....Just a what I've been thinking in Jan, 2016


Seek out and close with the enemy
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21 May 2006
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I don't know.....is it just me, or are others frustrated that the Russian's, on a much smaller military budget are seemingly able to get their house in order (alas in much small quantity) when it comes to their military aviation, when compared to the U.S. these days?
I mean the Russian's have been able to continuously update and lead the worlds fighter hard-stick with their 'Flanker' series, by which most sensible air forces measure as the yardstick.
Then the Russian have been able to develop the likes of the Yakovlev Yak-130 and now this SR-10 trainer, whilst the U.S. struggles and spends stupid amounts of money of their T-X program, which will undoubtedly run over budget and time.
I have to say, I'm impressed with the progress and determination of the Sukhoi PAK-FA/T-50 fighter! They're undoubtedly going to be a variety of critical responses from forum members about the state of this program, but my pre-emptive response is - 'we will not mention the sacred cow - the F-35!' :(
It has taken me some years to kick many of my engrained predigest and naivety regarding Soviet/Russian military design philosophy, but its 2016, and I'm getting a little older (and one would hope a little wiser ;D)

Since we don't have year-end delivery totals yet (and won't have them for a bit) I'll extrapolate from prior year-4th quarter deliveries

45 x F-35A/B/C
38 x F/A-18E/F/G
12 x F-15
12 x F-16

So that's ~ 107 fighter deliveries for 2015. If you have totals for UAC I'd like to see them.
Pioneer said:
Then the Russian have been able to develop the likes of the Yakovlev Yak-130 and now this SR-10 trainer, whilst the U.S. struggles and spends stupid amounts of money of their T-X program, which will undoubtedly run over budget and time.

I really wouldn't worry about it, spending stupid amounts of money is one of the things the US does best, especially on military equipment/adventures. The list of aircraft built this year by Marauder represents (I think) the US just ticking over in terms of its total defence/military output.

Pioneer said:
I have to say, I'm impressed with the progress and determination of the Sukhoi PAK-FA/T-50 fighter! They're undoubtedly going to be a variety of critical responses from forum members about the state of this program, but my pre-emptive response is - 'we will not mention the sacred cow - the F-35!' :(

Yeah...they're actually having a fair bit of trouble getting the T-50 to where they want it to be. I think it'll be a while before it becomes an issue. It may even turn out to be the Russian "Raptor" ie that once they start building it in numbers they'll realize there are better options available and they'll wind up only building a couple of hundred of them.

I think the thing to look at is the total spending on "Defence" being committed to by the various nations in the world. Think about how much a peer power would have to spend to a) catch up and then b) surpass the US. Barring new physics breakthroughs the US is pretty much unassailable.
JeffB said:
I really wouldn't worry about it, spending stupid amounts of money is one of the things the US does best, especially on military equipment/adventures. The list of aircraft built this year by Marauder represents (I think) the US just ticking over in terms of its total defence/military output.

I just listed those delivery numbers in to elicit a comparable breakdown for UAC motivated solely by sheer curiosity as
UAC tends to report aggregate numbers.
I should note that none of the F-35A/B/C are in any way operational, apart from on paper.
marauder2048 said:
Since we don't have year-end delivery totals yet (and won't have them for a bit) I'll extrapolate from prior year-4th quarter deliveries

45 x F-35A/B/C
38 x F/A-18E/F/G
12 x F-15
12 x F-16

So that's ~ 107 fighter deliveries for 2015. If you have totals for UAC I'd like to see them.
Who are the F-15s and F-16s for?
Colonial-Marine said:
marauder2048 said:
Since we don't have year-end delivery totals yet (and won't have them for a bit) I'll extrapolate from prior year-4th quarter deliveries

45 x F-35A/B/C
38 x F/A-18E/F/G
12 x F-15
12 x F-16

So that's ~ 107 fighter deliveries for 2015. If you have totals for UAC I'd like to see them.
Who are the F-15s and F-16s for?

F-15: Singapore (I think) and Saudi Arabia
F-16: Oman, Egypt and Iraq

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