Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

Qatar's following the Airfix Acquisition Strategy.

View attachment 642267

A sudden spasm of nostalgia..... I bought quite a few of those aircraft kits when I were a lad.

I also had a collection of all sorts of different models from a 17th Century Sovereign of the Sea's to Capt Scarlet's Angel Interceptor. But non ever surviveththd my mother's "that gather" purges. Unless it was in a box and could go in the bedding/blanket box that served as my toy box it died!!!!
Greece to receive F-35s that were supposed to be Turkish

During Pompeo's visit, the supply of 20 F35 was launched, 6 of which will be purchased on smart loan in 2012 and together with the first 6 Rafale will be the firepower of the Greek Air Force. The USA escaped the behavior of the Turks and sold us with facilities and through the government-to-government process the F35s that the neighbors had ordered. On the part of the purchase and use of the S400 the glass overflowed. The overflow is not limited to the supply of F35s but also to the remote at this time possible to transfer the base of Ensirlik to Crete. The issue is described as "early" but is already being officially discussed in the US Senate.
Interesting indeed.
Ironic because of the Turkish government's hedging its bets on defence by acquiring S400 being followed by its arch-rival getting F-35. How much of an improvement to the Turkish position is that? No random event as I see it.
Storm in a teacup. F35 spare parts do not from on trees, any operator that steps out of line will find themselves without parts, and out of the game within a month or 2. Sure they could canibalise for a while, but these supply chains are now intergrated, USA will know where every part is.
It's important to look at what's not in the sale — like electronic warfare airplanes, DesRoches noted [an associate professor and senior military fellow at the National Defense University in Washington] . "That probably means there was a tech review and it was decided that we wouldn't offer the UAE aircraft with the capabilities it wanted — that is, we're not giving them everything they asked for as Trump is bum-rushed out the door." Defense contracts and deliveries can take years to finalize, he added.

Greece fast tracking F-35 with used airframe acquisition:
Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos already has a proposal ready for the US for the acquisition of six fifth-generation F-35 fighters, with few flight hours, which could even be delivered to Greece within 2021.
Greece fast tracking F-35 with used airframe acquisition:
Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos already has a proposal ready for the US for the acquisition of six fifth-generation F-35 fighters, with few flight hours, which could even be delivered to Greece within 2021.

What makes the F-46 a sixth gen aircraft? Fifth, OK, but SIXTH?
Greece fast tracking F-35 with used airframe acquisition:
Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos already has a proposal ready for the US for the acquisition of six fifth-generation F-35 fighters, with few flight hours, which could even be delivered to Greece within 2021.

What makes the F-46 a sixth gen aircraft? Fifth, OK, but SIXTH?

Um, the article refers to the F-35 (not F-46) as a fifth-generation aircraft. No mention of sixth-generation anywhere. Maybe you got thrown off because the initial delivery would be six aircraft?

Providing for congressional disapproval of the proposed foreign military sale to the United Arab Emirates of certain defense articles and services.

500 Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II+ (Plus) Tactical Missiles;
40 Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II Captive Air Training Missiles (CATMs);
3 Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II Special Air Training Missiles (NATMS);
50 Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II+ (Plus) Tactical Guidance Units;
25 Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II CATM Guidance Units;
containers; spares; support equipment and missile support; United States Government and contractor technical assistance and other related logistics support; and other associated support equipment and services with a value of $490,000,000

to a previous sale notified to Congress on March 7, 2018, by Congressional certification of the possible sale
300 AIM–9X–2 Sidewinder Block II All-Up-Round Missiles;
40 AIM–9X–2 Sidewinder Captive Air Training Missiles (CATMs);
30 AIM–9X–2 Block II Tactical Guidance Units;
15 AIM–9X–2 CATM Units;
containers; spares; support equipment and missile support; United States Government and contractor technical assistance and other related logistics support; and other associated support equipment and services.

Block II+ aka AIM-9X-3 is unique version for 5-th gen fighters
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Congress did not allow Arabs to buy the newest version AIM-9X-3 for F-35, but agree to sell AIM-9X-2

In FY17 the program will begin to produce a third variant of the missile labeled the AIM-9X Block II PLUS (Block II+) to meet survivability requirements inherent to the 5th generation aircraft platforms. The Block II+ will be procured only for specific critical mission area and the balance of the AIM-9X inventory will be continue to be produced as regular Block II missiles to meet munitions requirement. AIM-9X Block II+ is being procured in 2017 for a 2019 delivery.
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In FY17 the program will begin to produce a third variant of the missile labeled the AIM-9X Block II PLUS (Block II+) to meet survivability requirements inherent to the 5th generation aircraft platforms. The Block II+ will be procured only for specific critical mission area and the balance of the AIM-9X inventory will be continue to be produced as regular Block II missiles to meet munitions requirement. AIM-9X Block II+ is being procured in 2017 for a 2019 delivery.

I believe this is just a proposed bill to block the sale. It hasn't passed yet, and probably won't.
Also, not to be overlooked, any F-35 arrival in Switzerland will doubtless bring a significant economic impact to include an infusion of jobs and possible technological sophistication in the world of aeronautics, weaponry and aviation, not to mention stealth. The Lockheed proposal seems well aware of this possibility, stating “should the F-35 be selected as the new fighter for Switzerland, this industrial work would take place in all Swiss regions. Swiss industry has the opportunity to compete for direct production of components for use on all F-35s produced, sustainment projects focused on supporting the Swiss Air Force and enhancing Swiss autonomy, and cyber security projects directly related to the F-35.”
I do not understand why B-61-12 is still spin stabilized when it has guidance fins now. I think an unguided mode is preserved, but I wouldn't have thought the spin rockets would fire if the INS was correcting course.

Lockheed Martin has been awarded a $9,326,062 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for the Long Range Systems Division seeking to integrate the Navy Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile-Extended Range (AARGM-ER) into the F-35. The AARGM-ER is a Navy weapon that will provide the F-35A advanced suppression of enemy air defenses/destruction of enemy air defenses capability.

The F35 program has a lot of problems. But being an off the shelf SEAD aircraft isn’t one of them.
US confirm discussion with Greece:
“The United States, at the highest levels, has welcomed Greece’s interest in acquiring the F-35 for the Hellenic Air Force,” Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt said in a statement.
“We have signaled our support for procurement and are working closely together on a future acquisition program,” Pyatt said.

This comes in parallel with Greek/UAE defense pact (two nation that will share tomorrow a very similar fleet of aircraft).
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Beast mode for Italian A&B and mass launch for the Marines:
View: https://twitter.com/theF35JPO/status/1333440672498675714/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1333440672498675714%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-33809614511825052747.ampproject.net%2F2011070101001%2Fframe.html

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