Forum Rules 10 (1 October 2021)

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
Reaction score
I have updated the forum rules in light of recent incidents and these discussions. I invite all users to reread them, even if you've been here since the dawn of time.

From today, all users who breach forum rules will receive a warning. Repeated warnings will result in your posts being moderated. Some users are already on final warnings and will be moderated with another warnable offence. With an expanded moderation team, we will try to be more consistent.

This means, like a new starter, your posts will be reviewed by a moderator to ensure that they don't breach forum guidelines before they go live on the site. You can still post on the forum, with a bit of a delay, but hopefully you'll think about whether the post is going to breach guidelines before submitting it. If you can demonstrate reformed behaviour, your posting privileges may be restored. Otherwise, your account may be deleted.

Increasing divisions in society are leading to a situation where our differences seem irreconcilable. Note that some of the people most in favour of handing out bans are themselves very often the subject of repeated reports of bad behaviour themselves. Hence, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

If you feel the rules are not being applied fairly in future please cite specific incidents and the moderator team can discuss them.
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Noted. I am content for the moderators to delete or move any of my posts to ensure the smooth running of the site.

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