ID This Transport Glider


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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From Ali Nuove 2/1959,

I used google translate,but I can't ID this transport glider,because I couldn't understand
well,even I don't know if it was Italian or not ?.


  • 1.png
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It says that it was a design by Ettore Cataneo, CAT TM, in the mid 1930s. It had a 60m wingspan and weighed 1500Kg loaded
Schneiderman said:
It says that it was a design by Ettore Cataneo, CAT TM, in the mid 1930s. It had a 60m wingspan and weighed 1500Kg loaded

Thank you my dear Schneiderman,

but it was not CAT design,please see;,21964.msg220278.html#msg220278
Well its not that one for sure, but why do you say this is not a Cattaneo design when it says it is in the article?


  • CAT.jpg
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It is certainly a Cattaneo design. The built assault glider in hesham's link was the Cat. T.M.2. This Cat. T.M. seems to have been TenCol Cattaneo's unbuilt first draught at an assault glider. Perhaps it would be simpler to think of the unbuilt design as being the 'Cat. T.M.1'?

The text reads:

Delle due soluzioni prospettate la prima e gia entrata nella fase de pratica attuazione con il progetto dell'aliante da traino Cat. T.M. (Cat era la sigla degli alianti progettati o costruiti da Ettore Cattaneo, N.d.R.) e con lo studio dettagliato di un treno aereo composto da un trimotore Caproni Ca.133 e da un aliante Cat. T.M.

Di questo progetto - che rimase purtroppo definitivamente nella fase di progetto: segni d'inchiostro sulla carta ... - riprodiciamo le tre viste (apparse per l'appunto nel corpo dell'articolo di cui abbiamo stralciato dei brani), che ne dava a quell'epoca Trevisan.

Il Cat. T.M. avrebbe le seguenti caratteristicge di progetto. Monoplano, con ala trapezoidale tutta a sbalzo, dotata di aleroni, alettoni di curvatura e di deflettori di lamina; fusoliera a sezione ovoidale con guida interna e cabina chiusa; impennaggio tutto a sbalzo, di tipo classico, con pianetti di correzione sul timone di quota; carrello a ruote indipendenti carenato e ruota di coda carenata. Dimensioni: apertura alare 20 m; allungamento 11,8 m; carico alare 67,5 kg/mq; rapporto di planata 1:23; superficie portante 34 mq; lunghessa 11 m; altezza 1,80 m; peso a vuoto 800 kg; carico utile 1500 kg (piloto 160, merci 1340).

A rough translation is:

Of the two solutions proposed, the first has already entered the practical implementation phase with the design of the Cat. T.M. towed glider (Cat was the abbreviation of gliders designed or built by Ettore Cattaneo, N.d.R.) and with the detailed study of an aerial train composed of a Caproni Ca.133 trimotor [tug] and a Cat. T.M. [glider].

Of this project - which unfortunately remained definitively in the design phase: ink marks on paper ... - we reproduce the three views (which in fact appeared in the body of the article of which we have excerpted some passages), which put in the Trevisan era.

The Cat. T.M. would have the following design features. Monoplane, with cantilevered trapezoidal wing, equipped with ailerons, speed brakes and lift-dump deflectors; oval-section fuselage with internal bracing and enclosed cabin; all-cantilevered tailplane, of the classic type, with trim tabs on the rudder; undercarriage with wheel-fairings and streamlined tail wheel. Dimensions: wingspan 20 m; length 11.8 m; wing loading 67.5 kg/sqm; wing aspect ratio 1:23; wing surface 34 m2; length 11 m; height 1.80 m; empty weight 800 kg; payload 1500 kg (pilot 160, freight 1340).
Thank you my dears,

and I think it looks like Teichfuss Borea design;,1031.msg292231.html#msg292231

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