MENG Models 1/72 scale Kayaba "Katsnodori" kit and 1/35 scale Technicals.

The Artist

ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
1 November 2009
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MENG Models has released a two kit in the box release of the Katsnodori in 1/72 scale. It is going for $19.95 in the U.S. They have also released a couple of Technicals in 1/35 scale and I is my understanding that they plan to release up to eight different Technicals kits.

Their web site is below but I can't say anything about it as my browser is not playing nicely with it.
It isn't willing to play with my browser either.
Try this link:
Works on Firefox 10.0.2, Opera 11.61, Chromium 17.0.963.65 on Ubuntu 11.10.

<edit> That works slightly better, but it's still unsatisfactory. Sigh. Click on the pickup, then wait. Wait some more. Now you swivel the thing about. Click on Dimorphodon to see a picture of Kayaba Katsuodori.
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