Ehrler Marine-Kampfflugzeug (Naval bomber)


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11 March 2006
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Hermann Ehrler did some work as a kind of "freelance designer" for the Flugzeugbau-Friedrichshafen GmbH
before and during WW I. The quite curious design for a "Marine-Kampfflugzeug" (Naval attack a/c, bomber)
is shown in „Zeppelins Flieger – Das Flugzeug im Zeppelin.Konzern und in seinen Nachfolgebetrieben“, without
additional data, so probably one of his own designs. With a length of 25 m and a biggest span of the tandem wings
it probably would have been powered by two engines, installed in the hull.


  • Ehrler_Marine_Kampfflugzeug_01.jpg
    139.1 KB · Views: 207
Strange crew compartment - I'm I correct in reading it as a walkable ring around the central compartment?
The size/width of the hull probably would have been large enough, but there's no
direct clue to this in the book. It seems, that not much information about this project have
survived, apart rom this drawing. Hermann Ehrler (principally a teacher !) is described as a
tinkerer, but holding a patent on method for the lateral control of aircraft, that was actually
used by the Flugzeugbau-Friedrichshafen GmbH.
Very nice project my dear Jemiba,

I like the aircraft from 1910s period.

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