Non-aircraft designation systems?


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
3 September 2006
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The section about designation systems seems to feature only designations related to aircraft. I would like to discuss designations related to tanks and AFVs. For example China PRC's tank designations like ZTZ-xx, Type-xx, WZ-xxx, etc. Or ww2 AFV designations of IJA, Nazi Germany's, etc.
Where would the best place be: Army projects, or Designation systems?

Alternatively, I'd gratefully check any pointers to existing sites about those subjects. TIA.
Nazi Germany used a simple sequential system for naming tanks. Their first tank was called Panzerkampfwagen I (armoured war wagon one). They continued with Pzkw II, II and IV. The later "big cat" series were officially referred to as "Panther", Tiger I and Tiger II. Some historians refer to Panther as "Pzkw V."

OTOH, Germans tended to name firearms after the year they were introduced. For example: the Mauser Kar 98 rifle was based on a breech introduced in 1898. The Maschinepistole 18 (submachinegun 1918) was introduced in 1918.
Third Reich have very few Pzkw entries, but long list of Sdkfz - various wheeled/tracked vehicles.
Thanks, Anderman, you type your' message faster then me :cool:

There were countries, like UK, without any consequence naming of tanks or AFV - only the names. From other hand, postwar UK used FV-series.
So, any lists of designations, with proper links to more detailed infromation could be useful, especially demosnstrating the scale of design, development and production of particular vehicle' class in particular country
The section about designation systems seems to feature only designations related to aircraft...

There's a few exceptions, eg: Rolls-Royce RB designations (which I started before the Propulsion section existed). I know that's still aircraft-related ... but not specifically aircraft designations.

Since the section if now just called Designation Systems, I see no reason why armour designations, etc. couldn't also fit into that existing section.
I would be open to non- aviation designation systems, for avionics and systems as well as AFVs and such.
Its good to have well researched lists like we have for aircraft manufacturers to use and all kinds of useful info turns up.
Well, if anybody can shed some light on the PRC's tank designations, that would be very helpful.

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