Pakistani 1980s Request for Boeing E-3


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6 September 2006
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Reading a recently acquired second-hand copy of 'Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems 1990-91', there is an intriguing reference to the E-3 in the Pakistan entry in the National and International Air Defence section.
It says that Pakistan was interested in procuring the Boeing E-3 AWACS system but that it was dropped due to a funding shortfall. However, it seems in 1989 a military assistance request to the USA included "several AWACS aircraft". It quotes the US DoD as saying, the USA "is studying the feasibility of supplying an airborne early warning system."

My question is, was this feasible, politically, in the 1989/90 timeframe from an American perspective? The Jane's entry seems to link the AEW need with the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, which had just ended. It predicts that the withdrawal might have implications for procurement.

Other interesting inclusions elsewhere in the same section are mention of the three abortive Tornado ADV export nations; Jordan (plans for 8 postponed due to economic reasons), Oman (8 on order but delivery deferred to 1992) and Malaysia (outline agreement for 8 as part of an $1.6bn MoU including other defence equipment and Marconi Martello radars).
I recall the Tornado options - especially Malaysia where they pushed very hard including sending jets there.

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