Der Eurofighter by Bernd Vetter- German language book on Eurofighter

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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Book Description: Motor Book Publishers, 2008. The Eurofighter represented than any other arms project in the last decades of innovation, strength and agility. It is equally a prominent role for the Air Force, NATO, and not least for the German industry. The High-Tech Fighter "is currently in the extradition to the German, British, Italian and Spanish Air Force. The training operation is in full swing. This book shows the evolution of the first study to series maturity and describes the current and planned use of the machinery at the various air weapons. Test pilots, designers and engineers allow a glimpse behind the scenes of this unique project. 192pp.

First concepts and studies
The tactical fighter aircraft TKF-90
The EAP test-makers
The road to the Rockwell / MBB X-31
The way to the final of the EFA
Development contract
The 90s-years
From Jäger 90 to Eurofighter 2000

Development and production
Tranches, blocks and outlook
Industry support for the Eurofighter

Interpretation and cell
The cockpit
Flight control systems
The radar system
The Eurojet EJ200 engine
The armament of the Eurofighter

The German Air Force
The Italian Air Force
The Spanish Air Force
The Royal Air Force
The Austrian Air Force
The Royal Saudi Arabian Air Force
Possible Eurofighter customers of the future

Any opinions?


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Really, have none of our german members seen this book?

Just interested in your opinions....
Today I had a short look at this book in a local bookshop, looks quite good,
with several colour profiles of the Eurofighter in the markings of, I think, all
countries, that have bought it still yet. With regards to the development and
pre-projects, I've seen one study by VFW-Fokker of a STOL fighter with thrust
vectoring, that was new to me. The biggest part of the book is dedicated to the
Eurofighter as we know it, construction, roles, armament, with a lot of good photos,
but I think, no sensational news.
Will try to get a closer look next week, when I'm there with a some more time ...
overscan said:
Really, have none of our german members seen this book?

Just interested in your opinions....

Just found that book in a book-shop in Mainz, and even if the pre-EF-history with its projects is IMO too short, I like it.

Besides that, here's a review written by Tom Cooper from ACIG:

First of all, I'll openly admit that I had the opportunity for some extensive communication with one of authors, Frank Vetter, recently, so everybody is free to call the following review "biased" if you like. Still, I would like to bring back to your minds that I'm probably one of the people the least likely to buy books like this one. If for no other reason, then because from my standpoint 4.5th and 5th Generation fighter aircraft are "fascinating" but also "too electric", and thus not particularly interesting for me. A matter of personal predilection, "taste" if you like, nothing else. Still, I found this book to be an extremely useful source of reference, and cannot but recommend it to everybody.

Namely, in my eyes, this is a "no questions left unanswered" work, and at least a decade or so is going to pass before anything comparative is going to at least be reqiured - not to talk about being published. That's unsurprising, then the book illustrates very well that the authors Bernd Vetter and Frank Vetter (father and son, both work for Lufthansa) could reach back on extensive help from Eurofighter GmbH, EADS, but also the Luftwaffe and other various organisations involved in this project.

This book is organized chronologically, starting with extensive coverage of R+D phase, right since the project "Air Defence Version 075" from the early 1970s, extensive discussion of the then MRCA (later Tornado), and different other projects (including line-drawings of the same). That way the whys and hows are covered in great detail and really nicelly explained.

Subsequent chapters cover the CCV-technology, the TKF-90 (Tactical Combat Aircraft ), and then Rockwell/MBB X-31. All covered in really great detail, with analysis of basic ideas, different premisses, requirements and reasons for specific development, re-sizing and re-equipping of the basic design idea, changes in aerodynamic layout etc. And this not only in regards of German standpoint, but also those of the British, Italian, Spanish - and even French standpoints, reasoning etc.

Already the fans of "what if" projects are thus going to have their "field days" with these chapters alone.

Still, these chapters are written compactly. I.e. the authors avoided stumbling off topic, and remain concentrated on what really matters and is thus interesting. That means that people with less interest in "what was before this thing came into being" kind of topic are going to find them interesting and useful too.

Subsequent chapters cover the R+D work in the 1990s, and the way from "Jäger 90 to Eurofighter 2000", before entering the major topic of Production and Industrial support (covered again in great detail though still in a compact manner, so that everything remains easily within the scope). Tranches, Batches, Blocks and future R+D work in this direction are covered nicely as well, with fine and simple descriptions of what which Tranche means, includes etc.

Another chapter covers the technology of the entire EF-2000 system in great detail. This starts with a "cut-out" view and description of the aircraft, official data in regards of dimensions and performances, and then detailled description of each single major component of the aircraft, including the radome, cockpit, radar, sensor suite, HUD, HEA, MHDDs, HOTAS, PIRATE, warning systems, energy supply, Eurojet 200s, wings, fuselage, steering, rudders and other moving elements, undercarriage assembly etc.. Even some of future components are covered, foremost the CAESAR-AI-radar, and its function. Weapons system is covered in a separate sub-chapter, and covers the cannon, AIM-9L/Ms, IRIS-T, and ASRAAM, before going on with AMRAAM and Meteor, and then air-to-ground weaponry, before concluding with DASS (EF-2000's ESM/ECM/ECCM system). This section alone includes a number of very clear, detail-revealing photos the worth of which is worth buying this book.

Finally, EF-2000's deployment with five air forces (four major customers and Austria) is covered in detail as well, starting with its introduction in Germany - which is almost 20 pages long, and richly illustrated. Here some of leading pilots and officers are given opportunity to provide their opinions as well. There follow Italy, Spain and the RAF in similar style (though not as extensivelly), and also richly illustrated, and then Austria.

Of course, there is an almost side-long sub-chapter on Saudi Arabia, followed by other possible future customers (Greece, Turke, Japan, and Switzerland).

Appendixes include a chronological list of relevant events/developments; list of Abreviations; other sources of reference, and a page dedicated to both authors.

All of this is packed in a handsome, DIN A4+ format (some 5cm wider than standard A4), which provides space also for some striking photography as well (including several shots of HUD in full operational mode!).

Overall, some are certainly going to see this book rather like something of "coverage of EF-2000 from the German standpoint". Surely, the emphasis is on what the Germans envisaged to get when they become involved in this project, and what way of R+D they followed, and why. But I shamelessly admit I'm fascinated with chapters on R+D work and different projects in the 1970s and 1980s, and cannot but highly recommend this book alone for coverage of this phase. Besides, Vetters did manage to observe precisely what were demands of other nations and air forces involved in Eurofighter project, and also provide a useful coverage of political debate over this affair in Germany as well as in Italy, Spain and the UK, and then return to a coverage of EF-2000's deployment in these countries.

Thus, the only "flaw" I see is that this book is currently available in German language only. Perhaps Motorbuch Verlag comes to the idea to ready an English translation: it would certainly be most wellcome by many readers around the world.

"Der Eurofighter" is available from most of local bookshops in German-language area, but also Amazon and similar online stores.

BTW, the same authors recently completed their work on Dassault-Breguet-Dornier Alpha Jet, to be published later this year by the same publisher, and I'm very much looking forward for that volume!

Like Tom says, the early stuff is very German-centric. The UK studies don't really get a mention, and (IMHO) thats quite an omission from the story. The P.110 and the EAP that spawned from it in particular are under represented relative to their importance.

Still, an excellent book.

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