Future warship from the past.


unconventional solutions
11 July 2012
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Judging radar, masts and hull shape, it looks British to me. Intakes and exhausts for those "mighty
gas turbines" are missing.
Jemiba said:
Judging radar, masts and hull shape, it looks British to me. Intakes and exhausts for those "mighty
gas turbines" are missing.

I think we've seen this on the forum somewhere, but not in the size and quality eschelon has given us. The unconventional air vents, marked 4 in the key - between the two radar systems, may accommodate the intakes and exhausts for the gas turbines.

The primary missile launchers look like a simple drawing of turreted sea slug launcher.

Definitely British, and definitely some flight of fancy for a general technical magazine.
Illustration looks like something that might've been published in the "1964 Lion Annual - for Boys"..

Maybe the 'gas' powering the "mighty...turbines" was nuclear generated steam?
I came across this drawing a while back. It was one of a series of future end drawings done for this series of books in the 60s.

Very much Eagle Boys Own Paper stuff. The design has features from the Type 82 (Radar) and the small CF299 missile launchers. The big launchers look like those on the 50s impression of the Russian Battleship or early sketches of Seasulg launchers.

Pure fantasy
Absolutely pure fantasy, but it is interesting how it does contain some cues that were at least part of naval design thinking in the 1950s. Notably the use of different missile types as a near one for one replacement for guns.

I agree that the artist was up to speed with the trends.

The curved superstructure puts me in mind of the description of the US nuclear frigate Robert Kennedy in Jo Poyer's novel about an SR 71 spy mission from this time. I forget the title.

I think the very first artists impression of the Countys had a turret launcher for the Seaslug. The launchers as drawn could have coped with big missiles like the Blue Envoy or a surface to surface system.

The radar fit is pure 60s RN.

All the best
UK 75
Dad's copy


  • NorthCape73_small.jpg
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uk 75 said:
I think the very first artists impression of the Countys had a turret launcher for the Seaslug. The launchers as drawn could have coped with big missiles like the Blue Envoy or a surface to surface system.

Some of the very earliest guided missile configurations (late 40s early 50s) were turret based. A lot of the scheming was for particular systems to act as direct replacements for guns- so Sea Slug in place of 6", a whole host of designs culminating in Sea Dart to replace the 4.5" and Sea Cat replacing 40mm. It didn't necessarily work out like that but that is how people were thinking.

Blue Envoy was huge, so huge that I have seen a proposal to convert Ark Royal to carry it.
Thanks to an excellent site about Gerry Anderson stuff called Project Sword (which I cannot seem to access at the moment) I downloaded the following images about the INSIDE INFORMATION series published in 1969. The Artist was Leslie Ashwell Wood.
I have some of these books but many are hard to find so I thought it justified to post the images here in case the Project Sword ones vanish.


  • Racing Cars Cover.jpg
    Racing Cars Cover.jpg
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  • Future Racing Car.jpg
    Future Racing Car.jpg
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  • Future Spaceliner.jpg
    Future Spaceliner.jpg
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  • Future Mail Rocket.jpg
    Future Mail Rocket.jpg
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  • Future Hoverliner.jpg
    Future Hoverliner.jpg
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  • Civil Aircraft Cover.jpg
    Civil Aircraft Cover.jpg
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  • Tanks and Armored Cars cover.jpg
    Tanks and Armored Cars cover.jpg
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  • Naval Ships cover.jpg
    Naval Ships cover.jpg
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  • Hovercraft Cover.jpg
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I left this one out


  • from inside information, a book of modern ships_ Benwig books undated by l_ Ashwell Wood_.jpg
    from inside information, a book of modern ships_ Benwig books undated by l_ Ashwell Wood_.jpg
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I think that last one was an actual SARO proposal. Don't think it was terribly serious, though.

Looks very similar indeed, although the Saro P.212 is mentioned in Tagg/Wheeler "From Sea to Air"
as just having a displacement submerged of 50,000 tons.


  • P-212.jpg
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L Ashwell Wood drew hundreds of cutaways for Eagle and other publications and was a fine cutaway artist.
His earliest works were during the Second World War, his cutaways of a KGV Class, Illustrious, T-Class sub, J-Class destroyer and couple of other light craft, if I remember rightly, were excellent in 'Britain's Glorious Navy'.

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