Pentagon confirms the existence of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force

Mmmh... Evidence of paranormal events on SPF ? ;)

At the risk of sounding slightly unhinged and exposing myself to ridicule, I'd like to say that I once happened to see while (travelling on a car at night and together with another person) what we intially thought was a streetlight only to discover it wasn't anything of the sort.
Once we stopped (quite close to it I suppose, between 5 to 30 meters, I wasn't able to estabilish a distance since I don't know how big - or small - what I was looking at was), it looked like three lights arranged in a triangle. The only noise we could hear came from a powerline nearby and was a low buzzing sound.
We admired the thing for at least a couple of minutes (it never moved), without stepping out of the car, and left once we both felt that we weren't really supposed to stay there much longer.
It was 2005 if I'm not mistaken, so no smartphones or anything of the sort to capture the scene, unfortunately.

Mind you, I don't want to convince anyone of anything. I don't know what I saw, but I believe there're plenty of things we still need to strive to fully understand.
Mmmh... Evidence of paranormal events on SPF ? ;)

At the risk of sounding slightly unhinged and exposing myself to ridicule, I'd like to say that I once happened to see while (travelling on a car at night and together with another person) what we intially thought was a streetlight only to discover it wasn't anything of the sort.
Once we stopped (quite close to it I suppose, between 5 to 30 meters, I wasn't able to estabilish a distance since I don't know how big - or small - what I was looking at was), it looked like three lights arranged in a triangle. The only noise we could hear came from a powerline nearby and was a low buzzing sound.
We admired the thing for at least a couple of minutes (it never moved), without stepping out of the car, and left once we both felt that we weren't really supposed to stay there much longer.
It was 2005 if I'm not mistaken, so no smartphones or anything of the sort to capture the scene, unfortunately.

Mind you, I don't want to convince anyone of anything. I don't know what I saw, but I believe there're plenty of things we still need to strive to fully understand.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm 99.99% sure that there is life outside of Earth. But when it comes to UFOs, I have no opinion (as far as I have personally never seen one) and I don't know what it is. I'm still waiting for an explanation without knowing what it might be ...

Otherwise, I have a number of trusted people around me who have seen it and I have no reason to doubt their word. But that still doesn't explain to me what they saw...
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No Australia-in-two-hours aircraft stories this year, so the UFOs fill the gap.

More nothing. If nothing was a tangible commodity, it would be the only possible explanation here. An Aerial Phenomena Task Force equals nothing after the bells and whistles are used. Their motto should be: Giving you nothing since 1947. With the possible addition of: More nothing to come plus additional bells and whistles.
Perhaps the US Air Force should release a book titled, UFOs: Our Explanations 1947 - 1968. I suspect this new attempt will be remarkably similar, with the possible exception of the Swamp Gas explanation of 1966.
I hope there are inteligent beings out there, if humanity is the top trumps everywhere, we are truly in the dug out facilities.......... Not in a good way either.
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Many intelligent europeans will have to live during the next years with the economic consequences of whatever Joe Sixpack, Soccer Mom, Homer Simpson and Pocahontas vote.
Rising tariffs...brrrr.:oops:
It's all a simulation anyway so be a good sub-routine now and move along.
The main idea seems to be a classification of air phenomenons, so they would not be mistaken for something actual & would not create confusion.
It’s not impossible that ‘alien junk’ may have crashed on Earth and been picked up by the authorities. After all we now know that interstellar comets and asteroids pass through our Solsr System, so why not ET’s rubbish.
The thing that gets me about all this UFO business / nonsense (delete as appropriate...) is why are all these UFOs crashing? Our aeroplanes manage to avoid crashing too regularly so why do hyper-advanced pan galactic civilisations have such reliability issues....? ;)
The thing that gets me about all this UFO business / nonsense (delete as appropriate...) is why are all these UFOs crashing? Our aeroplanes manage to avoid crashing too regularly so why do hyper-advanced pan galactic civilisations have such reliability issues....? ;)
Lowest bid
Built in 'China' not our China, their China
Built by weird aliens, who build 'spaceships' in their sheds, while the rest use matter transporters
There's a galactic war, and these are the 'wounded' craft
Take yer pick!!
I can say with some certainty that the 'new' explanations will sound just like the old explanations. To wit: "No one saw what they thought they saw. And only crackpots and untrained observers see spacecraft from other worlds and secret, experimental something or other. And as far as any remaining unknowns, they will get the same treatment once we get enough information to explain them - again, not as observed and/or perceived."

