Mogami-class 30DX frigate JS Mogami (FFM-1) coming into Yokosuka, Japan - April 10, 2024
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The shape of that upper mast/antenna is so unfortunate... Poor ship floating around with an "adult novelty" stuck to the top of the bridge...

Hope that goes better than their Submarine bid. I still think a modified Soryu class (longer for more fuel tanks and batteries) would have been just about perfect for the Aussies and they'd have half a dozen of them delivered by now. Granted, it's a diesel/AIP boat not a nuclear boat. But at the time Oz was very anti-nuclear.
13DDX... that would be funded in 2031? Or would that be construction start date?

New mast proposal for export customers of “Upgraded Mogami” to the left, an alternate configuration also featuring the prominent “Unicorn” integrated mast to the right.
Time to revive the thread. As part of SEA3000 for Australia, ATLA claimed that MHI is able to produce up to 12 Mogami's at a single time.
Despite Japan never having exported warships to a foreign customer, ATLA official Satoshi Ishihara believes his country's proposal can succeed because it is strongly backed by the government and MHI is able to construct 12 ships at a time in three separate shipyards.
The gov participation for the program is really crazy and was absent for literally every other defense export proposal from Japan.
In other news, Mogami-class #10; Nagara just launched.
I think we have a winner!
Not to mention, the first JMSDF Mogami hull launched in I think 2018? And they just launched their 10th today?
10 hulls built in 6-7 years?
But, just change the CEAFAR section of the mast only!
Whatever you do, don't completely gut-out and redesign the interior, then tell your government it's a "mature design that can immediately be mass produced", only to backtrack a year into production and decide that the first hull is actually going to take at least 9 years to complete. Then act confused as to why everyone's so pissed off....
Don't do that^^^
I think we have a winner!
Not to mention, the first JMSDF Mogami hull launched in I think 2018? And they just launched their 10th today?
10 hulls built in 6-7 years?
But, just change the CEAFAR section of the mast only!
Then you break the ship as the CMS can't communicate with it (if you even can fit it).
Whatever you do, don't completely gut-out and redesign the interior, then tell your government it's a "mature design that can immediately be mass produced", only to backtrack a year into production and decide that the first hull is actually going to take at least 9 years to complete. Then act confused as to why everyone's so pissed off....
Don't do that^^^
The thing is RAN said minimal changes to an active duty design for the first hulls. Now both mogami and meko A200 would be close to completly new system with new weapon system where FFM in theory can't even follow those requierments. Its just too 85% an mogami. Thats not minimal changes (or even in service for that matter).
I think we have a winner!
Not to mention, the first JMSDF Mogami hull launched in I think 2018? And they just launched their 10th today?
10 hulls built in 6-7 years?
But, just change the CEAFAR section of the mast only!
Whatever you do, don't completely gut-out and redesign the interior, then tell your government it's a "mature design that can immediately be mass produced", only to backtrack a year into production and decide that the first hull is actually going to take at least 9 years to complete. Then act confused as to why everyone's so pissed off....
Don't do that^^^
Although it is probably a highly laudable approach to try and not change much, in practice that may not always be possible. For instance,it appears that the Magami classuses the MT30 GasTurbine engine. However, the Anzac and Hobart classes appearto use LM-2500 gas turbines. While a new gas turbine can be taken into use, it willcome with an added logistics burden that includes not only a completely different chain of spare parts, but will also require additional/partially different training requirements which willmean that the RAN will have to try and ensure that they have sufficient engineersn triained for both systems. This clearly isn't an impossible task at all, but for a small navy its anothr cost and impact that has to be taken into consideration.

Additionally, while the Hobart class appears to use Caterpillar type dieselcruise engines, while the Anzacs appearto use MTU dieselcruise engines, it appears that the Mogami uses MAN Diesel engines. Once again, it is clearly not impossible to support all three different type engines in service but youcan also see that from a maintenance,supportand life cycle cost point of view there could be some desire to see if any new ship could use cruise engines that are moresimilarto those already in use on the other ship'sin the navy.

This also goeson to other less glamourous things like A/C Plants, desalination systems, electrical system components, interior and exteriorcomms systems and even pieces of outfit and furnishing, where it might be easier/more cost effective to see if there may be stuff that can be more locally sourced than possibly having to rely on stuff that may have to be shipped in from over seas.

Other than thatb there are also issues as to whether the Mogami'sdesign specs fully fit with what the RAN'smission may be. There probably are big differences between the two, but since the RAN has to patrol the Souther Sea, you will probably need to ensure that the desing's range, operating temperatures and possibly ice/cold weather protection levelsfullymeet the environment that the RAN intends to operate in. As noted above, these may not be too different between the two navies but it needs tobe checked and there may be needs for some changes if there are any differences.

As for weapons systems and sesnors, you have already mentioned fitting CEAFAR, but I also see that the Magami's are fitted with something called the Type 18 surface to surface missiles, type 12 torpedoes, and a range ofother electronics systems,that may be different to what the RAN currently uses, and as with the other systems above a decision would have to be made as to whether toadopt those systems, and instead fit systems the same as or similar to what is already in use in the RAN.

As such, in the endwhile there may be a lotof desire to not change much, any such decision would have to be balanced off with the potential additional costs, manning, training,and other logisiticsimpacts that adopting a new system may entail.
it appears that the Magami classuses the MT30 GasTurbine engine. However, the Anzac and Hobart classes appearto use LM-2500 gas turbines. ....

Additionally, while the Hobart class appears to use Caterpillar type dieselcruise engines, while the Anzacs appearto use MTU dieselcruise engines, it appears that the Mogami uses MAN Diesel engines.

Commonality isn't an issue as the Hunter class also use MT30 and MAN diesels.
So it seems like now Indonesia might be finally cashing in on their original intent to buy Mogamis and have been offered a joint development partnership similar to the one with Australia. This next FFM class might turn pretty modular where each sale is specialized to the customers needs.

It could also be the case where this is more of a formal offer as Japan has a much easier time with exporting "jointly developed" weapons programs to the partner nation and this is a work around to the still relatively strict regulations.

New video by MHI on the old and upgraded Mogami. Some of the most interesting parts

Jan/12/2022 with the keel laid

Mar/15/2022 with the hull pretty much finished and waiting for the super structure in just 2 months.

Construction table

2029 and 2030 are going to have 3 upgraded Mogami's in a single year vs the usual 2 a year.
It's just a rumor.

If the NEW FFM is prioritized for Australia, there is a possibility that 4 ships will be built at the same time: 2 Nagasaki, 1 Mitsui E&S Tamano, and 1 JMU Isogo.
It's just a rumor.

If the NEW FFM is prioritized for Australia, there is a possibility that 4 ships will be built at the same time: 2 Nagasaki, 1 Mitsui E&S Tamano, and 1 JMU Isogo.
Japan has the shipyard space to do that.

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