortcomings, unitentional errors, and very personal-related standing of author a lot of people have a whole picture of aircraft' design, designers and main trends in this area.

Third volume has been published also, covering the story till 1965, although it has been prepeared by certain different authors (each describe separate design bureau activity) and (IMHO) lacks the Shavrov's style. Moreover, some data is not critically described.

Anyway, Vadim Borisovitch Shavrov (1898-1976) made one of the most succesfull Soviet hydroplane (Sh-2), wrote the history of Soviet aviation and participated in many design bureau, as a designer.
His hobby was collector of exotic bugs.



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I loved the Sh-8, thanks!
The DI is also very interesting but... what is it? I for Istribityel = fighter all right, but D for DvukhMyestnii = ?
In my Russian(-French) dictionary, Myestnii is local (like in local newspaper, local color), so what would this twin-local mean? Please help us enjoying this unknown one...
Hi, Tophe!

"Mestny" in this case is a unremovable part of word "dvuhmestny" (двухместный) - two-seater, or literally "designed for two places of accomadation".

So "odnomestny" (одноместный) is single-seater, "tryohmestny" (трёхместный)- three-seater.

Thanks to ALL who have expressed interest in the activities of Vadim Shavrov, designer and historian of aviation, (Special thanks to Silencer1!)
Shavrov "IM" 'Istrebitel Morskoy' = Marine Fighter - you can see here :,6473.0/
In the continuation of the theme a few images Shavrov Sh-3 (USR)
'Upravlenie Spetsial'nyh Rabot "= Office of Special Works.
That is, it was supposed to be the first Soviet aircraft "limousine" for officials working in the regions ...
Stage of readiness of 90%, but after the elimination of USR (the customer) all works were stopped.
Shavrov Sh-7 (known enough aircraft, but this scheme is the presence of interesting military version)
Shavrov "Stal-4" / steel / two different options. (Previously April 30, 1930 RL Bartini offered his version of "Stal-4 and with the support of the Minister P. Baranov, together with the
M.N. Tukhachevsky, work began on the factory number №240 SNII, the fate of this project is not known; unlike from Stal-6, -7, -8.)
Sources: G. Petrov, "Seaplanes and WIG Russia "
"Авиация и Космонавтика" mag.


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Tophe said:
Thanks, mostly for the twin-hull STAL-4. Did Ing.Bartini bring to USSR the Italian touch of the SIAI 55?

You didn't need the touch of Bartini, Russians acquired several S-55P directly from SIAI and used them as civil transport under Aeroflot insigna.
Re: Shipboard reconaissance KOR-2 / 3

At the end of 1938 was given an order to: Ship a reconaissance for the "Big Sea and ocean-going fleet" / KOR-2. /
The objective of competitive aircraft included: - reconaissance, adjustment of artillery fire and attacks with precision-bombing dive.
Besides V. Sharov participated in the contest Design Bureau :
- I. Chetverikov (they were offered two options for boat and float)
- V.Nikitin (Design Bureau № 39 aircraft factory in Leningrad)
- G. Beriev (TsKB MS / aircraft factory № 31 /)
And for the last win in the competition was vitally important (above design bureau hung the threat of liquidation).
The decision was made in favor of Beriev, as has already had a large experience in the creation of such machines and knew the problems catapult launch.
Without waiting for the serial production of KOR-2, Beriev offers several options for a new project
KOR-3 (Be-6-the first with this name). Alternative KOR-3 (two floats) had estimated a maximum speed of 428 km / hr. The second version of this project is supposed to ground the undercarriage/landing gear for possible use on the projected while the aircraft carriers (based on the light cruiser / Project 71, 72 /)
Third option boat project was the layout of the original rotor installation. Engine M-107, located in the fuselage and rotated through a complex system of two coaxial drive shafts propeller. In such a scheme designed KOR-2 Shavrov's.
Source - "Wings Over the Sea" 1994, "Marine reconaissance's" M. Maslov


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Re: Shipboard reconaissance KOR-2 / 3



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Very nice projects borovik, thanks ;D

Do you have any technical data for the projects by Niktin and Chetverikov?????

Thanks. Servus Maveric
Maveric said:
Do you have any technical data for the projects by Niktin and Chetverikov?????

I have some data for Chetverikov KOR-2L project:
Wingspan - 11.0 m
Length - 9.50 m
Height - 4.25 m
Engine - 1x Klimov M-103, 960 hp
Maximum speed - 450 km/h (another source says 425 km/h)
Landing speed - 95 km/h
Flight range - 1680 km

These data are published in the "Illustrated encyclopedia of Beriev TANTK aircraft" by Panatov & Udalov, for comparison with Beriev KOR-2 (and Chetverikov's data looks very optimistic on this background). Unfortunately the projects by Nikitin and Shavrov aren't mentioned in this book, and there are no data for them. The only thing I know about Nikitin KOR-2 is that it was powered by 900-hp M-62 radial engine and was de-facto a heavier, reinforced and much more powerful derivative of his NV-4 training amphibian:
I seem to remember seeing a proposal for an armed version of the Shavrov Sh-2 with one or two fixed machine guns firing forward from the hull decking. Am I thinking of another design or can someone confirm this?