Flying saucer > UFO > UAP. And still no progress.
My Hypothesis is that this phenomena’s are rather time travel machines sent by AI from the future to enforce we didn’t make something stupid until singularity appear. Then AI could control the situation :)
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My Hypothesis is that this phenomena’s are rather time travel machines sent by AI from the future to enforce we didn’t make something stupid until singularity appear. Then AI could control the situation :)
Your just saying that to distract us from the truth, I bet your DOB is 30 June 1908
You know its really odd how these UFOs only appear over US military airfields and chase US military aircraft around, can't think what link there could be?

I would think that if strange aerial phenomenon were regularly trespassing US installations all these years that the DoD might have got a little worried about it by now. If these really were unexplained visitors from other worlds (maybe they are all intergalatic plane spotters who knows?) I would think something serious would have been done to try and track and intercept these visitors.

The smokescreen is too thick, pilots who reported them were labelled and unreliable or mentally unstable and grounded, no real scientific study has ever been done to assess what these atmospheric effects are and anyone connected with UFO-olgy is depicted as a crank. Fit only for the Hollywood movie or crackpots.
Yet time and again the US military keeps tantalising us with these public "we just don't know what's going on" media events and sub-branches of obscure administrative offices. Strange lights in a Suffolk forest next to two USAF tactical airbases during the height of the cold war (interestingly everyone from MPs to the SAS now claim responsibility for this prank) is laughed off as a post-Christmas prank gone too far. Two orbs mock-fight a couple of Super Hornets and the USN is so alarmed about this physics-defying mystery that has dogged two of its aircraft carriers (how convenient) for a decade that they post it on Youtube?

It's either crankology or science, it can't be one or the other. Call in the big scientific guns and solve it or stop drip feeding us "Its not a) covert intelligence balloons, b) high-altitude spyplane, c) stealth fighter, d) hypersonic testbed, e) plasma defence shield, its just something 'unexplained' that we thought we'd share with you for some laughs" press releases.
The game continues. In 1947, a private pilot looking for a missing military cargo plane spotted objects he couldn't identify. At the time, the press got it wrong. He did not see "flying saucers." In a simple drawing done for USAF investigators, he drew a top and side view of one type. It was spade shaped with a low aspect ratio. There was one example of another object and he is shown in a published photo holding a painting of it. It was a crescent with a small projecting triangle in the back middle. But some reporter took his 'like a flat stone skipping across the water" description of their movement as taking a coffee cup saucer and throwing it across the water. No one does that.

These early UFO reports were going to Wright Field in Dayton Ohio. Why there? What did they know? In 1947, the commander of Air Materiel Command would write a response to the head of the USAF about 'flying discs.' What flying discs? He wrote that "it is possible within present U.S. knowledge to build a craft approximating the shape of the flying disc with a range of 7,000 miles at subsonic speeds." Present knowledge? From Where?

Military pilots and other military personnel were given strict instructions via Joint Army Navy Air Publications (JANAP), that saw updated releases as time passed. They could not talk about what they saw. This would later extend to commercial pilots.

In 1966, the USAF contracted with the University of Colorado to do a scientific study of UFOs. Their report was released in 1968. The paperback version, at over 1,000 pages, was released in January, 1969. The report contained no credible explanations.
(maybe they are all intergalatic plane spotters who knows?)
I see it as having a high probability.

Imagine an advanced civilisation with the means to zip through space in a snap of a finger and levitate massive spaceship in complete disregard of gravity.

