...and some pics from Sergey Kuznetzov's blog http://pilot.strizhi.info/
Sergey promises more pics tomorrow.

Intake looks weird, but this is russian way...that makes Scat different from numerous clones of X-45/-47, Neuron, SHARC etc...kidding.


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Can someone ID the various teammates listed on the weapon-bay door?
So far so good...

1). MIG
2). 2-nd Central Scientific-Research Institute Of The Ministry of Defense (2 ЦНИИ МО РФ)
3). Joint-Stock Company «Radio Engineering Corporation «VEGA» www.vega.su
4). TSAGI www.tsagi.ru
5). ???
6). Russian Avionics, OKB http://www.airshow.ru/expo/143/anketa_r.htm (private company headed by ex-MiG chief Mikhail Korzhuev)
7). GosNIIAS State Research Institute of Aviation Systems (GosNIIAS) http://www.gosniias.ru/index-e.htm
8). ???
9). ???
10). JSC Khius (http://www.hius.ru/) - plastics and composites gremlins.
New photos appeared at Pilot's blog
Thanks, Grigory - now that I see some of the logos stumped you too I don't feel quite so behind-the-curve.
8th logo is TMKB "Soyuz" JSC (Moscow), which RD-5000B engine with 2D TVC nozzle will be installed on Scat.


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Corporation “MIG” works at the creation of combat unmanned flight vehicle “Skat”

At the airshow “MAKS-2007″, which passes before Moscow Zhukovskiy, Russian aircraft-construction corporation “MIG” for the first time represented the program of the creation of combat unmanned flight vehicle “Skat”.

“Combat unmanned flight vehicle “Skat” is intended for inflicting of impacts both on the previously investigated stationary targets, first of all to air defense weapons, due to the conditions of the strong counteraction of the anti-aircraft weapons of enemy, and on the mobile surface and waterborne targets with conducting of autonomous and group, combined with the manned flight vehicles, operations”, reported to journalists on Thursday the first deputy of general director, design project leader of corporation “MIG” Sergey Tsivilev.

It noted that is today constructed the full-size mock-up BPLA “Skat”, intended for the performance of design- assembly decisions, and also for the carrying out of evaluations and optimization of characteristics BPLA.

The work on this apparatus began two years ago. Apparatus is intended for the annihilation of pinpoint targets. Entire weapon is located inside the UCAV, reported in turn to journalists the deputy of Director-General, design project leader OF RSK “MIG”, the director of the engineering center of OKB of the name of Mikoyan Vladimir Barkovsky.

According to him, during the first stage creation apparatus there will be piloted. “Then we will construct unmanned flight vehicle”, said V.Barkovskiy.

It noted that work on the creation of combat unmanned flight vehicle the corporation “MIG” conducts independently. Over the long term “Skat” it is planned to propose for the delivery at the point of the export.

“We are ready to present combat unmanned flight vehicles for foreign customers", said V. Barkovskiy.
It reported that the program provides for building which flies of laboratory- demonstrator, intended for the performance of technology BPLA. It is planned to test it before two versions: piloted and pilotless.

“In the course of of tests flying laboratory will be carried out final finishing and the demonstration of all technologies “Skat”, including the application of a weapon”, said V. Barkovskiy. It was noted at the presentation that further program of works provides for building and tests of the prototype “Skat” with the complete set of combat functions.

Apparatus is equipped for the sake of engine RD-5000B with the two-dimensional nozzle, by thrust 5040 kg. Maximum takeoff mass - 10,000 kg. Maximum speed in the earth - is more than 800 km/h Maximum combat load - 2 tons. Service ceiling - more than 12 thousand meters. Flying range - up to 4,000 kilometers.

Before the arsenal “UCAV” are two rockets of class “air-surface” or “antiradar”. Apparatus is also capable to use two guided aerial bombs of calibers 250 and 500 kg. the span of wing - 11.5 meters, length - 10.25 meters, a height - 2.7 meters.


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Skate's innards


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From the last, October 2007, Vzlyot (Take-Off) magazine http://www.take-off.ru/
Drawings by Alexey Mikheev.
If you thought that X-32 was the ugliest a/c ever flown, note that manned testbed configuration, Skat-PD.

