Nuggets from Aircrew Interview, Drachinifel, and other youtube channels.


I really should change my personal text
27 January 2017
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The following is an Aircrew Interview episode with Mike "Dozer" Shower. What makes it especially relevant to this forum is the section starting at 36 minutes where he talks about his time with the F-22. He was one of the first group to fly the plane and helped develop the tactics for its use.

Two things stood out for me that I think are relevant to this forum:

1. The airframe was ready by 1999, it took another 5-6 years to get the software in order.

2. The tactics they came up with involved taking advantage of stealth, supercruise, and altitude, to get the jump on opponents and shoot them down before anyone knew they were there. Which is exactly the mission the F-23 was designed for, and given the YF-23 had better speed, range, and stealth than the YF-22, it only reinforces my opinion that the wrong aircraft was chosen.

The whole interview is worth a listen, especially the F-22 section.

Drachinifel specialized in pre-cold war naval matters, and does both ship or ship class histories and battles and event histories. He also does Q & A videos he calls "Drydocks" which tend to have a fair number of "what if's" in them. There are also periodic histories of unbuilt projects. This one is on the Tillman's.

He is British, so there is a bit of tongue in cheek going on.


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