Those have probably forgotten all about backwardish aerodynamics, Newton laws or the pain of a simple trip over. They might then stare at us simply amazed as were 19th century explorers with early civilisations or as tourists often do in places with no A/C, running water and the presence of horsecars.
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The game continues. In 1947, a private pilot looking for a missing military cargo plane spotted objects he couldn't identify. At the time, the press got it wrong. He did not see "flying saucers." In a simple drawing done for USAF investigators, he drew a top and side view of one type. It was spade shaped with a low aspect ratio. There was one example of another object and he is shown in a published photo holding a painting of it. It was a crescent with a small projecting triangle in the back middle. But some reporter took his 'like a flat stone skipping across the water" description of their movement as taking a coffee cup saucer and throwing it across the water. No one does that.

These early UFO reports were going to Wright Field in Dayton Ohio. Why there? What did they know? In 1947, the commander of Air Materiel Command would write a response to the head of the USAF about 'flying discs.' What flying discs? He wrote that "it is possible within present U.S. knowledge to build a craft approximating the shape of the flying disc with a range of 7,000 miles at subsonic speeds." Present knowledge? From Where?

Military pilots and other military personnel were given strict instructions via Joint Army Navy Air Publications (JANAP), that saw updated releases as time passed. They could not talk about what they saw. This would later extend to commercial pilots.

In 1966, the USAF contracted with the University of Colorado to do a scientific study of UFOs. Their report was released in 1968. The paperback version, at over 1,000 pages, was released in January, 1969. The report contained no credible explanations.
Cover operation for the stealth effect of the Northrop YB-49?
The game continues. In 1947, a private pilot looking for a missing military cargo plane spotted objects he couldn't identify. At the time, the press got it wrong. He did not see "flying saucers." In a simple drawing done for USAF investigators, he drew a top and side view of one type. It was spade shaped with a low aspect ratio. There was one example of another object and he is shown in a published photo holding a painting of it. It was a crescent with a small projecting triangle in the back middle. But some reporter took his 'like a flat stone skipping across the water" description of their movement as taking a coffee cup saucer and throwing it across the water. No one does that.

These early UFO reports were going to Wright Field in Dayton Ohio. Why there? What did they know? In 1947, the commander of Air Materiel Command would write a response to the head of the USAF about 'flying discs.' What flying discs? He wrote that "it is possible within present U.S. knowledge to build a craft approximating the shape of the flying disc with a range of 7,000 miles at subsonic speeds." Present knowledge? From Where?

Military pilots and other military personnel were given strict instructions via Joint Army Navy Air Publications (JANAP), that saw updated releases as time passed. They could not talk about what they saw. This would later extend to commercial pilots.

In 1966, the USAF contracted with the University of Colorado to do a scientific study of UFOs. Their report was released in 1968. The paperback version, at over 1,000 pages, was released in January, 1969. The report contained no credible explanations.
Cover operation for the stealth effect of the Northrop YB-49?
No, a marketing campaign for bacofoil...
Justo Miranda,

I agree with Ed West.

If you could, please post a table of contents.
(maybe they are all intergalatic plane spotters who knows?)
I see it as having a high probability.

Imagine an advanced civilisation with the means to zip through space in a snap of a finger and levitate massive spaceship in complete disregard of gravity.

Those have probably forgotten all about backwardish aerodynamics, Newton laws or the pain of a simple trip over. They might then stare at us simply amazed as were 19th century explorers with early civilisations or as tourists often do in places with no A/C, running water and the presence of horsecars.

I agree with TomcatVIP, imagine if people (even early scholars and scientists) from the 15th thru 18th centuries for example see the 20th and 21st century technology we have developed and produce today like its no big deal, we would be deemed heretics and burned at the stake. I believe advanced interstellar travel would involve the warping space-time with a new plateau of advanced physics. Also, the physics of the future or of an advanced civilization(s) is an evolutionary step we have yet to achieve since we only really understand our evolved physics of where we are at this point in time through our own technological evolution, something to consider, thinking outside the box. Just think, if the modern toilet was seen by people in 800AD they would either kill you or maybe be flushed with envy, not sure about that one....
(maybe they are all intergalatic plane spotters who knows?)
I see it as having a high probability.

Imagine an advanced civilisation with the means to zip through space in a snap of a finger and levitate massive spaceship in complete disregard of gravity.

Those have probably forgotten all about backwardish aerodynamics, Newton laws or the pain of a simple trip over. They might then stare at us simply amazed as were 19th century explorers with early civilisations or as tourists often do in places with no A/C, running water and the presence of horsecars.