NEVERMIND, I found it in a previous thread of mine from 2009 thanks to a contribution by borovik. Doh!
The Shavrov Sh-5 large multi-purpose flying boat, 1934:


  • Sh-5 large multi-purpose flying boat, 1934.jpg
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Thanks for bringing this picture to our attention, Jens. The shape of the tail fin isn't quite right either...
Some more pix of Sha-5


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here is the Breiev KOR-3 seaplane;

Корабельные самолеты-разведчики СССР


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My dear Borovik,

from the same source; Авиация и Космонавтика 1998-11/12,I note there was
an eight Projects we never spoke about the;

1- A-A a pusher single engined amphibian of 1929
2- 1930 a single engined flying boat
3- DPA a twin engined amphibian of 1930
4- PA a single engined amphibian of 1930
5- TA a twin engined amphibian of 1935
6- STS amazing designed for single engined transport aircraft of 1936
7- SPS a twin engined high-wing transport aircraft of 1944
8- 1947 (Donatsiya) a single seat amphibian of 1947


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Thanks for these nice projects, hesham.
Careful about the name of the last one, it's Donatsiya (the small Cyrillic "i" looks like the Western "u").
Thank you my dear Skyblazer,

and I will correct it.
These are great, hesham, thanks. No. 2 seems like a teeny, tiny engine for such a big plane, but maybe it was designed for endurance over all else.
Sh-5 aircraft for aerial photography.
In 1928, the main administration of Geodesy and cartography and Geodesic Committee planned an extensive program of works by mapping the USSR, various purpose and scope. Meanwhile, special aircraft, met the new requirements. Specific feature requirements was the availability of a wide angle of view (144°) for camera lenses. In addition, everyone's attention was attracted by the idea of amphibious aircraft, since a large part of the territory to be shooting, had no airfields. In 1930, it was decided to build it.
In April-June 1930, two identical project-land and amphibious (both under two engine 300 HP)-were executed in b. Shavrovym (drawings) and k. a. Wiegand (calculations) under the names of FS-1 and FS-2 (fotosamolety) and successfully carried out through STC UVVS on behalf of CFA RESEARCH INSTITUTE.
FS were in terms of OKB Richard, then by March 1931-in terms of the CDB, where at that time worked in b. Shavrov. After discussions at the Tehsovete decided to unify aircraft TSKB, making one-with extra land combined float. As such, the project was approved in July 1931, and had begun its development in the Marine Department under n-28/29 or SH-5.
The tests were launched March 19, 1934 (skiing) and continued until the end of the year because they had broken the chassis due to a manufacturing defect.
Wingspan, 24.00m
Length, 15.00m
Wing area 7310m2
Mass, empty weight 3150kg, normal takeoff 5000kg
Engine type 2 DD m-22
Power, 2 x 480HP
Maximum speed, 225km/h
Cruising speed, 187 km/h
Range, 1200 km

I imagine that when amphibious mode in the water, main landing gear is retracted upward.(Please watch three side view drawing.)


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SH-2 and SH-1.


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"In the spring of 1941 year Shavrov V.b. introduced the draft sea far Scout was designed on the basis of heavy bomber PE-8 (aka Ant-42, TB-7) aircraft design intended to use many components of the airframe, engines, components in common with the base plane that was supposed to accelerate the issue and mastering MDP-8 parallel with PE-8 ...

The powerplant remained with PE-8 and consisted of four engines am 35 and a capacity of 1350 HP.

The fuselage was redesigned. Diagram of the defensive armament was slightly different: in the nose and tail of the established 20-mm cannon, on top of the fuselage large machine gun 12.7 mm UBT, and with both sides of the 7.62 mm ShKAS machine guns. Podkrylevye floats were absent, and instead the aircraft equipped with so-called "gills" with small floats on the ends. The project was not implemented. "


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hesham said:
2- 1930 a single engined flying boat


So I was wondering about this design. It looks like it has a narrow single-seat cockpit. In other respects it almost looks like a glider.

In terms of low wing loading, lower power-to-weight ratio, sailplane like configuration... it reminds me of the Russian experiments with powered transport gliders:,10100.0.html

It seems to be from almost the right time period as well. So I was wondering if there is any connection?
Avimimus said:
In terms of low wing loading, lower power-to-weight ratio, sailplane like configuration... it reminds me of the Russian experiments with powered transport gliders:,10100.0.html

It seems to be from almost the right time period as well. So I was wondering if there is any connection?

I think not.
Avimimus said:
So I was wondering about this design. It looks like it has a narrow single-seat cockpit. In other respects it almost looks like a glider.

If that span dimension is 29.5m, then the hull is about 1.75m at its widest point and that canopy looks ~0.65m wide. It looks to me like a tandem, two-seat cockpit, so perhaps for a pilot and navigator/observer for maritime reconnaissance?

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