Decision Aids for Naval Air ASW (1980 Technical Report)

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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An interesting study carried out for NADC, Warminister:

A variety of techniques to assist the military decision makers have
been developed under the sponsorship of ONR, DARPA, and others. The objective
of this effort has been to determine the applicability of these techniques to
operational decision situations encountered in Naval Air Anti-Submarine Warfare
(ASW). The environments in which the three major Navy ASW platforms (the P-3C,
JI S-3A, and LAMPS MK III) operator was reviewed, and documentation on each of the
platforms was analyzed. Primary attention was given to the Tactical Coordinator
(TACCO), who is responsible for integrating all decisions made by other crew
members into a tactical plan for the mission. A series of operator tasks associated
with accomplishing specific mission function were identified and from
them a set of situations that represent major decision aiding needs common to
all three platforms were then synthesized. A method for prioritizing these
decision situations for decision aid construction was developed and applied.
The analysis indicated the need for decision aids in six decision
making situations that arise in the course of an air ASW mission. These
situations are:

• Lost-Contact Reacquisition
• Contact Classification/Verification
• On-Station Search
• Localization
• Surveillance Tracking
• Attack Planning

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