Future soldier technology (modified thread)

That last sentence is odd, since the XM25 TDP was supposed to have been transferred to the government as part of a legal settlement last I heard.

According to Industrial Director of cluster group " Pocтeх" ,Бeкхaн Oздoeв, the new structure of the polymer fiber armor of " Coтник" ,the composition of which is unique propietary technology of the Company, will be capable to block 12,7 mm rounds from a Browning machine gun !

The Director has added that the company is developing also new generation of shock absorber structures for "Coтник" capable (very likely with the aid of the in-built exoskeleton) to disperse the energy that the body the protected soldiers will receive from those high caliber rounds and explosions.

Russian military personnel can get combat equipment with the function of electric heating. A demonstration of the innovative equipment SLEV-1 took place at the gathering of senior officers of the Central military district in the Sverdlovsk region.

According to the press service of the Central military DISTRICT, the set of an Autonomous local electric heating system is put on underwear under standard equipment and does not restrict the movement of a serviceman.

"The duration of continuous Autonomous heating on a single battery is at least 12 hours at maximum power," the report says.

In total, the Central military DISTRICT received about 1,000 sets of SLEV-1s, which will be distributed to special forces units.

According to TASS, the new equipment can be included in the set of protective equipment "Sotnik", which should replace the "warrior" in 2025.

Titbit about that "new russian armor that can't work". Level 6A (strangely they use old GOST metric, which doesn't contain .50 protection. Max one is 6A, protection against 7,62x54R B-32 API bullet at point blank) is achieved with usage of boron carbide based ceramic + UHMW polyethylene.

http://www.niistali.ru/?sphrase_id=5639#430 - "Interpolitech 2010"
2a, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5a, 6, 6a - old standart (to 2014)
Br 1, Br 2, Br 3, Br 4, Br 5, Br 6 - modern standart
Br 6: 12.7 mm (steel heat-strengthened core), 48.2 g (744 gr), 830 mps (2690 fps)
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View: https://youtu.be/MFwVcAqI1UA?t=174

As the US Army becomes a mostly tgt designation force w. this type of Sitawarn/tgting capability, systems like M-109 will be overwhelmed. A next gen SPH which doesnt seem to be in the Army's conversation, but is more important than an Abrams or Bradley replacement .

*personal impression: AR/VR hits jackpot after decades in the wildness? No longer the "amusing nerd toy" but serious business!
Development objectives

Supposed Radio

Not sure whether IVAS have greater impact on situation awareness for AFV operators (which already have battle management systems) or infantry.
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"New combined optoelectronic observation and reconnaissance devices intended for special forces have been developed by specialists from TsNII "Cyclone". This was reported in a press release issued by Rostec.

The new device makes it possible to recognize people and equipment at a distance of several kilometers, regardless of the time of day and weather. It is produced in two versions: "Sych-PR-S" medium-range and "Sych-PR-D" long-range. The device itself combines the functions of a thermal imager, TV and laser rangefinder and is equipped with a digital magnetic compass with a satellite navigation system. The laser rangefinder works at a distance of up to 5 km.

The difference between the devices lies in the thermal imaging channels.

(...) Sych-PR-D uses a cooled thermal imager operating in the spectral range of 3-5 nm, Sych-PR-S uses an uncooled thermal imaging channel operating in the 8-12 nm range

- said in a statement.

Thus, the declared detection range for the "long-range" version is 3 km for a person and 4 km for a passenger car. For the "medium" version - 1,5 and 2,5 km, respectively.

At present, the SYCH-PR devices have passed the stage of factory tests and passed to acceptance tests. Serial production is scheduled to begin before the end of the year.

Both devices are part of the Sych line of electronic optics manufactured by the Cyclone Central Research Institute."


Dear military, please invest in this dude’s lightsaber

Imagine a world with real-life lightsaber battles.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YyBtMxZgQs


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