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flateric said:
From the last, October 2007, Vzlyot (Take-Off) magazine http://www.take-off.ru/
Drawings by Alexey Mikheev.
If you thought that X-32 was the ugliest a/c ever flown, note that manned testbed configuration, Skat-PD.

Is the "manned testbed configuration" entirely speculative? I know that other UAVs, or "drones" as they used to be known, were initially tested with pilots aboard. The GAF Pika, an initial manned prototype of Jindivik, comes to mind as an example.
TinWing said:
Is the "manned testbed configuration" entirely speculative?

Nope, drawings are not fantasy, and made according to MIG presentation materials. Prototype will be manned as said by MIG deputy chief designer, due to 'legal issues of Russian aviation laws in chapter regarding UAV flights'.
I wondered whether the bifurcated inlet was really for stealth, as suggested, or to allow them to drop in the cockpit a la MiG-15 - both, perhaps.

Given the fiasco with Lockheed's Polecat and its flight termination system, I think the Russians are being sensible in requiring initial flights to be manned.
CammNut said:
I wondered whether the bifurcated inlet was really for stealth, as suggested, or to allow them to drop in the cockpit a la MiG-15 - both, perhaps.

Given the fiasco with Lockheed's Polecat and its flight termination system, I think the Russians are being sensible in requiring initial flights to be manned.

Most RPV/UAV/UCAVs don't have pilots for their first flight and they seem to do alright for the most part.
You always can find a spare pilot...kidding
LowObservable said:
Can someone ID the various teammates listed on the weapon-bay door?

LO - could not sleep several months feeling myself dumb. So fifth is "Lutch"(Ray) Design Bureau from Yaroslavl - Joint Stock Company formed from Federal Enterprise "Lutch", home of Tipchak UAV and other stuff
LowObservable said:
It was DarkStar BEFORE the second flight attempt.

:D Okay but still at some point you have to lose the training wheels because not all UCAVs are large enough for a pilot not to mention the fact that adding that as a requirement would jack the price up to the point of making many of them undoable.
Skat video from the recent 'Smotr' weekly show
http://www.aviapedia.com/videos/ucav/Skat_Smotr.wmv (about 6 Mb)
I think mig is on the right way.Because of the next generation most of the aircrafts will be humanless.In the future this work will bring mig a big advantage at its new aircrafts.
Decent photo from the MiG site www.migavia.ru


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CammNut said:
I wondered whether the bifurcated inlet was really for stealth, as suggested, or to allow them to drop in the cockpit a la MiG-15 - both, perhaps.

Regarding the inlet, the fuselage of the Skat does not look deep enough to do a vertical serpentine as in the X-45. Maybe that's why they did the split intake with dual horizontal curving ducts.

or maybe it's the way around and it's not deep because it does the horizontal serpentine! Sure is nice to have a perfectly flat bottom for LO...
Yes. And by the way, a designer might be used to adopt this seemingly unusual linear-like path for the inlet (not the now traditional S shape), if a low altitude atmospheric pressure plasma generator -- which, my guess, might be using on an off, depending on operational requirements, repetitively pulsed nanosecond discharges -- were installed inside the inlet. I see no other option to remain stealth with such a configuration.

RAM alone would not be most effective, to my understanding because you absolutely need to SCREEN the rotating elements of the turbomachinery. Their contribution to RCS is considerable. A grid positionned in the inlet (a la salisbury screen or like the one used on the F-117) might harm engine efficiency, performances... Plasma stealth for inlets have been extensively studied in the last few years. Not to speak of Japanese "concepts" specifically adressing this plasma stealth inlet field, way back in the mid 1990s...
antigravite, don't complicate the things
you just need to return to the beginning of the thread to see how compressor is hidden from radar

Photos by Sergey Kuznetcov aka Pilot


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Only after looking on these closeups I realized how "cheap" this mockup is and that it represents the real shape less than I expected.
other question remains how old is it
rumors that it's late 90s
Why do they need manned prototype ? Any dates on its first flight ?
Austin said:
Why do they need manned prototype ?

Because they want to avoid the situation that happened to almost every UAV in development - unexpected CRASH. Predator, DarkStar, Global Hawk, Polecat, Lockheed morphing wing, X-50, Barrakuda to name only a few...

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