Electronic Aerospace Projects Review


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5 April 2006
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Finally at long last I've finished up a PDF revision of issue V1N1 of my old Aerospace Projects Review magazine. I will be selling them (and, eventually, all the other issues) on CD-ROM. I've updated the original issue... mostly by way of improving picture quality and size, though I've added a fair amount to the Rockwell X-33 section. The original print version was 28 pages - 25 of which were useful (three pages of cover, table of contents, etc). The new version is 42 page, 40 of which are the actual meat of the issue.

Not quite ready to offer 'em up for sale. Had hoped to do so last weekend, but got delayed, and the conversion to PDF was surprisingly troublesome. But the final product looks pretty good. Selling price will be about $6 for US order, probably a dollar more elsewhere. I have yet to update my webpage, so don't send funds yet.

I started with V1N1 because, well, it was first.... and it was easy. I will be doing the other issues somewhat randomly. If there are some clearly favorite issues out there that people are interested in, speak up.

This issue includes large articles on the Seversky "Super Clipper," the Lockheed "Flatbed," and Rockwells X-33 design. It clocks in at a surprisingly lean 6.5 megabytes. Other issues will be vastly larger, but the same price.

So, again... what issues next?
You can get an idea of what is in each issue here:

Well, this reader would definitely like electronic copies of the issue with the article on the "command transport" version of the F-106 as well as the issue with the major article on the F-103.
Orionblamblam said:
So, again... what issues next?

All, all of themmm! Logically, move in historical order...
Personally, I would rather buy whole volumes on a CD than single issues. I would suggest making PDFs of Volume 1, and selling it for $25. Obviously again just my point of view.

Count me in!

Aside from wanting every single one of the APR issues in print, I'm also just as wanting of every issue on CD as well.

I'm throwing my vote in with Evan for more info about the F-106 "High Speed Executive Transport" and the XF-103.

Also, I just went through your website's front page and noticed the previews of Fantastic-Plastic releases. Among the many goodies there I saw the profile of a Pluto. Please, tell me that one is gonna be in 72nd scale! That would be just perfect to have on my desk at work. "Scare the bejesus out of Greenpeace" indeed!

Madoc said:
Aside from wanting every single one of the APR issues in print, I'm also just as wanting of every issue on CD as well.

Going to do a few things:

1: the eAPR issues will be released in a somewhat random order... and will be re-numbered. So if I were to release a revised version of V5N6 next (I won't), it would be re-numbered to eV1N2.

2: I will take subscriptions, for six issues at a time. As the release schedule is going to be somewhat random, it could take six months, one year, two years to collect on one complete eVolume. Each issue will be mailed out on CD-ROM, not kept in waiting for a complete eVolume to be complete.

3: US subscriptions: $30.00

4: non-US subscriptions: $36.00

5: US issues: $6.00

6: non US issues: $7.50

7: Feel free to paypal money at me anytime. I'm working on updating my webpage, hope to have it up and running tonight.

I'm throwing my vote in with Evan for more info about the F-106 "High Speed Executive Transport" and the XF-103.


Also, I just went through your website's front page and noticed the previews of Fantastic-Plastic releases. Among the many goodies there I saw the profile of a Pluto. Please, tell me that one is gonna be in 72nd scale!

Yup. Hopefully with innards. That's sorta up to the guy who runs F-P, though. Send him a note if you wish, coudl help him determine whetehr Pluto is worth doing sooner rather than later.
Orionblamblam said:
Got the new webpage:


Bland, but servicable.

You'd mentioned at one point doing some stuff on the developement of Pluto, any idea where that might be on your list of things to cover? :)

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