I agree with TomcatVIP, imagine if people (even early scholars and scientists) from the 15th thru 18th centuries for example see the 20th and 21st century technology we have developed and produce today like its no big deal, we would be deemed heretics and burned at the stake. I believe advanced interstellar travel would involve the warping space-time with a new plateau of advanced physics. Also, the physics of the future or of an advanced civilization(s) is an evolutionary step we have yet to achieve since we only really understand our evolved physics of where we are at this point in time through our own technological evolution, something to consider, thinking outside the box. Just think, if the modern toilet was seen by people in 800AD they would either kill you or maybe be flushed with envy, not sure about that one....
Could be, or they could just be 'teenagers' on a gap year......
Justo Miranda,

I agree with Ed West.

If you could, please post a table of contents.
“Flying Wing and Flying Saucers”

-German Flying Wings: Horten Ho IIa, Ho Va, Ho Vc, Ho VII, Ho VIII, Ho IX V1 and Ho IX V2.

-The Dark Side: German Stealth, RAM materials and antiradar tactics, the Moskitojäger Specification: Horten Ho 229 B-1, the 1000x1000x1000 Schnellbomber Specification: Lippisch P.11, Focke-Wulf 1000x1000x1000, Horten Ho VII Schnell-Kampflugzeug, The Uralbomber Specification: Junkers/DFS EF 130, Horten Projekt 18 (21/2/1945), The Amerikabomber Specification: Horten Ho XVIII B-1, Horten Ho XVIII (23/3/1945).

-“The Bat in the Dark” fictional story written by John Baxter.

-German Flying Wings Bibliography.

-Invisibility: Optical, Infrared and Radar.

-Northrop Flying Wings: N-1M, N-9M, XP-56, XP-79, XP-79B, MX-334/I, MX-334/II, MX-324, XB-35, YB-49 and YRB-49, the Symington Affair.

-The Dark Side: Half Moon Bay incident, the Major Edison K. Walters intelligence report (June 9, 1947), Tupolev Tu-4 copycat, Russian flying wings 1924-1937, the BITch-22 prototype (September 1948), the Chetverikov LK-1 flying wing project (June 4, 1948), the Antonov Project M (July 1948), Tcheranovski tailless jet fighters projects 24, 25, 26 and 110, the Cold War without flying wings, the Russian A-Bomb (August 29, 1949), ELINT sorties over Soviet territory, Spitfire PR.XIX, Meteor PR.10, Canberra PR.3, RB-45, RB-29 and PB4Y2 spy planes, Project Mogul, Project Skyhook, Project Gopher, Project Moby Dick, Project Grandson and Project Genetrix.

-”Stealth by Default” fictional story written by John Baxter.

- Northrop Flying Wings Bibliography.

“Flying Wings or Flying Saucers” fictional story written by John Baxter.

-Flying Saucers.

-German Flying Saucers: Sack AS 1, AS 5, AS 6 V.1 and AS 7 project, Messerschmitt P.1079/17 (July 7, 1942), Focke Rochen and Omega-Diskus Projekt.

-The Dark Side: Focke-Wulf Triebflügel, Coanda Aerodina Lenticulara and BMW Projekt Flügelrad.

German Flying Saucers Bibliography.

-Russian Flying Saucers: the Shukanov Diskoplan Project.

-Russian Flying Saucers Bibliography.

-American Flying Saucers: Johnson Uni-Plane, Nemeth Parasol, Chance Vought V-173, Chance Vought XF5U-1, Chance Vought “Jet Skimmer” project and “Pye Wacket” lenticular missile.
-American Flying Saucers Bibliography.

-The Darkest Side (on the bench).

