"Haunted" A-6


I really should change my personal text... Or not.
4 January 2012
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"How my Navy squadron learned that gremlins are real."

Sort of a pulp article, so I wasn't sure it belonged in an actual A-6 thread, but had enough flavor to post.

Only Intruder to hit the water twice?
This reminds me of a conversation with a retired USAF electrician. He said that back during the 1980s, the USAF had to retire a few B-52 bombers. Some surprisingly low-time air frames were scrapped. One B-52 had a recurring, intermittent electrical fault in its left wing ever since it was hit by anti-aircraft fire over North Viet Nam.
Lesson learned: air forces retire low-time airplanes for good reasons. Hangar queens are often the first to go because maintainers are tired of dealing with un-solvable faults.

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