In search of original Northrop/MDC YF-23 photos


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1 April 2006
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Damn, if someone has copy of these YF-23 photo package, ask me for everything.
Was several times on sale on eBay, but all the way Gregory was somewhere else.
Wonna to get at least hi-res scans. Thanks.


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Atleast two of those (middle and bottom right) can be found in a FlugRevue issue from the early 1990ies. Unfortunately I'm a long way from home right now and will be for some time to come, so I can't provide a scan. But perhaps someone else has the mag lying around?
flateric said:
Damn, if someone has copy of these YF-23 photo package, ask me for everything.
Was several times on sale on eBay, but all the way Gregory was somewhere else.
Wonna to get at least hi-res scans. Thanks.

If you have access to a library archive the picture in the upper right was the cover shot of the issue of AvWeek that covered the rollout.
Thanks everyone, I have this AWST issue and Flug Revue as well. I've found a guy who bought this on eBay and he promised to scan this stuff. Thanks again!
I have alot of those pics in my picture book on the YF-22 and YF-23, in my Japanese book on Black projects and from Kokufan. In fact, one of my Koku-Fans has a three page foldout pic of the YF-23 rollout. If I get a chance over the holidays, I'll scan some of them in for you.
Sundog, thanks a lot, but I havr this Koku-Fan, this Black Projects Koku-Fan special issue and this book as well. Thank you anyway!
Flateric, do you have the book The ATF Contenders:YF-22 & YF-23 - Air Superiority into the 21st century by Andy Sun? It's by the Concord Publishing company and is basically like one of the "In Action" books, but mostly just pictures. The ISBN number is 962-361-020-3. JIC you don't already have it. :)
Sundog, thanks, it was probably the first book I got on ATF contenders ca 1990! Thinking of all these tiny b&w pics are originated as beautiful color photos in case of YF-23 makes me cry, because seems that Northrop Grumman archives are wiped out of this stuff.
flateric said:
Sundog, thanks, it was probably the first book I got on ATF contenders ca 1990! Thinking of all these tiny b&w pics are originated as beautiful color photos in case of YF-23 makes me cry, because seems that Northrop Grumman archives are wiped out of this stuff.

Unfortunately, the re-arrangements and consolidations in the industry are accelerating a lot of this. It didn't help that the building the main Northrop Library and files were in was damaged considerably in the 1994 Northridge Quake. That it's part of a site later sold off as part of Vought likely hasn't helped either. With the apparent closing of the Western Museum of Flight, I've no idea where most of their "good stuff" went.
Dear flateric,

there is also YF-23 here;
elmayerle said:
It didn't help that the building the main Northrop Library and files were in was damaged considerably in the 1994 Northridge Quake. With the apparent closing of the Western Museum of Flight, I've no idea where most of their "good stuff" went.

Never heard of this before - I mean archives at earthhquake :(...I made a breach in famous as being super-grumpy Northrop PR stuff about 3 years ago, but all they could find were some original press-releases, one foldout advertisment and two pretty rare PAV-1/PAV-2 photos in common flight.

WMOF is moving to Louis Zamperini Field in Torrance, as they stated at their site. Interestingly, all WMOF problems started after PAV-2 was taken for restoration by Northrop.
flateric said:
elmayerle said:
It didn't help that the building the main Northrop Library and files were in was damaged considerably in the 1994 Northridge Quake. With the apparent closing of the Western Museum of Flight, I've no idea where most of their "good stuff" went.

Never heard of this before - I mean archives at earthhquake :(...I made a breach in famous as being super-grumpy Northrop PR stuff about 3 years ago, but all they could find were some original press-releases, one foldout advertisment and two pretty rare PAV-1/PAV-2 photos in common flight.

WMOF is moving to Louis Zamperini Field in Torrance, as they stated at their site. Interestingly, all WMOF problems started after PAV-2 was taken for restoration by Northrop.

Hmm, it does make you wonder. I wonder if John (Skytamer) Schupek was recalled from retirement for that restoration? I know he was involved in several "interesting" programs at Northrop.
If anyone happy to have original media 8X10 prints / photos of the Northrop/MDC YF-23, released in 1990/91 - I would be very obliged for getting a high-resolution scans of these. I can offer exchanging with the YF-23 photo stuff that I have.

Thank you very much for help.
an another


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crash dummie, are these yours?

First one looks like PAV-2, restored, at his current place at NG facility territory.
will look for the others i have


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well, something that not here...


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well, thank you, but I know how to google images.
mom retired from lockheed after 45 years and has given me all her aircraft stuff.her first hands on was the C-5 ,her last was the F-22 . so between her and pops its about 90years at lockheed alot of pix were taken during that time so will look and share
I think, that many here will be obliged to you for discoveries in your mom collection. What a career!
well you wont google the original pix,like my collection of 8.5x11,24"x36" of diffrent won an lost projects
crash dummie said:
well you wont google the original pix,like my collection of 8.5x11,24"x36" of diffrent won an lost projects

well, sure, but so far I know what=)
Could you please share a low-rez version from this pic?

Thanks in advance


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courtesy Dr. Raymond Puffer, AFFTC historian


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This is not tunnel model. Man on photo, Allen Rockwell, was involved in making that stuff while working for Northrop (up to 1/1 pole RCS model), but this one on pic is own built flying 1/10 model.

Are you going to re-post here all internet-found pics of YF-23? If so, I think that this is not good idea.
yea he worked on the full scale model for the radar cross section test,no only pix i have in my possession
I bet you have the most extensive YF-23 archives anywhere--including Northrop. I have several YF-23 pics I've scanned from numerous books and mags but you probably already have them, and I don't want to upset you as others have obviously done in responding to your request.
I would suggest unless the picture is scanned from an original it is unlikely to be new to Flateric, and reposting age-old pics from the net is definitely not worth doing.
crash dummie said:
yea he worked on the full scale model for the radar cross section test,no only pix i have in my possession


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