Handley Page memorandum on unarmed bombers - 1937


ACCESS: Top Secret
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19 October 2012
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Has anyone seen, or have a copy of, the memorandum written by George Volkert in may 1937 titled "A Memorandum on Bombing Policy and its Influence on Design"? The copy I have seen lacks Part III, which was the basis for an analysis of his suggestions carried out by the RAE. This came from the National Archive, but that does not necessarily mean that the copy held there is incomplete.
Yes it was mentioned there, but it doesn't answer the question, does it.
I don't think so, the other topic only has two posts, the original being information taken from Tony's BSP. As this topic is specifically about locating source data I would rather keep it separate.
Tony is updating BSP4 that as I write and will probably make corrections regarding this project.
BSP4 has been published () and it should now be possible for others to give new info on the memo discussed on this thread.

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