Happy Birthday Secret Projects!


ACCESS: Secret
5 January 2006
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I'm not sure whether the 'birthday' should be the 27th or 28th, so I'm posting this close to midnight:

Happy 1st Birthday Secret Projects Forum!

I feel it has been a privilege to be with you others almost from the beginning. I would rate this forum on top of the forums I use to visit on the net. I have spent many nice moments reading the posts and looking at the pics here. Being a genuine 'what-iffer', I almost wonder how did I manage before this forum existed? ;)

Last, many thanks to Paul for creating this site and keeping it going. Keep up the good work!

I'd just like to say thank you to every member for contributing to the forum. I'm sure it will only get better in the forthcoming year.

As part of the birthday celebrations, the new server is ready to go and I will move the forum over tomorrow.

This will cure the long-standing issue with posting large pictures.

It also means that Daily and Weekly backups will be taken to ensure that we never lose the data on this site!
Happy Birthday!!!

(The forum is Capricorn as me)
Happy aniverssary Secret Projects, one of the best forums around the web!

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