From Defense News Today - "Nuclear" Cruiser


Senior Member
21 April 2009
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I am assuming a nuclear power plant could also produce a great amount of extra energy for DEW and other exotic "high power energy need" weapons.

Any thoughts?

But the age old problem with the US Navy, is their ability to stick to the design parameters, that it original set out to achieve.
Which going by its past nuclear-powered ships has always slipped, at the cost of unit price, added displacement and size, and the intended number in the class intended/wanted.
I can not but help think of their nuclear-powered frigate program, which turned out to be a cruiser in both size and weight!

This thread is about a developing future project. It should be moved to the bar, aerospace today, another web forum or deleted.
I am not trying to be contrarian, but many of the topics in this thread are of this nature, and hence if this stance of wanting to move all naval threads that dealt with current developing projects, then there would not really be an active naval section of the forum. If speculation is kept to a minimum I think that it could be an insightful thread. I personally recommend keeping this thread in its current location as this is the section that it has most relevance. Though be it as the moderators wish.


Might want to read through that.
Well there was just a thread on the NSSN including the past iterations studied and possible "future" iterations of the submarine class. In fact the NSSN study/development turned into the Virginia's Class A BUILT project. It seems to me that thread should have received similar criticism, you know, for consistency. That thread did not get criticized in fact Mr. Gubler you posted to the thread without comment as to where it should be at Secret Projects or that it should be deleted. As of this moment the "Nuclear Cruiser" is an unbuilt project.

I will always defer to the wishes of the moderator but IMHO this is an unbuilt naval project.
Its an area of uncertainty. For aircraft, there is an appropriate forum for contemporary projects, but there isn't one for Navy, Space, Army or Missiles. Should we therefore not discuss contemporary projects?

There probably isn't enough material for separate contemporary forums for all these areas. Its really therefore a decision to make collectively.
overscan said:
Its an area of uncertainty. For aircraft, there is an appropriate forum for contemporary projects, but there isn't one for Navy, Space, Army or Missiles. Should we therefore not discuss contemporary projects?

There probably isn't enough material for separate contemporary forums for all these areas. Its really therefore a decision to make collectively.

Maybe a "Modern Military" section instead of "Aerospace Today"? That way land and sea stuff could go in there as well? ??? Hell, I don't know. It just sickens me to see the site take a dive.
All things considered, including my sometimes political comment transgressions, I am trying to do my best to bring value added to the forum. I have posted links to numerous studies in my limited time here solely because I thought many here would find them interesting.

So if I have committed "grave" sins on this site please send me a private message, no problem.
going nuclear may indicate the possible use of either railguns or HEL.

Not necessarily. Certainly a nuclear plant could be a more compact way of transporting joules than a conventional GTA + dieso setup. IIRC, most of the nuclear studies have concentrated on increasing independence from oil as fuel.

good point but as far as trend goes, it does increase combat capability for a smaller vessel ;)

but yeah, going nuclear seems logical to me as the price of oil in the future may not be viable for massive military consumption

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