Driving with care for the conditions at the time?

This is the exact reason why I sunk 1000 euros+ when I bought my Fiat in 2011: I wanted air conditionning, for two reasons.
First, not to die of overheating during summer long drives - I got enough of this as a kid in vintage 1980's cars, so no, thanks.
The second reason, is that air conditioning is also damn efficient to de-frost a car during winter. I see the difference with my sister car, same generation but no air conditioning: it is a PITA during winter: it is like driving inside an aquarium or a fish tank.
Note that I do not live in Sweden nor Canada nor Siberia: only in Bordeaux, with begnin winters rarely going below 0°Celsius... but drivers there are lunatics and sociopaths. Driving on that town motorway is like driving amid Ted Bundies or Hannibal Lecters.
A few years ago, working for the ambulance service in east anglia we were called to a 4 car crash, after a couple of inches of snow and with icy road conditions, luckily all the drivers etc were ok.

They had all been driving too fast for the conditions, had not cleared windscreens etc and ended up sliding off the road and into a ditch.

I drove an Ambulance, about 8-10 miles, with the blues on, at reasonable speed on the same condition roads, to get to them as we had no update on injuries etc.

Along the route we met up with a police traffic car, and together arrived at the scene.

2 drivers, one a US service persons wife and one a UK national approached us all, telling us that it was not their fault, it was the council for not clearing gritting the road etc.

They then pointed out that "it's impossible to drive in these conditions without crashing" at which point myself, my crew mate and the police officer calmly turned around, looked at our vehicles safely parked behind us, before turning back "really?"

Bad workman blames his tools?
Two years ago in winter it was merely raining a little. I get out of my flat, then out of my suburb. I pass on the usual bridge above the Bordeaux motorway. I see one half of the motorway crowded, clogged to death, horizon to horizon. Only little time to think (hypocritically) "cool, it's no my direction."

Take the others direction, my direction to the airport where I worked (before COVID devastation).

Two kilometers out of twelve... it starts slowing down, then grounds to a complete halt. "Fuck. Time to check traffic on the phone".

I open the phone, check the traffic. Bordeaux motorway is a 45 km round circle all around the town. When there is an accident, a little icon with a crashed car pops out.

That day, one... two... four... six... then more and more crashed-car-icons start popping out all over the place: north, south, west... it was like fucking measles, with red buttons all over.

I learned later that, between six and eight in that morning (took me TWO HOURS to drive to the airport) a total of eleven cars had crashed down, at four points in the motorway (all around the clock, if you prefer) plus more crashes on the highways north and south of the town.

And it was only a dark winter morning with a little rain. Not even freezing, no hail, no fog, nothing extreme.

Told that to my wife - she was as baffled as I was. "Idiots. They drive so bad in ordinary time, only a little rain brings complete chaos." French people drive like arrogant lunatics, Paris is the worst, closely followed by Marseille (beware of the AK-47s there) and Bordeaux completes the podium. I've been driving there since 2006 and I come to the conclusion, half drivers are idiots and the other half is demented.
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