My dear Jemiba,From Aviation magazine 1958,
I think this SRCM-180 Milouin Project was submitted to this contest,am I right ?.
Among the projects submitted to SFASA on the occasion of his recent competition light security aircraft,
the most Surprising is, no doubt, that established by the SRCM of Joigny. The SRCM 180 “Milouin” device
is effect, a wing duck monoplane mid-high and fixed tricycle train. The Continental 90 hp engine is placed
at the back of the fusel and attack,through trees and referrals, two propellers mounted substantially at mid-
span. A big skyrocketing is mounted at the rear of the fuselage, however that the front point supports a
trapezoidal stabilizer fully mobile. The main wing cipal includes a fixed slot of leading edge running all
over the span and the trailing edge is shared between internally compensated fins (sealed-balance)
deep and bend flaps recoil and double slit. The system control includes a warping - steering synchronization,
all being controlled by the handle only. However this sleeve only attacks the lower part of the rudder.
The upper part is controlled by a classic lifter on which is also connected the front wheel of the lander.
Air brakes are mounted on the sides of the fuselage, under the wing, and the steering does not affect lift
general. By opening them on the ground, we thus accesses the engine and controls. The propellers must be
not variable, a restful system on that used by the anti propellers couple of helicopters being chosen
thanks to the hollow propeller shaft available with the chosen layout. The device is built entirely of wood
in its first version, but a second variant must understand a tube fuselage welded steel fabric only covered.
Here are some figures: Envfu ": 10 m, Length: 6.50 m.
author: 3.15 m. Total surface :
18 m2. Empty weight equipped: 391
kg. Total weight: 630% e, Charge
wing: .45 kg / m2. Maximum ground speed: 200 km / h. Speed of
cruise: 180 km / h. Ascending speed
sional on the ground: 5.30 m / sec. Landing speed: 55 km / h. Theoretical ceiling: 4.200 m. Autonomy: 4 h. 30 min. Takeoff in
82 m. Passage of the 15 m: 152 m.
With gerobrakes, the device takes off,
passes the 15 m and rests, stopped
in 332 m. Without airbrakes, this
distance increased to 361 m.