The Driessen design was the winning contender (of 3) in a late 1939 competition for a possible K.L.M.
long range passenger/mail aircraft.
The plane must be able to fly non-stop from Amsterdan in The Netherlands to Batavia
in the Dutch East Indies, now Djakarta in Indonesia.
The contest was organised by the 'Comité Vliegtocht Nederlands Indie'
(Committee Flight to Dutch India)
Several designs were judged by the Royal Dutch Insitute for Enineers.
3th desgin by Cremer.A conventional 4 engined aircraft with Diesel engines.
2th design by Van Lammeren.This was an aircraft with two cockpits.
One in the nose for take-off and landing and a second cockpit within the
pressurised main cabin for long distance flights above the weather.
1st and winning design, the Driessen Flying Wing.
E.A.Driessen was chief engineer of the research department of the K.L.M.
Unfortunately , Europe was at the eve of WWII and the flying wing design
never came to the hardware stadium.
some specs:
span : 34m
height : 3.70m
wingsurface : 175m2
total weight : 17.500kg
cruising speed :328km/h
max .range : 20.000km
powered by 3 Junkers JUMO diesels. type and performence not known.
source : summary from an article in the Dutch magazine 'Vliegwereld 1939'