Iron Sky - The Movie

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22 January 2006
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Don't want to start a "Wunderwaffe" Topic here, just enjoy the nice conceptual art:
pometablava said:
Don't want to start a "Wunderwaffe" Topic here, just enjoy the nice conceptual art:

Oh good Lord [facepalm] - just wait until Rob Arndt gets a whiff of this.........*sigh* ;)

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
Lauge said:
pometablava said:
Don't want to start a "Wunderwaffe" Topic here, just enjoy the nice conceptual art:

Oh good Lord [facepalm] - just wait until Rob Arndt gets a whiff of this.........*sigh* ;)

OOH Gott, nein, nein, Nein !!!
Not him, not ze docktor IMMELMAN STAHL !
oh yes, yes, yes thats him !
Michel Van said:
OOH Gott, nein, nein, Nein !!!
Not him, not ze docktor IMMELMAN STAHL !
oh yes, yes, yes thats him !

In breathy, asthmatic voice: "Yes Michel. I am your father....... Come, join me, and learn the power of the Dark Side" ;D

Ahem.....OK, back to the topic at hand.

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
Definitely no, just a link for those who could found interesting the conceptual art created for the film. Pure SF art nothing more.
Lauge said:
Oh good Lord [facepalm] - just wait until Rob Arndt gets a whiff of this.........*sigh* ;)

Arndt has been yapping on about this movie project for a while, claiming to have been contacted by the makers and used as a reference/tech advisor.
Not the best reference then...
Seems like a good enough movie for an evening of brainless entertainment.
Orionblamblam said:
Arndt has been yapping on about this movie project for a while, claiming to have been contacted by the makers and used as a reference/tech advisor.

i belief that only, wenn i see his name in Credit of Iron Sky...
At the URL indicated at the start of this thread.
Click on "The Story" at the bottom and one finds:

"About the film
Iron Sky is a science fiction comedy ... ".
pometablava said:
Definitely no, just a link for those who could found interesting the conceptual art created for the film. Pure SF art nothing more.

Okelidokeli! (Ned Flanders voice.) :)
Well, I was thinking about removing the topic. The idea was to see if somebody has nothing to comment about the Moon Base design with roads in the Moon and so on. I'm a SF lover and found that concepts very original from the artistic point of view

link to the Moon Base:

Obviously the story, the technology, the science, etc...deserves no serious comment. I think it would be quite comparable to Lorenzo Lamas latest hit:

Megashark vs Giant Octopus

Please don't turn off your computer today before seeing this:
That ... was bad...

Ya don't say!!!!!!! ;D

While you're here watch this.......

And watch out for the briefest clip of an F-89 firing FFARS, just before the end......

Is this spoof material or an actual movie? I hope it's the former, or else it has to be the most ridiculous and hopeless movie of them ALL!
I think on their website they said the movie was supposed to be "less than serious." Perhaps closer to a comedy than Saving Private Ryan?
Lampshade111 said:
I think on their website they said the movie was supposed to be "less than serious." Perhaps closer to a comedy than Saving Private Ryan?

"Less than serious" might not mean "comedy," but more like "fantasy" than "hard science fiction."
Iron Sky its a movie project from Finnland

is from Makers of brilliant and Hilarius "STAR WRECK: In the Pirkinning"
a Spoof on Star Trek© and Babylon 5© ;D


more here

by the way they got actor Udo Kier als "ze Fuhrer"
With the inclusion of other movies into this topic I'm no longer sure to which one the latest circa seven replies above are referring to (please remember the "quote" function...), but in case they are referring to Iron Sky and someone still hasn't got it: remember this movie will be parody. In aviation terms, do not think of Top Gun or Stealth, think of Hot Shots.
pometablava said:
Well, I was thinking about removing the topic. The idea was to see if somebody has nothing to comment about the Moon Base design with roads in the Moon and so on. I'm a SF lover and found that concepts very original from the artistic point of view

link to the Moon Base:

The picture with the motorcycle makes me think of Rex Gordon's SF-novel "No Man Friday" about a (British!) astronaut crash-landing on Mars and living there for several years (as a modern Robinson Crusoe, hence the title). :)
You're right Hammer, here's the novel's cover
Some Teaser of ze Movie "Iron Sky"
Teaser 1

Teaser 2

Teaser 3
I'll give IRON SKY a look.

Hey that NO MAN FRIDAY premise reminds me of an old movie that used to run frequently on KTLA back in the day.

It was given the very original title of ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS. The budget must've been wafer-thin. They had to recycle the Martian war machines from WAR OF THE WORLDS. But I thought the notion of sausage-growing plants and heating rocks for oxygen pretty cool.
Re: Moon Nazis

My opinion of the movie has gone from "meh, could be interesting" to "OK, it better open in a theater around here!"

It seems to have that perfect combination of so-so acting, cheesy special effects and goofy writing that can, every so often, equate to Awesome and Win.

Plus, it has a space battleship named the "George W Bush." Heh.
Re: Moon Nazis

I could use another Mars Attacks
Re: Moon Nazis

Orionblamblam said:
Plus, it has a space battleship named the "George W Bush." Heh.
The big "W" got tagged!!


  • USS -W-.JPG
    USS -W-.JPG
    58.3 KB · Views: 373
Re: Moon Nazis

I've to see the movies. The Nazi's UFO's are justo to cool ;)
Re: Moon Nazis

The Sarah-Palin-alike President gave me lulz. Also, the Space Battleship might have an implausible name, but I'll forgive that because it has a Big Frakking RAILGUN. I like railguns. ;D
Re: Moon Nazis

AND the Best of it, the Premier of Movie happen in THE Berlin International Film Festival, in Germany capitol !
mann, the germans movie critics and invited germans distinguished politician, will go ballistic :)
Re: Moon Nazis

WTF ??!!! sounds better than Transformers 3. Fun trailer. May watch it.
Re: Moon Nazis

Need to be good to beat this:


PS back then they didn't put the best bits in the trailer.
Re: Moon Nazis

CJGibson said:
Need to be good to beat this:


PS back then they didn't put the best bits in the trailer.
Iron Sky is from makers who gave us in 2005 "Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning" B)

Top Secret! is best work of David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, Jerry Zucker !
Re: Moon Nazis

I loved Star Wreck, bet this will be good. It's been a long time in the making.
Re: Moon Nazis

I hope, there will be a warning at the beginning like:

"Attention ! This film is purely fictional and not based on any real incidents !"

But there still will be enough jerks, who'll take it seriously. Or even as a breach
of secrecy ! ::)
Re: Moon Nazis

Or even at the end, one of those "if you've been affected by the issues raised in this programme, please call our helpline" messages ;) Always rather thought it would be good sport to tag one of those onto the end of 'The X-Files'...
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