M. Poznanski's 1910 "Jet" Project


ACCESS: Secret
23 October 2008
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Was flipping through Jerzy Cynk's Polish Aircraft 1893-1939 and came across a short paragraph on M. Poznanski's design for a ducted-fan type of turbine engine equipped airplane which was displayed as a scale model in 1911.

Can any of the assembled here elaborate on this design as Cynk didn't have any illustration of it nor much in the way of details.
To clarify, this is something distinct from Coanda's 1910 effort ? Sounds intriguing.

In 1911, Michał Poznański exhibited his works at the Aviation Exhibition in Łódź, including: many drawings and professional books, a model of glider of his own
design and an airplane called "Reaction Kite" .

Its origins date back to mid-1910, when - as a student of the Polytechnic School - he started designing a reaction turbine in Lviv, which he intended to use to power an aircraft. We know that in 1911, the Chlebowski brothers intended to start serial production of an airplane designed by M. Poznański, but these plans failed.

In his book -А. A. Родных-Ракеты and и ракетные корабли-Юношеская научно-техническая библио тека-Госмашметиздат
Москва•Ленинград 1933 (A. A. Rodnykh - Rockets and rocket ships - Youth Scientific and Technical Library - Gosmashmetizdat
Moscow•Leningrad 1933).He cites Poznanski in: Experiences and projects of the first decade of the 20th century:


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