Darkstar hypersonic plane from Top Gun 2: Maveric


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5 April 2006
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anyone here read the story about a project called "RS-85 Dolos", started service in 1993 -

I hope that image is production art for the movie, not a final product. That white spraypaint "aging" looks freakin' low effort.
No relation I presume, no weapons so smart that they discuss phenomenology.


If LM is advising, you can be sure the goal was to make sure the movie prop does not look too much like a real operational aircraft. Like NG's role in Stealth, the objective is to make a plane that is plausible looking but definitely wrong.
Despite being advertised as realistic, still has that plastic movie prop feel to it, yeah like this one:

And i can't help but also see a slight reminiscence to Rodrigo's FX (with tails) in this shot, idk maybe it's just me:

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If LM is advising, you can be sure the goal was to make sure the movie prop does not look too much like a real operational aircraft. Like NG's role in Stealth, the objective is to make a plane that is plausible looking but definitely wrong.
To prevent spies from taking advantage of the information :D
This will be pretty high on the list of ‘things that didn’t happen in…’ whatever year it was.
This will be pretty high on the list of ‘things that didn’t happen in…’ whatever year it was.
This is a sea story.

How would the Chinese know to redirect a satellite in the first place? On the rare occasion that observing satellite orbits do get changed, it's because the owners have advanced knowledge of something of extreme interest. But if China already had knowledge that this model was sitting out in the open, they would also know what it was and why it wasn't worth bothering.
This will be pretty high on the list of ‘things that didn’t happen in…’ whatever year it was.
This is a sea story.

How would the Chinese know to redirect a satellite in the first place? On the rare occasion that observing satellite orbits do get changed, it's because the owners have advanced knowledge of something of extreme interest. But if China already had knowledge that this model was sitting out in the open, they would also know what it was and why it wasn't worth bothering.

A wise spy confirms - or denies - new evidence from a wide variety of angles. You can be certain that Chinese spies were also digging through dumpsters and plying Darkstar engineers with too many beers.
A wise spy confirms - or denies - new evidence from a wide variety of angles. You can be certain that Chinese spies were also digging through dumpsters and plying Darkstar engineers with too many beers.

But a wise satellite ops manager doesn't use up delta-v unless he absolutely has to. Every burn that isn't a reboost is time off a satellite's service life.
A wise spy confirms - or denies - new evidence from a wide variety of angles. You can be certain that Chinese spies were also digging through dumpsters and plying Darkstar engineers with too many beers.

But a wise satellite ops manager doesn't use up delta-v unless he absolutely has to. Every burn that isn't' a reboost is time off a satellite's service life.
Hell, they probably have people inside Northrop Grumman who'd already let them know it's a movie prop.
This will be pretty high on the list of ‘things that didn’t happen in…’ whatever year it was.
This is a sea story.

How would the Chinese know to redirect a satellite in the first place? On the rare occasion that observing satellite orbits do get changed, it's because the owners have advanced knowledge of something of extreme interest. But if China already had knowledge that this model was sitting out in the open, they would also know what it was and why it wasn't worth bothering.

It’s typical to see something and retask to get additional coverage,ie additional passes
Conspiracy hat on: a satellite got diverted to look at something else, which happened to line up with the film activity. At least one involved party sees some benefit in putting it out there that the diversion was because of the movie prop, and not the real Very Interesting Thing. Whatever that might be.
Conspiracy hat on: a satellite got diverted to look at something else, which happened to line up with the film activity. At least one involved party sees some benefit in putting it out there that the diversion was because of the movie prop, and not the real Very Interesting Thing. Whatever that might be.
Why would they have a movie prop near anything remotely interesting? So it could accidentally appear in a movie?
Conspiracy hat on: a satellite got diverted to look at something else, which happened to line up with the film activity. At least one involved party sees some benefit in putting it out there that the diversion was because of the movie prop, and not the real Very Interesting Thing. Whatever that might be.
Why would they have a movie prop near anything remotely interesting? So it could accidentally appear in a movie?
Wouldn't even need to be nearby - might well work out that for that particular satellite, capturing what's happening at (say) Diego Garcia meant coincidentally overflying the filming location some hours earlier or later.
If there was anything to know I am pretty sure the relevant PSi Corps rep was there to nose around. Not as if this is B5 after all.
Like NG's role in Stealth, the objective is to make a plane that is plausible looking but definitely wrong
i had the chance to talk with Oliver Scholl the production designer for Stealth in 2011.
He told me a different story:

There were barely any interaction with Northrop and movie production.
The Director wanted something in style of Macross/Robotech VF-1 Valkyrie (we laugh allot about that).
Scholl look for data and Inspiration in the Internet and found some of Northrop stuff in a Forum
Sadly i not ask him what Forum he had found...

why you should run to cinema:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEwCne2vnFc
Meet Darkstar's Creators - Jim
As a conceptual designer, Jim gets to merge his artistic and technical skills on a daily basis. When the Top Gun: Maverick team needed a head-turning design to feature in the film, Jim was ready to deliver and Darkstar was born
View: https://youtu.be/-OEDYnqN_aE

View: https://youtu.be/j4qwMGd2wmQ


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I didn't see it mentioned so I thought I'd toss it in... Darkstar is available to fly in the free Microsoft Flight Sim Top Gun DLC. It's also available in Ace Combat 7's Top Gun DLC as well.

I'm also hearing that Lockheed only built the first third of it in full scale with a "functional" cockpit for the movie. I haven't seen anything about any sub-scale mockups made. I really hope they didn't scrap them after wrap-up. Would be fun to see them given back to Lockheed or put on display somewhere, even if she is fictional. The full-scale 1/3 and cockpit would be a fun thing at a place like Blackbird Airpark.
My first thought on seeing it was it's an updated XF-103, particularly because it has that near windowless cockpit (no doubt done to conceal the "bad guy" within and avoid movie credits).
How likely is it that someone could survive an ejection at Mach 10.3? I'm thinking not very.
The X-15 seat was designed to allow for ejections up to Mach 4 and 120,000 feet. Mach 10 is significantly faster. An encapsulated seat design may allow higher ejection speeds, however the decelerations and heating issues experienced may be too much to survive. I did not see an encapsulated seat in the movie or pictures. If, after the Dark Star broke up and decelerated, Maverick was able to ride the cockpit to a lower speed and altitude for a safer ejection then possibly. Also, if the Dark Star was designed to separate the forward fuselage section and then eject at a lower altitude then there's another possibility.


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from HYFAC, Vol. IV, Part 1, Ph. III :

"The encapsulated seat extends the open seat envelope only slightly and at an increase in cost, weight, and complexity, which is not considered to be Justified."

Preferred M12 Escape systems identified as:
  • Crew Module
  • Seperable Nose Cone
  • Seperable Nose with Open Ejection Seat

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