Large-scale mobile mock-up of a US aircraft carrier spotted in the Chinese desert.


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
25 August 2012
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Still believe the Navy UFO encounters were little green men? Each of these encounters happened when Navy ships came out of Refueling and Complex Overhaul (RCOH) And were fitted with new radars and other technology.

After RCOH these same ships joined a carrier strike group to test its new Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) and Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) architecture. The Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) uses all the data from various assets, the latest E-2D Advanced Hawkeye radar, SPY-1 radars on cruisers and destroyers, Sensors and Radars on Super Hornets, and presents it all as a unified picture of the battlefield.

What do you want to bet that these mock-ups in the desert simulate US Navy CEC and Control Counter Air??? That is how you practice to defeat a very capable adversary.

Depending on the length of the rails, this set-up could be for trialing the kill-chain for their carrier-killer BM.
Beyond the petty symbolism, what does this actually accomplish? Proof that they can hit a multi-hundred square metre target possibly moving slowly in one-dimension? I would have probably credited them that for free. That they are not so sure might be telling!

Are they going to hit it when it is also backtracking or only when it is in "realistic" forward motion?
Beyond the petty symbolism, what does this actually accomplish? Proof that they can hit a multi-hundred square metre target possibly moving slowly in one-dimension? I would have probably credited them that for free. That they are not so sure might be telling!

Are they going to hit it when it is also backtracking or only when it is in "realistic" forward motion?
Well, if the rails are long enough, it could emulate CVN forward movement in the terminal phase of the attack.

The environmental contrast would be different, but that could be factored into the trial attacks - along with the smaller size of the target.

I would assume the test - if a real test and not for propaganda - would involve the DF-21 getting targeting data from UAVs who have been tasked to scan a wide area for a target matching the carrier-surrogate. If they can locate it, the DF-21 is cued, launched, and the PRC will see how the whole shebang performs.
Seems they are trying out different technology to see what works
and what doesn't. Maybe seeing what gives the most bang for their
I would assume the test - if a real test and not for propaganda - would involve the DF-21 getting targeting data from UAVs who have been tasked to scan a wide area for a target matching the carrier-surrogate. If they can locate it, the DF-21 is cued, launched, and the PRC will see how the whole shebang performs.
I get that. I suppose I just find the effort taken to get what is hardly representative target motion a bit ludicrous/comedic. I would translate from a successful static land target test series directly to a target vessel - with progressive difficulty from a dead-stop, underway, manoeuvring to emergency manoeuvring (crash stops, hard overs etc.) with ECM & chaff deployments with AD engagements against any FAC(s). Ultimately, testing/training like you'll fight. This on-rails not-even-halfway-house is of dubious utility IMO.
One take is that doing this at sea would result in a bunch of 3rd parties gathering information, enabling the development of effective countermeasures.

So do it in the middle of a desert far from rival sensors.
Perhaps, but you could probably get just as much data by putting the DF31 sensors onto a fast jet and flying over a static target, or over a real sea based ship, without creating such a hoo ha, which makes me think its all a hoo-ha.
Why do all that when you can just block a canal with a container ship and bring us to our knees that way. Forget ASATs, just re-enforce a bow of a big ship and play bumper car.
Bring EVERYBODY to their knees. China suffered from the Suez Canal blockage just as badly.

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