Penrose-Delanne Gremlin (1952)

This was not strictly a Westland design Hesham but a Delanne wing concept
by Harald Penrose who was once testpilot at Westlands..
I came across the attached letter to the editor by famed Westland test pilot Harold Penrose (FLIGHT, 15 February 1952, p.187). Penrose describes his Gremlin, a Delanne-inspired tandem-wing lightplane, which was apparently stillborn due to the failure of it's lightweight Wren engine to make it to market.

Does anyone know any more about the Penrose Gremlin, the Wren engine, or any other postwar Delanne-inspired designs?


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Hi Mole;

we spoke about it before;,5697.0/highlight,westland+tandem.html
Thanks, Hesham, there was no mention of "Gremlin" which is why I didn't find it with the search. That's thread's pretty thin...nothing more or this or similar designs?
Mole said:
Thanks, Hesham, there was no mention of "Gremlin" which is why I didn't find it with the search. That's thread's pretty thin...nothing more or this or similar designs?

I hope that our Flitzer won't mind if I post here part of his web-page concerning the "Westland Design B"
(Flitzer: Thanks, or Sorry)

Thanks, Retrofit, that Delanne-configuration Westland rocket fighter is great!

Does anyone know of any articles or technical reports (in English or French) that actually analyze the pros and cons of the Delanne configuration? I've tried Google and the NASA Technical Reports Server and come up empty.


Still following up on my tandem wing obsession...does anyone know whether or not it is possible to access the old Westland archives, and if so, how? I wonder if there might be some trace of the Penrose Gremlin in there and/or some kind of analysis of the pros and cons of the Delanne configuration in general that might prove useful. Cheers, Matthew
I am still hoping that one of our UK members can help me track down the old Westland fixed-wing archives to hopefully find some technical studies of the Delanne configuration and maybe even more drawings of the Penrose Gremlin and other designs. Anyone have any ideas?
I am repeating my regular request for any technical studies or related materials on the pros and cons of the Delanne tandem-wing configuration, perhaps from old Westland fixed-wing archives. Anyone have any leads?
Mole, I don't think you need to "bump" the thread like that. It adds nothing to the topic and it's against forum rules, too! :-\

Just trust the forum members to share stuff when they find it, you know that's what we all do when we get our hands on material we know will be of interest to others... ;)
Understood. Sorry, I didn't realize it was a violation of a forum rule, I just thought I'd try again after a year and a half.

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