Re: NASA AGB-3-IFI and AGB-7-TBI ag-aircraft projects
This report contains the results of a study of advanced design requirements
for aerial application aircraft for agriculture, The study was conducted
by the Lockheed-Georgia Company under contract to the Langley Research
Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Dr. B. J.
Holmes was the NASA technical manager.
At the Lockheed-Georgia Canpany, the study was performed under the
cognizance of R. H, Lange, Manager of the Advanced Technology Systems
Department. J. T. Hinely , Jr . , served as study manager with R. Q. Boyles,
Jr., as principal investigator for system design. Piper Aircraft
Corporation and Mississippi State University participated in the program as
Please to enjoy the Summary, at least as Adobe Acrobat understands it (too lazy to translate it from OCR-gibberish into English):
?he objectives of thc study wrc ko cvaluatc currcP'nt stateof-khc-art for
agricultural aircraft design, with omphaois on dcaign cotlcepts that offkr
ptcn tial for improved prduc tivity y, ccongnica , and safety; identify amas
requiring additional rcsoarch; cvnluatc air.uurt;hincss regulations; and
illustrats grunising dasiqr? ca:tccgtn. '141~ approach v,as ta develop wnveittional
baseline design configumtion~ for onc largc) aircraft and sna mlJ.
aircraft and to evaluate aircralt: ancl nuL~nysitcm tcchnalqy concepts i n canparison
with the baselines. An oyxrationc analysis nloilel was usec3 ta
obtain quantitative lrcasures of: mission prcxluc t i v i ty and econanics far the
design concepts under consideration.