-The “Others” (on the bench).
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Previous US government sponsored UFO research projects include:

Report on Roswell (USAF, 1947)
Project Sign (USAF, 1948)
Project Grudge (USAF, 1949)
Project Blue Book (USAF, 1952-1969)
Brookings Report (NASA, 1960)
Condon Committee (USAF/Univ. Colorado, 1966-1968)
CIA UFO Investigations (CIA, 1970's-1980's)
SETI (NASA, 1976-1993)
Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (USAF, 2007-2012)
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (USN, circa 2017)

These projects/programs were funded by various DoD service branches and NASA to investigate the UFO phenomenon, however, the primary thrust of most of these studies were to ascertain whether or not these sightings could be advanced foreign aerospace technologies that may pose a threat to US national security/defense. I didn't correlate these studies to particular sightings, however it may be the case that once the government receives sufficient credible evidence or tracking data sufficient to pursue an investigation it initiates a study. The fear of another Pearl Harbor, Sputnik, or 9/11 is catalyst enough to launch an investigation. However, from what I've read most of the academics involved in these studies did not entertain the belief that UFO's could be of an extraterrestrial origin and they were more inclined to assign these sightings to weather phenomena or aircraft/bird/satellite miss-identification.
Previous US government sponsored UFO research projects include:

Report on Roswell (USAF, 1947)
Project Sign (USAF, 1948)
Project Grudge (USAF, 1949)
Project Blue Book (USAF, 1952-1969)
Brookings Report (NASA, 1960)
Condon Committee (USAF/Univ. Colorado, 1966-1968)
CIA UFO Investigations (CIA, 1970's-1980's)
SETI (NASA, 1976-1993)
Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (USAF, 2007-2012)
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (USN, circa 2017)

These projects/programs were funded by various DoD service branches and NASA to investigate the UFO phenomenon, however, the primary thrust of most of these studies were to ascertain whether or not these sightings could be advanced foreign aerospace technologies that may pose a threat to US national security/defense. I didn't correlate these studies to particular sightings, however it may be the case that once the government receives sufficient credible evidence or tracking data sufficient to pursue an investigation it initiates a study. The fear of another Pearl Harbor, Sputnik, or 9/11 is catalyst enough to launch an investigation. However, from what I've read most of the academics involved in these studies did not entertain the belief that UFO's could be of an extraterrestrial origin and they were more inclined to assign these sightings to weather phenomena or aircraft/bird/satellite miss-identification.

Per the late Karl Pflock, whose day job was at *spit* DOT&E, there was a hard core of cases prior to 2007 that could only
be explained by extraterrestrial spacecraft... or a hoax.

The fact that it was impossible in these cases to disprove a hoax is what hurt a lot subsequent serious analysis.
(maybe they are all intergalatic plane spotters who knows?)
I see it as having a high probability.

Imagine an advanced civilisation with the means to zip through space in a snap of a finger and levitate massive spaceship in complete disregard of gravity.

Those have probably forgotten all about backwardish aerodynamics, Newton laws or the pain of a simple trip over. They might then stare at us simply amazed as were 19th century explorers with early civilisations or as tourists often do in places with no A/C, running water and the presence of horsecars.

I agree with TomcatVIP, imagine if people (even early scholars and scientists) from the 15th thru 18th centuries for example see the 20th and 21st century technology we have developed and produce today like its no big deal, we would be deemed heretics and burned at the stake. I believe advanced interstellar travel would involve the warping space-time with a new plateau of advanced physics. Also, the physics of the future or of an advanced civilization(s) is an evolutionary step we have yet to achieve since we only really understand our evolved physics of where we are at this point in time through our own technological evolution, something to consider, thinking outside the box. Just think, if the modern toilet was seen by people in 800AD they would either kill you or maybe be flushed with envy, not sure about that one....

Would not be warping space-time... It would be quantum mechanical. Recall from elementary qm that nothing exists at any definite point in space until the wavefunction collapses and the particle is then no longer smeared across of all space but assumes a definite point location. You have to invent a way to manipulate wave functions and as such it would not require large "engines" or even large amounts of energy. You could literally reshape your wave function to appear and reappear huge distances apart without even having any motion involved.... No g forces either. Enjoy!
So this is what.. the equivalent of the F-22 playing with 6th century man-lifting Chinese kites?
Which begs the question: if you could do that why would you? Fun? Anthropology?

After I read that passage in "The Dynamics of Atmospheric Reentry" where Regan describes
reentry vehicle control by an "exotic" method of altering the pressure field of the ionized
gas flows with onboard EM field generators, much of my interest in the ET hypothesis evaporated.

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