[Fantasy] or [Real] Tiger Projekt NM


ACCESS: Top Secret
28 January 2008
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Hi everybody

I have found this one. It looks very strange.

Three Tiger I Chassis + Three 128mm Cannons + One House = One Vehicle

What do you think about it? Are there any other informations about this PAPERTIGER ?

Many greetings
There are three distinct designs shown on that page, all of them supported by Tiger chassis:

What looks to be a very flimsy framework supporting three turrets

What looks like a glorified warehouse stuffed with guns

And a railgun with the rail bogeys replaced by Tiger chassis.

I would guess that only the third design is more than a fan concoction, either way I wouldn't put much stock into any of them.

EDIT: On second thought, it looks like the first two might use light combat tractors, not Tiger hulls. It almost looks like it's meant as a material transporter, especially judging by the framework (there's nothing supporting anything that would suggest the turrets would be functional, and they look like standard King Tiger turrets anyway, so I'm confused why they would try a set-up like this instead of just building three King Tigers or at least jury-rig a King Tiger turret onto a Tiger hull). It's hard to tell since it doesn't allow you to zoom in on the pictures.
Not to good translation.

A Mysterium is to today this project Nm - did not go beyond planning. Here three turrets with 12,8 cm cannon in a house mockup should be blocked and camouflaged thus. This construction should be put on on three tigers I chassis around it to make mobile. Details are not well-known to this project from the year 1943. Other projects saw before heavy cannons e.g. the 28 cm K5 railway cannon by two tigers II chassis seem-independently to make mobile.

Picture 1 and 2 are of the same thing. Zooming in on the turrets they look very square - not unlike the rear end of an Elefant.

Spielberger & Doyle Tigers I and II (Schiffer, 2007) p177 has a plan and elevation of Project NM to make three turrets and tiger E chassis mobile together, but simply says of it "A mystery to this day".
On p176 S. has more information on the third drawing.
"Tiger H as carrier vehicle for the heaviest guns" was a contract for Krupp (design and assembly) and Henschel [supply of components to OKH WaJRu (WuG 6) VIIIA2 No. 9846/42] to move a 24cm gun. the Tiger chassis were unarmoured, with hydraulic lifts for quick lowering of the entire gun, and hydraulic synchronisation of the two power plants for even towing. Weight per unit was some 60 tons so the Tiger chassis would cope. Towing speed 30-35km/hr. Chassis 20-22m apart so that only one would be on a bridge at a time. Henschel reported they had no spare production capacity.
Krupp also planned the carrier shown by moin1900 for the 28cm K5 railway gun. Device 566 Load Carrier 606/5 for K 5/3 (Tiger). A third Tiger would have been needed to carry the breechblock and breech.
Hi eveyrybody

To Just call me Ray, Barrington Bond and smurf
Thanks a lot for the good informations about this very "mysterious" Project!
To smurf: Can you post a little Picture of the Plan from the Project NM?

Thank you very much indeed
Sorry. The drawing is a small reproduction of a large plan, faint lines on a grey background. I know from experience my scanner won't take it. It's an engineering drawing of your first picture.
If you really want it, pm me your postal address and I'll do a photocopy on a good machine.
Here is the source link to the Projekt NM model photos and text: http://fingolfen.tripod.com/tiger/nm.html

This was posted several years ago, approximately in the year 2000.

Gary Zimmer is the author of the original text and is the builder of the model in 1/76 scale which are shown in the 2 photos. The 3rd photo is from an unknown source, but seems to be the same kit, only with a more updated photo and with the house removed. You will notice in the 2 source photos that he displays it with the house on and off.

The turrets are not "Elefant" rear upper hulls, although they are similar in shape. You will notice the lack of the cupola from the "Elefant" or even the hatches of the "Ferdinand" (the "Elefant" early version).

The lower frame is not flimsy, it looks rather sturdy being from I-Beams. The upper frame appears light, but it is only securing plywood, so doesn't need to be anything else.

In the Spielberger book is the wartime blueprint for the projekt, so it was at least a "Paper Panzer".

PS: "Smurf" is referencing information that is only pertinent to the 24cm and 28cm Kanone being transported by Tiger I and Tiger II respectfully. It is not relevant to the Projekt NM, where the whole setup stayed bolted to the tigers while in position.

panzer1946 said:
The lower frame is not flimsy, it looks rather sturdy being from I-Beams.

Doesn't make it any less stupid. That just shows whoever designed this never graduated beyond the Lincoln Logs School of Engineering.
Real project.
We are found this project in BAMA. Coordinates of file in BAMA - RH8-I-2590-K. Drawings of NM located located in file with Tiger II various drawings.
On the NM drawings i found- 15.VI.43. HSK 3485
Same drawings located in Spielberger book about Tiger.


  • s177.jpg
    758.7 KB · Views: 832
Odd, the 3 turrets are inside a House...

That's not a so called "Landcruiser", the notorious P-1000 & P-1500 Hitler wanted so bad.

as part of a Fortress, it would make some sense
looking like house until the Guns fired and It's moveable to get better position to fire on enemy armed forces.
but in age of Air attracts and Bomber raid, this Tiger NM is a big slow moving fat target for RAF & USAAF target practice...
So the NM was more than likely designed for the Marine-Artillerie-Einheiten, the coastal artillery units of the Kriegsmarine. For placement in it's initial position, you could disguise it to look like a building on a small hill. The trick would be to make sure the additional camouflage used wouldn't impede the NM when it would need to relocate once an invading enemy had rumbled it or their advance was otherwise threating it's position. Another problem would be the possibility of a sharp eyed spy, photo recon pilot, or intelligence analyst noticing a building/hill appearing where none had been before. You would have to get even more crafty to avoid that.

I wonder if the NM was designed with a particular Seeverteidigung (Sea defense zone) in mind?
There are three distinct designs shown on that page, all of them supported by Tiger chassis:

What looks to be a very flimsy framework supporting three turrets

What looks like a glorified warehouse stuffed with guns

And a railgun with the rail bogeys replaced by Tiger chassis.

I would guess that only the third design is more than a fan concoction, either way I wouldn't put much stock into any of them.

EDIT: On second thought, it looks like the first two might use light combat tractors, not Tiger hulls. It almost looks like it's meant as a material transporter, especially judging by the framework (there's nothing supporting anything that would suggest the turrets would be functional, and they look like standard King Tiger turrets anyway, so I'm confused why they would try a set-up like this instead of just building three King Tigers or at least jury-rig a King Tiger turret onto a Tiger hull). It's hard to tell since it doesn't allow you to zoom in on the pictures.

They are not 'turrets', the 3 guns are stationary. Therefore they are not as heavy. The Grayfalcon page with Projekt NM is no longer active, however, that sight is known for inaccuracies. The actual wartime drawing of it exists, and it was not on the Grayfalcon site.
panzer1946 said:
The lower frame is not flimsy, it looks rather sturdy being from I-Beams.

Doesn't make it any less stupid. That just shows whoever designed this never graduated beyond the Lincoln Logs School of Engineering.

Jumping to conclusions a lot I see. First off it was only a design sketch. That doesn't mean it was going to be built, it was an idea. And had they built it, and possibly found the beams 'not sturdy enough' they would have strengthened it, used Tiger II instead of Tiger I due to extra weight, or dropped the plan.

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